Sunday, November 12, 2023

Adolph Hitler Hiding in Woods South of Munich, Nov. 12, 1923

Fighting Is Strong Despite the Failure of the Hitler Forces

London, Nov. 12—A dispatch from the Central News from Berlin says the fighting organizations in Bavaria, the disabandment and disarming of which was ordered, are still strong today and that they have sent an ultimatum to Dr. Von Kahr, the dictator, demanding the resignation of Premier Von Keilling and amnesty for all persons recently arrested.

The dispatch adds that Adolph Hitler, the fascist leader in Bavaria, is in the woods south of Munich and that the Austrian government is alarmed over his possible co-operation with the Hungarian deputy, Ulain, who was arrested last week, while on his way to Bavaria to confer with the Hitlerites. Therefore Austria has ordered the arrest of Hitler if he crosses the frontier.

From the front page of The Reidsville Review, Nov. 12, 1923. Five years after the armistice in the War to end all Wars, and Hitler’s name is in the headlines.

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