Sunday, March 9, 2025

In Memory of Bettie McLamb, 36, March 10, 1925

In Memory of Mrs. J.H. McLamb

Another home and many hearts have been made sad by the death of Mrs. J.H. McLamb. She was born February 23, 1889, making her stay on earth 36 years. She was married to Mr. J.H. McLamb in 1910. To this union were born seven children, three of whom preceded her to the grave several years ago, leaving to mourn a devoted mother, her husband, four loving children, a father, one sister, three brothers and a host of sorrowing friends to mourn their loss.

She joined the Second Advent church at Lee’s Chapel in 1917, and was baptized by Elder Y.W. Moore. She lived a devoted member for several years. She was a Christian, a wife indeed and a splendid mother to her children. By her Christian life she pointed towards the heavenly home to which her spirit has flown. It is sad to give her up, yet we rejoice in the hope of meeting her in our father’s house where Jesus has gone to prepare a place for those who love him, and hope to join her in perfect praise forever.

She was a great sufferer for several months before her death and the Lord gave her sweet relief from it by taking her to himself. Her going leaves a vacant seat in her church, of which she was a faithful member, and a vacant place in the hearts of her family which can never be filled, but Lord, help us to be reconciled to God’s holy and divine will in taking her home, for this is her great and eternal gain. It almost broke our poor hearts to think how quickly our dear Bettie was snatched away and to know that we can never see her face again, yet we can not wish her back in this world of troubles and sorrows. Her death was a terrible shock to us all, but God knows best. He giveth and he taketh away.

Her funeral services were conducted by her pastor, Elder Y.M. Moore, in the presence of a large gathering of relatives and friends. The floral offerings gave evidence of the high esteem in which she was held. Her body was laid to rest in Banner’s Chapel cemetery, there to await the glorious resurrection.

She is gone and gone forever,

Where troubles are no more;

So let us live to meet her

On that bright and happy shore.

--A sister-in-law, Mattie.

From page 8 of the Smithfield Herald, Tuesday, March 10, 1925

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