Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Home Demonstration Club Women's Reading Certificates, 1940

From the February 1940 issue of The Southern Planter

By Ruth Current, State Home Economics Leader, N.C. State College, Raleigh, NC

Marjorie Beal, director of the N.C. State Library Commission, said recently, “I certainly am delighted over the increased number of women who are receiving reading certificates. Why it is an epidemic! Home demonstration club women are to be commended and congratulated.”

Yes, indeed, they should, for during 1938 only 61 certificates were awarded and during the past year 398 were awarded. It has not been such an easy task for a farm woman to complete the requirements, for she must first secure a copy of the book, find time to read it and then give a review before her club meeting. A woman must have read and reviewed at least three books to be eligible for a certificate.

On the recommended list of books are such ones a Madame Curie, Good-bye Mr. Chips, The Yearling, Gone With the Wind, Perslane, Life with Roosevelt, Good Earth, Backwoods America, and Life With Father.

We are recommending several hundred books under the following headings: People and Places; Of Interest to Many People; Plays; Stories, Light and Worthwhile; For Better Living; A Varied Diet; People Worth Knowing; and Home and Abroad.

A survey soon will be made to find out how many books have been purchased by home demonstration club women. It was Cicero who said, “To add a library to a house is to give that house a soul.”  That is what we are hoping will come of this reading or library project.

Oh! Lord or Heavenly Father, as we begin our work for another year, that of makers, help jus to realize just how important our work is that in our homes today are the men and women of tomorrow. Lord help us to be better Mothers, better homemakers, better neighbors. Help us to be not so slow to see the needs of others less fortunate than ourselves. Lord, give us patience, give us wisdom, give us faith, give us courage to fight for that which is right. For it is written in Thy Blessed Word, ask and you shall receive, so we pray thee, Lord, that Thou will guide us in the right way to make our homes a more ideal place for those whom you have entrusted into our care. No sweeter privilege was given to mankind. And so we pray that our children will grow up to call us Blessed, for no greater reward would Mother ask than the love and respect of her children. And Oh! Lord, let us not forget to pray. This we ask in Thy Name, Amen.
--By Mrs. W.C. Moore, President, Cool Springs Home Demonstration Club, Plymouth, N.C.

Take one-half cup of Friendship, add one cup of Thoughtfulness, cream together with a pinch of powdered Tenderness, very lightly beaten in a bowl of Loyalty with one cup of Faith, one of Hope and one of Charity. Be sure to add a spoonful each of gaiety that sings and the ability to laugh at little things. Moisten with sudden tears of heartfelt sympathy and bake in a good-natured pan. Serve repeatedly.
--By Mrs. Walter Lassiter, P.O. Box 12, Kelford, N.C.

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