There is some unsold cotton in the hands of the farmers.
The peach bloom this year was not as pretty as usual for some reason.
Mrs. John McKeithan is at home from Sanatorium and is doing well.
Mr. Lawrence McNeill came home from Davidson College for the week end.
The rain which came last week was needed, as it was getting to be dry weather.
Fayetteville Presbytery meets in St. Pauls for the regular stated session April 21st at 8 p.m.
Dr. Painter, a returned Missionary, is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. J.W. McLauchlin.
The county roads are in pretty good condition now, considering the fact that we had a very rainy winter.
Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Fairley and daughter of Laurinburg were guests of Dr. and Mrs. W.M. Fairley Sunday.
Mr. Tommie Upchurch, who has been under treatment by an eye specialist in Raleigh for some week, is now at home.
Chaminade Music Club Friday night; Parkton Orchestra and Lumberton Quartet Sunday afternoon; and Flora McDonald girls Sunday night. When will such a succession of musical events happen again?
Mr. J.S. Johnson is clearing off the corner lot on Main street and Rockfish avenue preparatory to the erection of a three-story bank and office building. This building will occupy the lot upon which for years the late Dr. A.P. Dickson had his office.
Some early gardeners have some things growing nicely.
The flu is still prevalent in the town and in the county.
This town needs some one to keep telephones in order.
Work on the Raeford Ginning Co.’s plant is moving along.
The next term of Hoke Superior court convenes April 13th.
Remember to attend the town convention next Tuesday night.
Miss Mary McBryde came home from Flora McDonald College, Red Springs, for the week end.
They keep hauling out fertilizers, but most farmers are making time, waiting for spring to open.
Mr. J.S. Maultsby, who has been in Highsmith’s hospital in Fayetteville three weeks, is improving.
The county authorities ae selling the mules which have heretofore been worked on the county roads.
Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Cobb of St. Pauls spent Sunday with Mrs. Cobb’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.B. McFadyen.
Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Bostian of Albemarle spent the week end with Mrs. Bostian’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. N.L. Henderson.
Mrs. Kenneth Darby of Troy and Miss Claire Presnell of Baltimore, Md., spent last Wednesday with Mrs. J.M. Baker.
From page 5 of the Hoke County Journal, Raeford, N.C., Thursday, March 26, 1925
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