Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Fire Department Keeps Loss at National Furniture Company to $40,000, Nov. 3, 1921

Disastrous Fire Averted

Last Thursday night about 8 o’clock fire broke out in the finishing room of the National Furniture Company and but for the prompt and efficient work of the local fire company, might have caused the destruction of several furniture buildings. The fire originated in the varnishing room while the men were at work on night duty, and gained headway very fast. For 30 minutes two streams of water were pumped by the fire engine on the fire at the rate of 1,500 gallons per minute, and the fire was thus held in the part of the building where it first started.

The greatest loss to the company is by water, as the storage room is directly under where the fire was. The loss in damaged furniture is estimated around $40,000 and is covered by insurance.

From The Mount Airy News, Nov. 3, 1921

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