Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Mrs. C.G. Culp Praises St. Paul Home Demonstration Club, 1951

In 1951, Mrs. C.G. Culp of St. Paul Home Demonstration Club, was one of hundreds of Home Demonstration Club members who told the North Carolina State Extension Service why they belong to an HD Club. Here’s Mrs. Culp’s list of reasons:

My first reason is purely a selfish one. Since Home Making is my profession I want to learn everything I can that will help me to be more efficient in my work.

At our club meetings I learn many things that either improve my work or show me new ways of doing same that shortens my task.

I believe every club member will agree with me when I say that meeting our friends and neighbors and making new friends is an added attraction and pleasure. Most of us do not have time for visiting so our club meetings give us the opportunity of seeing our friends.

The discussion of problems help us to solve many of them. The ideas exchanged and suggestions and household hits often prove of mutual benefit to all.

Working with one’s friends is a pleasure. The hardest task is accomplished with ease when a group of congenial friends put their shoulders to the wheel. We learn that is the little things that create differences; that I the big things of life we are as one.

Taking part in our club work helps us to overcome our timidity and gives us confidence in our ability to contribute something toward the upbuilding of our community.

I like to live in a good community. At club meetings we learn of ways and means whereby we may improve conditions. The problems of our community, our county, state and nation are discussed and we realize more fully our duty and responsibility, not only to our community, but to our nation.
Mrs. Culp’s report is part of North Carolina Extension and Community Association Records, UA 102.052, Special Collections Research Center, North Carolina State University Libraries, Raleigh, NC.

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