Mrs. Norwood Boney of Kenansville entertained a delightful barbecue in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Needham Outlaw today at noon in honor of the Riley-Morisey bridal party.
Receiving with Mrs. Boney were her mother, Mrs. Hattie Smith Kornegay, and Mr. and Mrs. Needham Outlaw. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Outlaw was beautifully decorated with spiraeas and daffodils.
Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Morisey, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Holt, Miss Elizabeth Sabiston, Mr. Earl Kitchin, Miss Mammie Hieatt, Mr. Preston Faison, Mr. and Mrs. Gabe Holmes, Miss Elizabeth Anderson, Miss Mary DeVane, Miss Neil Riley, Miss Rowena Borden, Mrs. John Council, Miss Hattie Mae Morisey, and Mr. J.V. Riley.
From page 3 of the Goldsboro News, Wednesday morning, March 11, 1925. Three stories related to the Riley-Morisey wedding on this page, and the bride’s last name is spelled differently in each story--Morisey in this one, Morisy in another and Morrisey in the third.
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