Monday, March 10, 2025

Klan Patrolling Kinston Streets During Crime Wave, March 11, 1925

Craven County In Throes of Sensational Crime Wave

Kinston, March 10—During the past 72 hours Craven county has been stirred by a series of crimes unparallelled in the history of that section.

Saturday, shortly after noon, three negroes rurally assaulted an employee of a lumber company, robbed him of a payroll of $2,000, and left him to die. On the way to the hospital, the victim, named Banks, died.

Last Saturday night or early Sunday morning, rum runners were intercepted by possemen searching for Banks’ murderers and the driver of the rum car ran down and killed a citizen of Craven county.

Sunday night several negroes assaulted two sailors from the revenue cutter Pamlico at New Bern, one of whom was sent to the hospital with serious injuries caused by being struck on the head with a pop bottle.

Yesterday (Monday), shortly before noon, a pair of negroes, it is reported held up a salesman on the road near Vanceboro and robbed him at the point of a gun of $15 in cash.

The prisoners captured in connection with the first named two crimes, totalling half a dozen negroes, were brought to Kinston for safekeeping. Fearing that the public had become aware of their presence here, it was decided to remove them to Raleigh.

It was stated yesterday that Governor McLean would order a special term of court to try the defendants in all the cases.

Sunday night members of the Ku Klux Klan patrolled the streets of New Bern, it is said, and also the public roads out of New Bern. Nearly a hundred members of the hooded order attended the funeral of Mr. Banks, who was killed by robbers Saturday.

It was stated yesterday that the presence of scores of strangers here by automobile transportation caused officials to remove all prisoners held for Craven authorities to the State prison.

From page 5 of the Goldsboro News, Wednesday morning, March 11, 1925

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