Saturday, June 16, 2012

Cumberland County Home Demonstration Women Beautify Roadside, Secure Dental Work for 250 Pupils, 1949

By F. H. Jeter, Editor, Agricultural Extension Service, N.C. State College, as published in the Charlotte Observer, June 20, 1949

Rural women do not always concern themselves entirely with their own comforts and conveniences. The women of the Eastover Community of Cumberland County have been giving attention to many of their local problems.

Mrs. V.J. Talley Jr., president of the Eastover Home Demonstration Club, reports that the members of that organization have two active projects under way at this time. One is to beautify a section of Highway 301 north from Fayetteville to Eastover, a distance of seven miles. Many dogwood trees have been set along this stretch of highway and the women have donated and planted their extra bulbs in spots along the way. Plans are now being made to produce benches and picnic tables for two desirable locations on this stretch of road, and the women are busy raising money for these purposes.

They also are working with Dr. J.S. Hair and Dr. Harold E. Maxwell, dentists of Fayetteville, to examine the teeth of 250 pupils attending the local Eastover school. With the help of the local Ruritan Club, the women will guarantee payment of the nominal prices charged by the two dentists for needed dental work done for these children whose parents are financially unable to spare money for such a purpose.

A few evenings ago, the women served a fried chicken supper for $1 a plate and then they put on a womanless weeding skit. An after-Easter comical hat sale was staged with the men paying up to $2.50 for each of the old hats. The women also held a bazaar at which they sold children’s clothing, ladies’ dresses, and handmade articles of various kinds. Mrs. Talley says that a nice sum was made and that the money from the bazaar and supper will be used in financing the two community projects.

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