Sunday, March 9, 2025

Mrs. L.G. Alford, 23, Dies at Parents' Home, Feb. 19, 1925

Mrs. L.G. Alford Passes Away

Mrs. L.G. Alford, after several months of suffering, passed away on February 19th at the home of her parents, Rev. and Mrs. J.K. Hartley.

We all loved her so much and regretted to give her up, but we feel that our loss is her eternal gain, as she said just before she passed away that she was going home.

She bore her suffering patiently and with all hopes of eternal life. We feel that we will meet her again in that Happy Land, where we will never say good-bye to our loved ones again.

She was 23 years of age and united with the Pentecostal Holiness church when she was 11 years old, and has lived a straightforward Christian life since.

She is survived by a husband, two children, a father, mother, one sister, and four brothers besides a host of friends, who will learn of her death with sorrow, for to know her was to love her.

She was tenderly laid to rest in the Woodall burying ground, Friday, February 20. No funeral services were held.

Why should we mourn departed friends

And fear at death’s alarm?

‘Twas but a voice that Jesus sent

To call her to his arms.

And he will some day all for us

To live with her on high,

Where there’s no sickness, pain or woe,

And we shall never die.

--A Cousin

From page 5 of the Smithfield Herald, Tuesday, March 10, 1925

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