Wednesday, July 5, 2023

News from Marble, Boiling Springs, Peachtree, July 5, 1923


On last Sunday night we had with us in our Senior B.Y.P.U., Miss Winnie Rickett of Andrews, who gave a nice lecture on the importance of training the Baptist young people, which is a very important matter for the young people of today will be the leaders of tomorrow, and it is very necessary that they start right. And we hope in the near future that many of our young people may take advantage of the great opportunity and make Doers as well as hearers. And we hope that Miss Rickett may come again and that we all together may work for the great cause of the Master and lay up treasures in Heaven.

Mrs. Walter Witt was a Marble visitor Monday.

Miss Mae Barton made a flying trip to Murphy on Monday.

Mr. D.S. Russell of Andrews was in our town Monday on business.

J.W. Welch of Maltby was in our town Monday on business.

Miss Bessie Newman was visiting at the home of Miss Mae Barton Sunday.

Mr. Bob Allen, who has employment at Hayesville, is at home for a few days.

Rev. N.O. Kilpatrick is holding a series of meetings at Junaluska the past week.

Mr. Claude Sneed of Maltby was a Marble visitor Monday.

Mr. John Thompson of Vengeance Creek was in Marble Monday.

J.T. Hayes of Tomotla was in our town Monday on business.


Everybody is busy in the corn fields around here during this beautiful weather.

Several of the young people of this place spent the Fourth of July at Cool Springs on the big mountain.

Mr. A.B. Anderson of Marble was a visitor at our Sunday school last Sunday.

Messrs. Horace Townsend and Andy McDonald were horse trading last week.

Miss Iona McDonald was the dinner guest Sunday of Miss Myrtle Dockery.

Mr. B.M. Dockery made a business trip to Murphy on Monday.

Our Sunday school is progressing nicely at this place. Everybody come.

Mr. Luther Mundy has returned home from West Virginia, where he has been for sometime.


Miss Fannie Brittain spent several days last week in Andrews with her sister, Mrs. V.T. Ledford.

Herman Ferguson returned home from Ohio last week.

Oakley Witt of College Park, Ga., spent the week-end with home folks.

Misses Claude and Mae Sudderth visited relatives at Marble last week.

Miss Christina Bowles of Murphy spent the week-end here with friends.

A.E. Sudderth visited relatives in Athens, Tenn., last week.

Miss Minnie Evans and Robert Calhoun were quietly married Saturday.

Miss Grace Sudderth visited her sister, Mrs. G.A. Hasty in Murphy.

Cyrus Witt spent several days in Atlanta last week on business.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Arrowood are visiting relatives in Copperhill, Tenn.

From the front page of The Cherokee Scout, The Official Organ of Murphy and Cherokee County, and the Leading Newspaper in This Section of Western North Carolina, July 5, 1923

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