Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Miss Miller, Dr. Orr Wed in Washington, D.C., Dec. 10, 1924


The marriage of Miss Lola Marguerite Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William G. Miller of Washington, D.C., to Dr. William B. Orr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Orr of Currie, N.C., took place Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock at the Grace Reformed Church, Washington, D.C., Rev. Henry H. Renck officiating. The church was decorated with palms, smilax and chrysanthemums, and at the house, where a reception was held following the ceremony, yellow and orchid chrysanthemums and ferns were used. Preceding the ceremony, Mrs. Edward Witman, Miss Lura Smith, Mr. Edward Witman and Mr. J.P. Schick sang “Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes” and “Believe me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms.”

The bride was given in marriage by her father and wore a gown of white satin embroidered in pearls and crystals in sunburst design. The train was of embroidered lace bordered with satin and she wore a wreath of orange flowers and carried a shower bouquet of bride’s roses and lilies of the valley.

Mrs. William Luke of New York was the matron of honor, wearing a gown of gold lace over cloth of gold and carrying an arm bouquet of orchid chrysanthemums.

Miss Mildred Sloan of Maryland was the maid of honor, and wore white satin trimmed in gold lace and ermine and carried orchid chrysanthemums.

The other attendants were Mrs. Ralph Wolfe, Mrs. David Parsons and Miss Vera Dudd. They wore gowns of shaded orchid georgette trimmed in gold cloth and ostrich and carried yellow French roses.

The ribbon bearers were little Wilhelmina Warwick and Alene Martin, and they wore frocks of orchid crepe de chine trimmed in orchid embroidery and gold. Charles Gilbert Miller Jr, two-year-old nephew of the bride, was ring-bearer, carrying the ring in the heart of a rose.

Mr. J. Pritchard Orr of Wilmington, N.C., was best man for his brother, and the ushers were Dr. R.H. Noell of North Carolina. Mr. Ralph Wolfe and Dr. Fred Y. Williamson of Washington, D.C., Dr. T.B. Aycock of Baltimore, Md., Mr. Robert Murphy, Mr. Julian Keith and Mr. William Bradley of North Carolina.

Mrs. Miller, mother of the bride, wore a gown of rust-colored beaded georgette crepe and a corsage bouquet of orchids.

During the evening, musical selections were given by Miss Miller’s Sorority sisters of Mu Phii Epsilon.

Following the reception of Dr. and Mrs. Orr left for Florida, the latter wearing a blue ensemble traveling costume trimmed in mole skin and a hat of cranberry color. They will make their home in Smithfield, North Carolina.

Among the out-of-town guests were Miss Anabel Sloan of North Carolina, Mr. William C. Luke of New York, Mr. and Mrs. C. Gilbert Miller of Richmond, Va., Mrs. Charles Pate of Baltimore, Mrs. Harry French, Miss Margaret French, Mr. and Mrs. James Muir, Mr. Richard Wilkins and other, Mrs. Georgia Wilkins, all of Baltimore, and Mr. and Mrs. Fritz White of Pittsburgh, Pa., and Miss Ruth Flitcraft, Haddonfield, N.J.

From page 5 of The Smithfield Herald, Friday, Dec. 12, 1924

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