Saturday, August 12, 2023

N.L. Husketh, 72, and Louis Tysor, 34, Have Died, Aug. 12, 1923

Husketh Funeral This Afternoon

Funeral services for N.L. Husketh, aged 72 years, prominent Carr township farmer who died at his home Friday evening at 9:45 o’clock, will be held this afternoon at 2;30 o’clock at Olive Branch church with Rev. J.F. McDuffie, assisted by Rev. J.A. Brindell, officiating. Burial will be made in the church yard.

Three brothers and two sisters survived in addition to a large connection of relatives. The brothers and sisters are: Nathan Husketh, Elbert Husketh, Henry Husketh, Mrs. Cora Patterson of Durham county, and Mrs. Ida Garner of Granville county.


Chathamite Dies in Watts Hospital. . . L.W. Tysor Succumbs to Typhoid Fever; Funeral Will be Held Sunday

Louis W. Tysor, aged 34 years, of Chatham county, died in Watts hospital Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock of typhoid fever. He was brought to Durham from his home near Pittsboro several days ago in hope that the disease could be conquered.

The deceased is survived by his wife, five children, his mother and four brothers. The children are: Rosa Belle, Frank, Louise and Louis Worth. The brothers are: John M., Orin A., Joseph C., all of Chatham county, and Oliver L. Tysor of West Durham. His mother is Mrs. Mary C. Tysor, also of Chatham county.

Funeral services will be conducted from the Pleasant Hill church located about five miles west of Pittsboro Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock. The remains will be carried from Durham to the church, leaving here around noon. Rev. J.J. Boone will conduct the services. Interment will be in the church burying grounds.

From page 2 of The Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, Aug. 12, 1923

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