Friday, October 6, 2023

American Legion Announces Baby and Beauty Contests, Oct. 6,1923

Baby Show Planned by American Legion. . . Prizes Will be Given to Winners in the Contest—Plan Beauty Contest, Also

A monster prize baby show and exhibition will be staged by the American Legion and Auxiliary in collaboration with the great Cabarrus County Fair. Handsomely engraved silver loving cups and other dainty tokens will be awarded the happiest, healthiest and hardiest babies in Cabarrus County. Headquarters will be established in Porter’s Drug Store Monday and all proud mothers may bring their precious darlings to be entered and receive a free order to have baby’s picture taken by Orpin’s Studio. No entry fee will be charged and points will be awarded all the little tots from six months to five years on a meritorious basis.

The stellar attraction at the Fair will be the official crowning with pomp and ceremony of Her Majesty, Miss Cabarrus. Twenty-five young ladies will be entered to compete for the beautiful prizes in diamonds and gold on exhibition in the windows of Starnes-Miller-Parker Company. Unlike the olden days of yore when the young lassie was crowned with a heather of roses interwoven in mesh, Miss Cabarrus will be presented a handsomely engraved silver loving cup and a beautiful, sparkling diamond solitaire. Wrist watches, strings of pearls and other precious prizes dear to the feminine heart will be awarded all young ladies entering the diamond contest. Mrs. Fred Y. McConnell is in charge of the campaign office and entry blanks may be secured at the Porter Drug Store.

A Ford touring car, fully equipped with starter and extras, will be given away as a free gift on the last night of the fair by hustling members of the Legion and Auxiliary. An electrical Arch of Honor, Historical and Industrial pageant is also part of the splendid program arranged.

The executive committee of the Fred Y. McConnell Post No. 51 and Auxiliary includes M.B. Sherrin, chairman; Mrs. W.D. Pemberton, President; Victor A. Means, Van Walter, Chas. Porter, Mrs. R.E. Ridenhour Sr., Miss Mary P. Pemberton, Mrs. Victor A. Means, Miss Annie Snyder, Mrs. Ed. Sherrill, Josh A. Goodman, Miss Maud Brown, Mrs. Fred Y. McConnell and Mrs. J.T. McConnell.

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Saturday, Oct. 6, 1923

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