Monday, October 10, 2022

W.H. Jennette Explains Why He Voted in Favor of Movies on Sundays, Oct. 10, 1922

Is In Favor of Sunday Movies. . . Alderman Jennette Thinks a Good Picture Show on Sundays Would Help

Alderman W.H. Jennette, one of the four who voted for the recent repeal of Elizabeth City’s Sunday Blue Law says he would favor moving pictures on Sunday afternoons as well, for the sake of keeping the young people of the town out of greater mischief.

“Don’t understand me to say that I would favor such pictures as we are now accustomed to getting,” said Mr. Jennette. “But if it were possible to get a Sunday program of unquestionably clean pictures, or even pictures of an educational nature only, I would favor Sunday movies.”

Mr. Jennette went on to say: “I have three boys; I can keep better track of my boys on any day in the week than Sunday. I voted for the drug stores to open on Sunday because I would rather see my boys in a drug store on Sunday than have them follow the usual Sunday gangs that frequent side street eating houses and livery stables. I would feel even better satisfied if my boys could go to a good, clean picture show on Sunday afternoon, where they could see pictures that would give them something worth while to think about.”

From the front page of The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., Tuesday, Oct. 10, 1922

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