Saturday, September 2, 2023

Mistrial in Murder of Rev. Pierce by R.O. Garrett, Sept. 2, 1923

Mistrial Results in Garrett Trial. . . Jury Stands Nine for Manslaughter; Three for Acquittal; Garrett Out on Bond

Cumberland Court House, Va., Sept. 1—After the jury failed to agree in the case of R.O. Garrett, on trial here for the murder of Rev. Mr. Pierce, Baptist Minister, a new trial was set for September 25th. The jury, composed of Amherst county men, deliberated for three hours and one minute.

It was said that the jury stood nine for a manslaughter verdict and three for acquittal.

As a formality in declaring the mistrial, Judge White directed Juror George Watts to stand aside, and the others were then likewise dismissed. Judge White stated that Garrett would go under $25,000 bond, and did not order him arrested.

From The Goldsboro News, September 2, 1923

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