Sunday, November 12, 2023

J.L. Tilley and Driver Have Narrow Escape When Car Goes Over Embankment, Nov. 12, 1923

J.L. Tilley Has Narrow Escape

A Dodge touring car heavily loaded with leaf tobacco and occupied by James L. Tilley of Smith, Stokes county, and his colored driver, went over a 15-foot embankment at one of the curves on the highway a mile south of Danbury Tuesday afternoon late. Neither Mr. Tilley or the driver were injured. The car, which had about 700 pounds of leaf tobacco on it, fell off a perpendicular retaining wall and landed bottom up with Mr. Tilley and the driver under it, and those who saw the wreck were at a loss to know how they escaped unhurt. The car suffered a wrecked top and windshield and a slightly bent axle. The tobacco was picked up by a passing truck and carried on to the Winston-Salem market.

--Danbury Reporter

From the front page of The Reidsville Review, Nov. 12, 1923

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