Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Kinston Hospital Treats 10 Poisoning Cases During July, 1960

Kinston Hospital Treats 10 Poison Cases During July

Re-emphasizing the danger of household and farm poisons is the report from Lenoir Memorial Hospital in Kinston that 10 persons were treated for various types of poisoning during the month of July alone and that one patient, a young Jones County negro, died form poison believed to have been a type used in tobacco cultivation.

This was the only adult poisoning for July. The other nine treated were children, who apparently got smaller doses and were saved although several suffered greatly before recovery.

Paris Green accounted for five cases, kerosene for two, fly spray for one, and Clorox for the final case.

From the front page of the Jones County Journal, Trenton, N.C., Aug. 25, 1960

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