Friday, June 16, 2023

T.B. Parker Running for Commissioner of Agriculture, June 16, 1923

Parker Announces His Candidacy. . . Will Enter Race for Commissioner of Agriculture

By the Associated Press

Raleigh, N.C., June 15—T.B. Parker, for a number of years connected with the State Department of Agriculture, tonight announced his candidacy for Commissioner of Agriculture.

“Any person seeking an important office, like that of Commissioner of Agriculture,” Mr. Parker stated in his announcement, “should have a definite purpose in view other than simply to run for office. For that reason I announce my ‘platform’: Better farming methods, better farm homes and better marketing facilities.

“Better farming methods for the purpose of keeping farming operations up-to-date, reducing the cost of production and adding to the profits. Better homes equipped for the comfort and conveniences of the family thereby giving them the pleasure that should grow in rural life. Better marketing facilities so as to get the full value for the farm crops sold, all of which will give to the family in the farm homes new visions of real country life and inspire them to higher ideals and aspirations. Upon these depend the future prosperity of our country.

“It will be my desire to bring the State Department of Agriculture into closest cooperation with every agency, state and federal, that has for its purposes the betterment of rural conditions and a more prosperous and successful agriculture. To this end I promise my efforts.

“The years of service I had in conducting farmers and women’s institutes gave me the opportunity of going into every county in the state and secure first hand information direct from the farmers concerning agricultural conditions in their localities.”

“But no experience I have had,” Mr. Parker continued, “will stay with me longer than those obtained at our Farm Women’s Institutes. It was at those meetings that we came into closest touch with the human element of the farm, the mothers and daughters, the home makers of the country, the molders of the lives of those who are to follow us in the making of a greater North Carolina in their generation.”

Mr. Parker is a Democrat and his friends refer to him as a “dirt farmer.”

From the front page of the Durham Morning Herald, Saturday, June 16, 1923

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