Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Preacher Who Wrote Sermon While Running a Still Undercuts Other Ministers, Says Editor, Dec. 19, 1924

Preacher Wrote His Sermon While Running Still

The above is a headline in a Virginia paper and it carries more than news.

The going to hell of that preacher is a minor thing compared to the blow it will deliver Christianity. It seems, and it is just to seem, that what thousands and thousands of good preachers who are sacrificing their very lives and the lives of their families, are trying to uphold is being shattered to nought by some low-down common scoundrel who pretends to preach because he has a license permitting it. It isn’t right for the preacher who labors day in and day out to carry the blame of what some deserter of the word does.

While that head line will carry weight in many places, the earnest teaching and plea of a real preacher will be heeded by none, yes not one.

The man who could write a sermon and run a still at the same time should be placed at the head of some great business; he has no right to be classed as one of God’s leaders.

From the editorial page of the Williamston Enterprise, Friday, Dec. 19, 1924, W.C. Manning, editor.

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