Members of the congregation of Whiteville Grove Church, colored, occupied an entire side of the courthouse Saturday morning to hear Elijah Bowe, colored, tried for disturbing public worship and for assaulting his wife with a horsewhip on the grounds.
Bowe was found guilty of assaulting his wife as charged, three witnesses swearing that they saw him strike her twice and heard her scream, but as the alleged assault occurred on the grounds and as no witness could be found who heard the blow or the scream in the church, the defendant was let off on the charge of disturbing public worship.
The alleged disturbance occurred Thursday night of last week. Bowe testified that he did not strike his wife as charged and weas corroborated by his wife.
J.G. Nixon of Perquimans was found guilty of operating an automobile while under the influence of liquor and fined $50 and costs. He was arrested at 8:30 in the evening and admitted having a couple of highballs early in the afternoon but said that there was nothing left of their effects at the time of his arrest except the smell. Nixon got in trouble by failing to see a car parked on the street until he was right on it and the hubs of the two cars knicked in passing. His arrest followed.
Friends of young Mr. Nixon, one of whom took the stand in his behalf, testifying that immediately after the arrest the defendant was sober, seemed inclined to the opinion that the fact that the young man stammers and was excited by his narrow escape from a serious accident, and by the fact that he was unaccustomed to arrest, led the police officers who made the arrest to overestimated the effect of two small drinks taken several hours beforehand. The court, therefore, imposed the minimum fine prescribed by law in such cases.
Richard Williams, colored, for operating drays which, loaded with coal, left a stream of fine coal in their wake on the street, was taxed with the costs.
Trannie Crank for boisterous conduct was fined $10 and costs in court Friday.
From the front page of The Daily Advance, Elizabeth City, N.C., Aug. 11, 1923
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