Friday, October 6, 2023

H.W. Blanks to Replace Mr. Verburg at Concord Y.M.C.A., Oct. 6, 1923

New “Y” Secretary Is Expected This Month. . . H.W. Blanks Will Succeed Martin Verburg as General Secretary of the Concord Y.M.C.A.

Mr. F.O. Niblock, president of the Concord Y.M.C.A., announced ths morning that Mr. H.W. Blanks, new General Secretary of the local Y.M.C.A., will probably reach Concord about the middle of October to begin his work with the local (word obscured).

Mr. Blanks is not in “Y” work at present but lives in Columbia, La., where he has charge of the estate of his father who died a few months ago. Mr. Blanks has had considerable experience in Association work, especially in Dallas, Texas, where he was employed under the leadership of Mr. Scott, one of the most efficient secretaries in the South. Mr. Blanks has also had considerable experience in the war work of the Y.M.C.A. Immediately after the summer school closed at Blue Ridge, Mr. and Mrs. Blanks were in Concord and while here the former met the board of directors of the local Y who were so pleased with him that they made him an offer to take up the work here after Secretary Verburg had left.

Mr. Martin Verburg, presently general secretary of the Concord Y.M.C.A. announced this morning that he would leave the latter part of October or the first of November for Marion, Ohio, where he accepted a similar position with the Y.M.C.A. of that city. Mr. Verburg conferred with the officials of the Marion Association last week, at which time the position was offered him, and he definitely decided on Friday night to accept it.

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Saturday, Oct. 6, 1923

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