Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Home Demonstration Club Women Survey Jones County for Polio Immunization, Aug. 25, 1960

Polio Immunization Survey Shows Many Not Vaccinated Especially Among Negroes

The survey of 1,401 Jones County homes that was made earlier this year with the help of Jones county Home Demonstration Clubwomen and the County Health Department reveals a great need for further immunizations against infantile paralysis in the county.

In a report to District Health Officer Dr. D.J. Worman, the State Board of Health shows that the 1,401 homes surveyed included 867 white homes and 553 negro homes. These homes included 4,000 white persons and 3,311 negroes.

The survey revealed that of this 7,311 persons 2,786 had received no polio immunization shots, 724 had received either one or two vaccinations and 3,801 had received the recommended three or more shots.

When broken down by race it was shown that the negro citizens of the county had responded less readily to this protection from polio.

Under five years of age only 45 white children had received no shots, but 114 negroes under five had no shots.

Receiving one or two shots were 54 white and 103 negro children, and 213 white children and 172 negro children under five had gotten the full three shots.

In the 5 to 14 year age group 31 white and 74 negro children had gotten no shot, 61 white and 150 negro children only one or two shots, and the full dosage had been received by 1,182 white and 1,015 negro children.

In the age group from 15 to 39 years 535 white and 431 negroes had not taken a single shot, 186 white and 86 negroes had gotten one or two shots, and 629 white and 465 negroes had gotten the full treatment.

In the over 40 age group 916 white and 474 negroes had not gotten one shot, 40 whites and 26 negroes had gotten one or two shots, and only 35 whites and 29 negroes had gotten the full protection.

This protection is still available at the health clinic in the court house at Trenton for those under 16 who have not gotten it.

From the front page of the Jones County Journal, Trenton, N.C., Aug. 25, 1960

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