Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Colored School Grounds Improved Thanks to Principal J.J. Jones and His Wife, Nov. 3, 1921

Colored School Grounds Improved

The colored school grounds have recently been greatly improved by grading the hill between the school building and the street.

This grading has made a fine level campus in front of the building and the windows have been screened so that the boys can play ball without danger of breaking out window lights.

Entire credit for this improvement is due the principal, J.J. Jones, and his wife, who is one of the teachers. Mr. Jones planned and supervised the work and Mrs. Jones solicited funds among the people of the colored race to add to a small amount her husband had on hand so that there was no expense to the school board for this improvement.

In the spring, shade trees will be planted and playground equipment placed on the grounds.

A water main has recently been laid in the school and outdoor sanitary drinking fountains installed.

From The Mount Airy News, Nov. 3, 1921

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