Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Collier Cobb, 63, Declared "Twin Brother of the Fugin" March 26, 1925

Collier Cobb, 63. . . “Twin Brother of the Fujin” Had Birthday Saturday

Collier Cobb was 63 years old last Saturday, March 21. People who have happened to be in the lobby of the post-office in the last few days have seen him draw forth from his box letters bearing all manner of foreign stamps. These letters have been birthday congratulations from friends scattered all over the world.

When Mr. Cobb was in one of the China ports a few years ago, he happened to be talking with a Chinese friend abut images that the people worshipped.

“Every 21st of March,” said the Chinese gentleman, “one of our gods, the Fujin, comes to earth and dwells in these images.”

“Why, the 21st of March is the day I was born,” said the geologist.

The Oriental took off his hat, made a low bow, and said: “I greet you as the Fujin’s twin brother.” After that the man went all over the city telling his fellow-contrymen of the Fujin’s twin brother, to the extent that he got people to staring at Mr. Cobb on the streets.

From the front page of the Chapel Hill Weekly, Thursday, March 26, 1925


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