Saturday, June 3, 2023

Boys Hiked to Camp Rota-Ki-Y, June 3, 1923

Boys Hiked to Camp Rota-Ki-Y

Members of the boys’ department of the Y.M.C.A. hiked out to Camp Rota-Ki-Y on Eno river Friday and spent the night, returning to the city Saturday afternoon in charge of Merrill P. Knight, physical director of the “Y.” This is the last hike that will be staged this year before the opening of the camp for summer activities. Camp will open officially June 18th and will run until August 1st.

Camp Rota-Ki-Y is the only camp of its nature in or near the city catering exclusively to boys. All the boys in the community are given the privilege of spending one week or more at the camp by paying the fee which will be unusually low. An attractive folder on the camp is being worked out and will soon be in the hands of the boys. Further announcements will be made later concerning the camp.

From page 10 of the Durham Morning Herald, June 3, 1923

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