Monday, October 10, 2022

Use Duster to Apply Arsenic Compound to Try to Kill Boll Weevil, Oct. 10, 1922

Brings Demonstrator for Cotton Farmers. . . Spence-Hollowell Co. to Have Government Demonstrator at the Fair This Week

“Farmers visiting the Fair this week will have an opportunity to learn some things about the boll weevil and methods of combatting it,” says Dr. L.S. Blades of Spence-Hollowell Company of this city.

“It has been only a short time since the boll weevil has discovered in counties where now it has grown to be a menace. The boll weevil has been discovered in Currituck, in Chowan and by next year it will probably be in Pasquotank.

“We are expecting a demonstrator to be at the Fair this week, to show the farmers how to combat it. The “Niagara” dusters will be demonstrated. We can recall the time when the potato bug was a serious menace to the potato crops, but thru the efforts of the farmer in using insecticides, the potato bug has been kept from doing serious damage.

If we can get the farmers to begin in time, they will be able to combat the boll weevil when it makes its appearance in this section. The Niagara dusters have been demonstrated as the most effective safeguard yet discovered, and we believe they will be a boon to cotton farmers throughout the district.”

From the front page of The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., Tuesday, Oct. 10, 1922. the photo shows an advertisement for a Niagara duster. The chemical used to kill boll weevils in the 1920s was an arsenic compound.

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