Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Why Maggie Brown in a Home Demonstration Member, 1951

In 1951, Mrs. Maggie Brown, Caswell County, was one of hundreds of Home Demonstration Club members who told the North Carolina State Extension Service why they belong to an HD Club. Here’s Mrs. Brown’s list:
I belong to a home demonstration club because a warm welcome always awaits me at each of my club meetings.
[I learn the] most economical ways of conserving nature’s resources to help build a healthy, happy, strong America.
A kind and generous home agent working through State College’s great Extension is always ready and seems willing to assist me in all matters which make for better living.
It has created within me a desire to find my place to serve the interests and help in the improvements of my community.
By widening my circle of acquaintances it enables me to select a large number of good companions.
It saves valuable time by allowing me to visit all of my good neighbors in one single afternoon.
It teaches enough first aid to enable me to keep my remedy cabinet sufficiently stocked to save an unbelievable amount in doctor’s bills each year.
It is a unit school of National Community rural women in which we are happily learning more about how to be appropriately dressed, well groomed, and many other lessons valuable to anyone interested in improving themselves.
It helps all who are interested in civic righteousness by tightening the cooperative length between the church and the community.
It affords a splendid opportunity and helps us to do The Great Three of material things: Get all we can, give all we can, and save all we can.
The Club’s Collect helps me to streamline my mind and stand ready to encourage our children to become good hospitable citizens and help capable girls educate themselves in home economics.
I have found it to be the key which unlocks the door to a successful happy home on earth with a target that points the road which leads to that Eternal Home of Everlasting Peace and Rest.
--Mrs. Maggie Brown, Caswell County, 1951

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