Wednesday, February 22, 2012

'Frank Farmer Says' February 1940 column

“Frank Farmer Says” by A.B. Bryan in the February 1940 issue of The Southern Planter magazine

Cooperation in 1940 will help solve many farm problems, but it is no substitute for old-fashioned thrift and industry.
A good farmer is known by the number of those who follow in this train.
Furrows through the field of progress are made only by driving forward.
My experience with poultry bears out the research workers, that sunshine is the best laying tonic for hens.
Spring preparation thought: It is more important to plant when the land is right than when the moon is right.
Another good form of farm relief may be had in fuller use of the publications and other information from agricultural colleges.
A bottle of milk in the refrigerator is worth two bottles of medicine in the cabinet.
Over 800,000 Southern farm families have no vitamin factories in the form of vegetable gardens.
The farmer’s batting average in the farming game is indicated by the records he keeps which show the hits and errors made in his business.
For the livestock man, forage in the fields means profit in the pocket.
“No man has the right to destroy soil even if he does own it in fee simple.” –H.A. Wallace, Secretary of Agriculture

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