
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

North Carolina Business News, September 1905

From the Gold Leaf, September 14, 1905

Trainload of Southern Furniture From Mebane
What is said to have been the first solid trainload of furniture of one order ever shipped by a Southern factory was sent this month from Mebane, N.C., the first installment of furniture for bachelors’ quarters on the Panama canal, contracted for the government with the White Furniture Co. This train of 13 cars, carrying more than 10,000 parts of dressers, washstands and tables, was handsomely placarded, each car bearing a 20-foot banner worded “From the White Furniture Co., Mebane, N.C., for United States Government, Panama Canal,” and in addition the trade-mark of the shipper, “The White Line Guarantees Satisfaction.” Mr. Hallam of the firm of Hildreth & Co., of New York, consulting engineers and inspectors to the government, accepted the entire lot. An additional order was also placed with the company, and the White Furniture Co. has just been advised of an additional award by the Isthmian Canal Commission of a finer grade of furniture for quarters of the married employees. This concern has grown since 1881 from a saw-mill to one among the leading furniture factories of the South.

Dunn Mills Sending Cloth to China
Notwithstanding the reports that continue of a boycott on American-made goods by Chinese buyers, the Southern cotton mills continue to make shipments of their products to the Far East. This is indicated by a dispatch from Dunn, N.C., which refers to the shipment of 500,000 yards of cloth to Shanghai by the No. 2 mill of the Erwin Cotton Mills Company of Durham, N.C. The No. 2 mill is located at Duke, near Dunn. It was planned for 70,000 spindles and 2,000 looms but only half that equipment is in position at present, and the product is denim cloths. This is one of several recent instances of big foreign orders for Southern mills.

Wood-Fiber Plaster, Gastonia
An enterprise of considerable importance in connection with building and construction interests in the Gastonia (N.C.) territory will be established in that city by Messrs. J.B. Beal, J.L. Beal and S.B. Barnwell. They will organize the Gaston Plaster Co., ad establish a plant for manufacturing 15 tons of wood-fiber plaster every day, investing from $6,000 to $8,000 in the industry. A two-story building 30 x 80 feet will be erected to accommodate the mechanical equipment, none of which has been purchased. The machinery will include the plaster-making apparatus belt conveyors, elevators for handling paper and jute bags, belting, etc. Manufacturers are invited to correspond relative to supplying the machinery.

Another Mebane Enterprise in Spray
It is announced that Messrs. B. Frank Mebane, Arthur J. Draper, George W. Franker, all of Spray, N.C., and their associates will organize the American-Japanese Company, with capital stock of $1,000,000. While no details have been made public, it is understood that the company’s plans are to build a cotton factory at Spray, where Mr. Mebane and his associates already operate a number of mills. Their established plants have a total of approximately 50,000 spindles and 1,900 looms, and another mill company which they organized several months ago is building a mill of 12,000 spindles and 360 looms at Spray.

The Imperial Yarn Mills, Belmont
Another cotton-yard mill will be built at Belmont, N.C., by the officers of the Chronicle Mills of that city. The new company will be known as the Imperial Yarn Mills, and will organize with a capital stock of $125,000 to build a plant which will be equipped 10,000 spindles and accompanying apparatus. A site has been selected and arrangements for beginning construction work will be completed soon. Nos. 40, 50 and 60 yarns will be made. Over $100,000 has been subscribed by Messrs. A.C. Lineberger, R.L. Stowe, M.N. Hall and their associates.

A $20,000 Improvement in Lexington
The Nokomis Cotton Mills of Lexington, N.C., has awarded contract for new additional machinery to cost about $200,000, which is now being installed. Its new equipment includes 1920 producing spindles, 26 40-inch looms from the Draper Company of Hopedale, Mass., and cards, lappers, speeders, etc., from the Howard & Bullough Machine Co. of Pawtucket, R.I. This enlargement gives the Nokosmi Cotton Mills a total of about 15,000 spindles and 356 looms, producing gray cloth for covering purposes exclusively.

Monazite in North Carolina
Cleveland and Rutherford counties in North Carolina furnish very signal evidence of the rapid development that section has made in the development of its monazite mines. These counties contain land that 15 years ago was valued at $2 per acre, but is now selling for as much as $600 per acre because of its mineral wealth. Near Ellenboro, Rutherford county, the supply of monazite sand is very abundant and land prices are high.

The Rhode Island Company of Spray, N.C., is having plans and specifications prepared by Messrs. Lockwood, Greene & Co., of Boston, Mass., for the erection of a 100 x 200 foot addition to its building. It was announced in June that this enlargement had been decided upon and that 200 looms would be installed. The looms will weave cotton blankets. About $12,000 will be the cost of the improvement.

Asheville Marble Works
The Cherokee Marble Works of Murphy, N.C., will establish a plant in Asheville. It will erect a platform equipped with derricks, install polishers, etc., which will use pneumatic tools and other improved modern equipment.

Asheville Cotton Mill
Asheville Cotton Mills has awarded contracts for machinery and construction work to install electrical equipment for operating its plant, which will take the place of steam power. Equipment is 8,448 spindles and 450 looms, to which will be added some spinning frames, revolving flap-top cards, etc.

Charlotte’s  Combing-Gin Works
The Fuller Combing-Gin Co., will increase capital stock from $100,000 to $150,000.

Cleveland Furniture Factory
Cleveland Manufacturing Co., has been incorporated with capital stock of $20,000 by J.J. Kincaid, B.A. Knox and W.F. Thompson for manufacturing furniture.

Concord Cotton Mill
Cabarrus Cotton Mills contemplates building a large addition to their present installation, which has 8,500 spindles and 542 looms.

Greensboro Concrete-block Works
Earl & Kelley will form the Keystone Hollow Block Company to establish a plant for manufacturing hollow concrete blocks, which are used for building purposes. About $3,000 will be invested at the start. The site has been purchased.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Why Isn't Law Forbidding Sale of Cigarettes to Minors Enforced? 1905

“Boys and Cigarettes” from the editorial page of Gold Leaf, a newspaper published in Henderson, N.C., Thursday, September 21, 1905

The following clipping from the Charlotte Observer applies to all parts of the country as well as to Charlotte. There is a whole sermon in it that is worth preaching from the house tops and telling in all the corners of the land as well:

“Apropos of the campaign being waged by Recorder Shannonhouse against the blind tigers and violators of the Sunday laws a member of the Charlotte bar yesterday asked: ‘What has become of that statute forbidding the sale of cigarettes to minors?’ Every day one may see small boys buying the ‘coffin tacks’ and yet nothing is ever said of it.”

“It is up to the police department.”

                --Raleigh Times

Monday, September 28, 2015

A.V. Dockery's Letter to the Editor About Senator Butler, 1910

A Letter to the Editor of the Union Republican, September, 1910

Mr. Editor—It is the rottenest sort of folly for the News and Observer and other Democratic papers to attempt to deceive the people by asserting that Senator Butler is an element of weakness to the Republican party.

Everybody who knows anything about the political history of the State knows that Butler is a broadminded, sagacious statesman who sees into the future and guides popular will instead of supinely following temporary drifts of public opinion; and foe as well as friend credits him with equal if not superior political cunning to Senator Simmons.

What has he accomplished in the political arena? Sampson county was once a hard and fast Democratic county, now gives a steady Republican majority of 1,000. This does not weaken the Republican cause.

In 1894, Butler alone practically wrested the State from Democratic control, and turned it over to the Republicans. Was he a source of weakness then?

In 1898 section of the Democratic party made a desperate effort to take the party over to Butler. Josephus Daniels was on the committee of conference, and led the fight to throw the party at Butler’s feet! But for the earnest effort of Jarvis, Simmons, and the brave old Buck Kitchin, Butler might have been made the high muck-a-muck of the Danielites.

This was only 12 years ago that Butler was sufficiently great to be worshipped by Josephus Daniels!

What has now caused the change of attitude, wherein Daniels affects to belittle the influence of Butler?

Everybody knows that it never has been the policy of the News and Observer to throw rocks at sparrows. The great brain and adroit hand of Butler is more feared than any other Republican, and it is now attempted to discount such power through artful deception. That game cannot be worked, however, because the people have taken Senator Butler’s measure and they know what a big and successful man he is.

His one term in the U.S. Senate gained for him a nationwide reputation that no other Southerner ever attained in so short a time.

While not assuming a lead this year, he is willingly lending his ability towards wrenching North Carolina from the thralldom of a democratic official dynasty that has become officious in its tenacity of power.

This is a bad year for big bosses, and Josephus Daniels’ hour has struck when his whip-crack shall no longer make its smart felt.

The people are in unrest. They are more intelligent, are able to decide what they need, and are determined to assert their rights without question or direction.

The aristocratic oligarchy which controls this State is doomed; it must give place to younger folks, to men fresh from the fields, the offices, and the workshops.

Officialism can no longer signify the divine right to rule by inheritance nor a wholesale family connection with the pie-counter.

                                --A.V. Dockery

P.S. Butler is the father of the rural delivery system, having advocated it before E.W. Pou went to Congress.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

9-Year-Old Girl Assaulted by Pleas B. McDaniell, 1901

From Fisherman and Farmer, Elizabeth City, Thursday, Sept. 5, 1901

Statesville—A serious crime was revealed here when the little 9-year-old daughter of Maggie Burke, a woman of disreputable character, returned home. The facts as learned are that some days ago, one Pleas B. McDaniell, who lives about a mile from Ostwalt post office, appeared at the house of Maggie Burke and stated that he wanted to take her little girl home with him to raise as a member of his family, and to this the mother consented, McDaniell having convinced the mother that he would take proper care of the child.

Last Saturday McDaniell started to his home with the child. It was late in the afternoon when McDaniell was nearing home and as a threatening cloud was approaching, he took the girl to an out-house until the rain was over. It was at this place that the crime was committed. The girl states that McDaniell attempted the second assault at night in his own house and was prevented by her cries.

The neighbors on learning of the matter sent the girl back to her mother, and Dr. H.F. Long was called to render medical attention. The bruises upon the child’s body and throat bear witness to the truth of her story.

The enormity of his crime having dawned upon him, McDaniell fled from his home. Deputy Sheriff J.M. Deaton, with a number of neighbors, went in pursuit of him. Mr. McDaniell, who moved to his present home some time last May, bears an unevitable reputation among his neighbors. News has just been received here that McDaniell has been captured and is on his way to Statesville.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Richmond Paper Comes to Defense of N.C. Mountain People, 1910

“The Mountaineers” from the Charlotte Chronicle, September, 1910

An article in the Columbia State to the effect “nowhere in America are the results of ignorance so painfully illustrated as among the Republicans of the western North Carolina mountains” has caught of the eye of the editor of The Richmond Virginian, who very promptly comes to the defense of the mountain people. At the conclusion of an exceedingly fair and forceful analytical article, he says:

“An investigation is all too apt to discover that for which he searches. Here and there in the mountains survives the typical cabin of the pioneer, equipped with antler and long-barreled rifle, with slattern wife and skulking children. It is, however, but the quaint memento of a vanished past; and it is not remotely the illustration of a type., In the hustling mountain towns, on the well-kept mountain farms in the modern development of mountain resources, the men of the big hills are actors instead of onlookers. Republican or Democrat, the average man of the mountains holds, along with an equal intellectual ability with the average man of the low lands, the tang of interest pertaining to a more or less mysterious history. And that is all. Let us be fair to the mountaineer.”

It is an old story—this throw-off on the mountain people—but we had not expected the time to come to pass when a Southern paper would have to defend them from the statements of another Southern paper.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Textile Mill Strikers to be Turned Out of Homes, 1901

From Fisherman and Farmer, Elizabeth City, Thursday, Sept. 5, 1901

Columbia, S.C.—Textile Union No. 211, at its meeting declared a strike against the Olympia, Granby, Richland and Capital City Mills until the authorities rescinded their action forcing operatives to objure the union. The test of the union’s strength will be made when the mills open for work. The striking operatives declare that they have no fear of being idle indefinitely, but will not accept the positions that have been made their fight against the mills. It is understood that the textile union will have the sympathy of the Federation of Labor in the strike now on. Conservative estimates place the number of strikers at 900 or 1,000. It is expected that this number will be considerably augmented during the next week. The mill oficials to-day began the swearing out of warrants to eject the striking tenants from the dwelling houses which are owned by the mills and leased to the operatives for two weeks at a time.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

'Talk of the Town' from Henderson, N.C., Sept. 21, 1905

“Talk of the Town,” from the Gold Leaf, Henderson, N.C., Thursday, Sept. 21, 1905

Mrs. Mary K. Crews of Wilson is visiting her niece Mrs. Jas. W. White.

Mr. Howard F. Jones of Wilson was a visitor to Henderson last week.

Warren court is in session this week. The Henderson bar is well represented.

Again whiskey has gotten in its deadly work. And yet there are no bar rooms in Henderson.

Miss Anna McLean of Jersey City Heights, N.J., is visiting Mrs. Edwin Stephens at “Vine Villa.”

Mrs. Irving J. Andrews and little son, of Greensboro, have been visiting the family of Capt. J.Y. Landis for the past week.

Next Saturday we will have the crowd with us. It will be circus day, and a circus always draws a crowd to Henderson.

School tickets and 10 cents will admit all school children to the Moving Picture Show at Cooper Opera House next Wednesday evening.

Miss Glenner Dale of Yadkin College is visiting her aunt, Mrs. R.R. Satterwhite, in Henderson, stopping over Monday on her return from Norfolk.

Miss Alice Powell returned last week from the Western part of the State where she had been for five or six weeks enjoying the mountain climate and scenery.

The Davis & Watkins Company announce their millinery opening on Wednesday and Thursday of next week. The ladies cordially invited.

Oysters in all styles at all hours may be had at Dave’s Place, opposite the Seaboard Air Line passenger station. Nice rooms for transient customers and good meals for little money.

Mr. Tom Garrett is back at his place in the post office after a week’s vacation. Alert, clever and accommodating, he was missed while away and patrons of the office welcome his pleasing presence at his post again.

Mr. M.J. O’Neil went to New York last week to buy new goods. Judging from the quantity of stuff Mr. Clem Rodwell has been opening up for several days, he must have bought out a complete hardware store or two.

Claude D. Judd, executer of Dr. W.J. Judd, deceased, advertises to sell, privately, on the premises, one young milch cow, some shoats, one horse, buggy and wagon. Also lot of household furniture. Can be seen by calling at the residence on Fairground street any day.

Mr. and Mrs. Randall Pope of Madison, Fla., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. McNair, Mrs. Pope’s parents, in Henderson. They have been to Hot Springs, Ark., Asheville and New York, covering a period of several weeks and stopped over Monday on their way home.

A letter received from former Chief of Police R.A. Crockett, who recently went to Franklin, Pa., to take a position offered him there, states that he has a nice job and good pay. Mr. Crockett says Franklin is one of the prettiest places in the world and he thinks he will like to live there when he gets acquainted with the people.

D.W. Hardee has bought the lot on Main street adjoining the Fox property, opposite Railroad Square, of J.S. Burwell and will erect thereon a handsome two-story building 29 x 125 feet, with plate glass front, to be occupied by himself as a furniture store. Contractor Weaver, who is building the Graded School house, will do the work. The structure is to be completed by the first of January.

By mistake some one got the wrong umbrella from the Sunday-school room or after preaching at the Presbyterian church Sunday morning. New, with white or light colored bent (not round) hand piece, slightly knotted. Crooked, dark handle umbrella, as good as new, left in place of it. Exchange may be made by bringing to this office.

We are in receipt of the program of races to be given by the Roanoke and Tar River Agricultural Society at its fair, commencing Tuesday, October 24th, at Weldon. Some attractive purses are offering, ranging from $50 to $150. Wednesday and Thursday will be the big days. Write to the secretary, Geo. E. Ransom, Weldon, N.C., for program and premium list.

The Rev. Geo. W. Butler, M.D., of Brazil, will preach at the Presbyterian church next Sunday morning and evening. Dr. Butler is a North Carolinian and has been working in Brazil for the past 20 years, being one of the most honored and efficient missionaries of the Presbyterian church. He is both ordained minister and physician and has done a remarkable work in Brazil. There will be a treat for those who hear him Sunday. The public is cordially invited to be present.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Cruel Children Drown Pigs, 1911

From the Watauga Democrat, Boone, September 28, 1911

Last week, says the Kershaw Era, some children at the Haile Gold Mine drove a sow and 12 pigs belonging to Mr. W.U. Clyburn into the bungalow shaft at the mine. The shaft is about 300 feet deep and is about two-thirds full of water. Our informant says that the sow swam across the shaft five times in her frantic effort to save her young. Such heartless cruelty on the part of anyone deserves punishment of the severest type.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

'Local and Personal' News from Fisherman and Farmer, Elizabeth City, N.C., 1901

From Fisherman and Farmer, Elizabeth City, Thursday, Sept. 1, 1901

Local and Personal

Mr. Marvin Lister spent Tuesday here.

Mr. Ray Winder is off on a visit to Roanoke.

Mr. J.E.C. Bell of Shawboro spent Monday here.

Lieu. R.O. Crisp arrived in the city Tuesday.

Superior Court is in session at Currituck this week.

Mrs. G.W. Ward, who is confined to her home on Main street with typhoid fever, is rapidly improving, we are glad to learn.

Mr. Selby Harney spent Sunday in Shawboro.

Mr. Carl Blades is visiting relatives in Pennsylvania.

Mr. A.B. Harper of Greensboro was here last week.

Miss Maggie Williams is visiting relatives in Raleigh.

Mr. Earnest Sawyer spent a few days in Edenton last week.

Most of our lawyers are attending Currituck Court this week.

Captain Hughes of South Mills was in the city Monday.

Mr. Andrew Callis of Berkley, Va., spent a few days here this week.

Mr. L.J. Moore, a prominent lawyer of New Bern, was in the city Tuesday.

Mr. C.W. Overman and family have returned from Nag’s Head.

Mr. Maurice Griffin left Friday for Raleigh to enter A. and M. College.

The death of Mrs. Susan Elizabeth Hendren last Saturday morning at her home in Gilmerton, Va., was a great shock to her numerous friends in this city. The remains were brought here and interred in Overman’s Cemetary. The funeral services being conducted by Rev. R.C. Beaman of the Methodist church at 4 o’clock, Monday morning.

Mr. J.W. Stewart of New Berne passed through the city Tuesday.

Mr. Jas. M. Weeks spent Thursday at Hall’s Creek attending protracted meeting.

Mr. Frank Bateman of Edenton spent several days in the city last week.

Mr. T.B. Boushall, one of Camden’s prominent citizens, was in the city Monday.

Labor day was duly celebrated in our city by everybody sticking to work same as ever.

Mr. John L. Sawyer and family have returned after spending the summer at Nag’s Head.

Miss Willie White left Monday for Oxford to enter the Female Seminary of that place.

Dr. J.E. Wood returned from Oriental Saturday where he has been on professional business.

Misses Mary, Evelyn and Blanche Weeks are visiting relatives and friends at Rosedale.

Mr. Brozier Cartwright left Friday for A. & M. College to resume his second year studies.

Mr. J.C. Commander and family have returned after spending the summer at Nag’s Head.

Miss Lucy Gregory, who has been visiting friends and relatives in Norfolk, has returned home.

Miss Eva Culpepper, who has been on a visit to Mrs. A. Huckabee, has returned to her home in Norfolk.

Miss Kate Engle, who has been here on a visit to relatives and friends, returned to Philadelphia Monday.

Capt. George Cutrell returned to his home in Edenton Thursday after a pleasant visit here to his relatives.

Messrs Gaston, Charlie and Mercer Crawford are in the city, called here by the sad death of their sister, Mrs. Hendren.

Miss Elsie Russell, who has been the guest of Miss Pauline Sheep on Main street, has returned to her home in Norfolk.

Messrs. George James and Arthur Burgess will leave tomorrow for Buffalo to attend the Pan-American Exposition.

Vagrancy is productive of viciousness. If the horde of idlers will not find work, cannot the city authorities find it for them?

The Alvarado, the U.S. recruiting ship, left Thursday for Norfolk, after taking about 15 recruits from this vicinity.

Mrs. Clay Foreman, who accompanied her daughter, Miss Gertrude, to Norfolk, on her way to Salem, returned Saturday.

Mr. J.D. Boushall, Raleigh General Agent of the Etna Life Insurance, was in the city Monday. His many friends were glad to meet him.

Miss Carroll spent Sunday here with Miss Jessie Baker, en route to her home in Norfolk, after spending some time at Nag’s Head.

Rev. J. Tynch, pastor of Olivet Church in this county, gave us a pleasant call Monday morning. We learn from him that the congregation of Olivet has decided to move the location of the church nearer the city.

If our farmers will preserve the article on shredding corn, it will be worth much to them. A system which actually doubles the value of the corn crop is worth a second thought. It is worth putting into practice.

Mr. M. Owens of Plymouth was in the city last week en route to several of the Northern cities to purchase his stock of shoes, which he will open up in the For a Building as soon as completed.

The Riverside Sunday School Lawn party Tuesday night was generously patronized, we are glad to learn. Something near $25 net was realized.

Mr. Harry Kramer left Monday for Kalamazoo, Mich., where he will enter school. He will visit the Pan-American in Buffalo and Niagara Falls en route to Kalamazoo.

Miss Eliza Drane, one of Edenton’s most charming young ladies, who has been the guest of Mrs. L.L. Williams, returned to her home last Saturday.

Mr. Hal Shaw spent several days in the city this week on business. He will leave Monday for Chapel Hill where he will take a Medical course.

Misses Ettie and Evelyn Aydlett, two of Betsy’s most attractive young ladies, left Tuesday morning for Raleigh, where they will enter the Baptist Female University.

Mr. F.H., Ziegler, our popular undertaker, left Monday for Raleigh where he goes to stand examination of embalming before the State Board.

Mr. A.C. Stokes, Chief of our Fire Department, went to Norfolk Tuesday and purchased two magnificent horses, both iron-greys, costing $300.

Mr. H.D. Walker was in the city this week en route to the Baltimore Medical College to enter his Senior year.

Messrs. Earnest Sawyer, Shelton Scott and J.K. Wilson leave next week for the University of North Carolina.

Mr. A. Huckabee, our popular and up-to-date barber, spent a couple of days in Edenton this week.

Miss Goldie Kramer, who has been on a visit to relatives and friends in Edenton, has returned home.

Mr. Chas. H. Robinson returned this week from Maryland where he has been on a business trip.

Messrs Montague and Michie of Berkley spent a couple of days in the city this week.

Mr. R.S. Harris of Jarvisburg passed through the city Tuesday en route to Norfolk.

Miss Bessie green, who has been the guest of her aunt, Mrs. L.L. Williams, has returned to her home in Alexandria, Va.

Miss Lydia Miller, who has been on a visit to Hatteras, has returned home.

Mr. Wilson Hollowell spent several days in Hertford this week.

Mrs. Anna Owens of Cresswell is visiting this city.

Miss Sadie Fearing is visiting relatives in Norfolk.

Mr. Jno. L. Sharpe of Norfolk is in the city.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Library Books Moved from Home of Mrs. Alice Councill to the Store of Mr. R.M. Greene in Boone, 1911

Letter to the Editor by William R. Savage from the Watauga Democrat, Boone, September 28, 1911

The books of the library known as The Boone Public Library, which for seven years have been kept at the home of Mrs. Alice Councill, have recently been placed in shelves in the store of Mr. R.M. Greene in Boone, Mr. Greene kindly consenting to harbor them and act as Librarian during the coming winter.

Hereafter the Library will be known as a Memorial to Mrs. Maggie Boyden, the friend of all good works. In soliciting gifts of books for the Library, remember that Mrs. Boyden did not approve of light and trashy reading, so let not books of that character be placed upon the shelves.

Hoping that all the citizens of Boone will help in the good cause and join in an effort to build up this means for the betterment of a community in memory of one who loved Boone and its good people, and was ever an example, a woman, good, pure and true, and a friend to all about her.

Reidsville Man Shoots His Father, 1901

From Fisherman and Farmer, Elizabeth City, Thursday, Sept. 5, 1901

Reidsville—John Ware, a young white man living six miles east of Reidsville, shot and probably fatally wounded his father, David Ware, about 4 o’clock Tuesday afternoon. He also fired two bullets into a colored man who was trying to prevent a difficulty between the two. The negro was not seriously hurt. Young Ware immediately left home and has not yet been apprehended. It is said the son became enraged as some remarks his father made about his wife, whom he had recently married.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Concord Sunday Schools Closed Because of Scarlet Fever and Diphtheria, And Other News From Across North Carolina, 1912

From the Caucasian and Raleigh Enterprise, September 19, 1912

The Sunday-schools at 13 churches in the vicinity of Concord have been closed on account of the prevalence of scarlet fever and diphtheria.

--Joe Grady, a well-known carpenter at Morganton, was struck by a freight train on the Southern Railway near Drexel Sunday night and received fatal injuries.

--The plant of the Reidsville Fertilizer Company was completely destroyed by fire Thursday night. Loss was partially covered by insurance.

--The Southern Railway has just appropriated $60,000 for improvements on the passenger statin at Asheville. The Southern Railway has declared a dividend of 2 ½ per cent on preferred stock.

--Jacob R., Nocho, colored, 40 years in the railway mail service, was found dead in his car at Franklinton a few days ago. He leaves an estate estimated at $20,000 to $30,000.

--The Henderson Gold Leaf says a mule owned by a Vance County man died last week at the age of 45. The owner of the mule had it in his possession 36 years.

--A young man claiming to be W. Frank Whitaker, son of a prominent merchant of Charlotte, has been arrested in Atlanta charged with stealing $4,000 in money and jewelry from a wealthy woman in Norfolk, Virginia.

--H.M. Baucom, a well-known white man who lived at Lowell and ran a blacksmith shop at Gastonia, was instantly killed Saturday night at Ranlo, about two miles from Gastonia, by an interurban car. It is said that Baucom was drinking and was waiting at Ranlo, a local station, for the car.

--The Statesville Landmark reports that J.R. Askew of Halifax County dreamed his saw-mill had burned. When he awoke he was so impressed with the dream that he got out of bed and looked in the direction of the mill, but saw nothing. Next morning when he drove to the mill he found it in ashes. The loss on mill and lumber is estimated at $2,500.

--William Taylor, an aged negro shoe-maker, while sitting on the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad track in the outskirts of Fayetteville, was run over and instantly killed by a train of the Atlantic Coast Line Friday afternoon. The old man was partly demented, the engineer blew the whistle when he saw the man, but the aged shoe-maker did not seem to hear and took no notice of the warning.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Bliss Outlaw and Ina Sullivan Die, 1922

From the Rockingham Post-Dispatch, Richmond County, September 7, 1922. I thought it was interesting that these death notices didn’t mention the mothers of the babies or any relatives other than the fathers.

Outlaw Baby
Bliss Azarene, six-months-old child of Mr. T.C. Outlaw, died at the Entwistle mill village September 4th. The little body was carried September 5th to South Carolina, about 24 miles from Cheraw, for burial.

Sullivan Baby
Ina May, five-months-old daughter of Mr. Will Sullivan, died at Ledbetter’s Wednesday morning, September 6th. The babe was buried today (Thursday) at Bare Branch cemetery.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Louisa Johnson, Industrious, Hard-Working, Kind and Accommodating Woman, Killed in Accidental Shooting, 1905

“Accidental Killing” from The Gold Leaf, Thursday, Sept. 7, 1905.

Negro Woman Meets Death by the Careless Handling of a Pistol…Unfortunate Occurrence in Restaurant Here Tuesday Morning
Louise Johnson, a colored woman, was accidentally shot and killed in a restaurant here Tuesday morning about 8 o’clock. She was employed as cook by Randolph Cox, also colored, and was engaged in serving breakfast for a customer when the tragedy occurred. Two negro boys, Man Allen and Lem Baskerville, were looking at a pistol which belonged to the former; he was trying to sell it to the latter. Allen handed the gun to Baskerville who “broke” it and took the cartridges out. He examined the weapon and replacing the cartridges handed it back to Allen with the remark that it would not act right. “I’ll show you how to work the gun,” said Allen, resting it on his left arm and pulling the trigger, the pistol being a self-cocker. The pistol fired, the ball passing through a plank partition (which separates the store form the restaurant) and striking the woman on the other side just as she was in the act of bending over the table. The ball took effect in the right side of the head just above the temple and death was instantaneous.

Allen declares he did not know the gun was loaded and did not know that the woman was on the other side of the partition. He had not seen her, there had been no trouble with any one and the shooting was the result of an accident. These are substantially the facts testified to at the preliminary hearing before Justice of the Peace T.L. Jones by Lem Baskerville and the defendant, Man Allen himself. Randolph Cox, Paul and Silas Carrol and Ala Bruce being examined as witnesses also testifying to certain material facts in corroboration.

R.S. McCoin represented Allen and after all the evidence was submitted he argued that as no motive was shown and the killing being the result of an accident, his client ought to be turned lose. While admitting that no motive was shown and he himself was satisfied the killing was accidental, Justice Jones was of the opinion that in view of the reckless and careless handling of the gun the grand jury ought to pass upon the case. He would not commit Allen to jail but let him give a reasonable bond for his appearance at court. He fixed the bond at $50 and this was given.

This is another case of death from an “unloaded” gun. There is too much carrying of concealed weapons and the careless and “biggity” handling of guns in public places by half grown negro boys—and white ones too—and the practice ought to be broken up. All good citizens should make it their business to report all such cases and the violators of the law brought to punishment. If the pistol toting habit was broken up, there would be fewer killings, either intentional or accidental.

Louisa Johnson was an industrious, hard-working woman, kind and accommodating, and it is too bad that her life should have been cut off in this ruthless manner by the reckless handling of a gun with which this boy had no business and the possession of which very likely made him more worthless and vicious than he would have been without it. This unfortunate affair should be a warning lesson to others.


Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Bill Arp's Humorous Look at Life in Elizabeth City, 1901

From the Fisherman and Farmer, Elizabeth City, Thursday, Sept. 12, 1901. This humorous piece included intentional misspellings.

Arp Kept at Work…His Wife Reminds Him When Repairing Is Needed…Bill Always Obeys Her Orders…He Then Tells of the Times When He Was Young and How Boys and Girls Used to Act

My wife said she had a promotion that we would have an early fall and I had better prepare for it right away. She reminded me that there were some broken glass on the roof of the flower pit and the sash needed repainting and the shelves renewing and I might whitewash the brick wall and so forth and so fifth and so on. Well, I have done all that and was humbly waiting for the next order when she told me that Sam, the darkey, wasent coming to run the lawn mower over the grass in the front yard and maybe I could do it and save 75 cents. Well, I have done that, but nobody paid me the 75 cents and next time I knew she sent one of the grandchildren to me for 75 cents to pay her debt to the aid society. These women have got nearly as many clubs and societies as the men, but they stay at home of nights and that is better than the men do. There are the Masons and Odd Fellows and Nights of Pythias and Nights of Damon and the Royal Arcanum and the Elks and the Nights of Jeriocho and Nights of Labor and they are all nights or midnights,and the women have to stay at home and nurse the children. If I was a marrying woman I would strike out the word obey and put in a promise for the man that he wouldn’t join anything that “took him away from home at night.” It’s bad enough for young folks to tramp around at night hunting for the moon. They are crazy about the moon, and that’s why crazy folks are called lunatics—for lunah means the moon and the ticks are not far off on a moonlight walk in the woods. Last Tuesday night there were six couples of our lunatics who went up the river road in search of the moon. They wanted to see it rise from out of the water and they had to get out to the big, flat rock in the river to see it, and they had to slide down the bank to reach the rock, and the young men cooned it down first to clear the way and the yaller jackets were waiting for them and by the time the girls were on the slide the little devils began the attack and they took ‘em on the slide in the flank and in the rear, in the face and shirt waist and arms and legs, and took the young men, too, and such screaming and scrambling was never heard or seen in that part of the country. The young men did not desert their partners, but shoved them up the slide again with great alacrity. The whole party were bunged up amazing. Eyes and ears and noses and hands and legs began to swell, and they never got to see the moon at all. The girls cried with anguish and the boys moaned and groaned and these was no ammonia, no soda, no doctor and no house within a mile. They could just see enough to find the horses and by the time they got back home some were blind in one eye and some in both, and you couldn’t tell a hand from afoot, nor a nose from a turnip beet, nor the ankle from a calf—calf of the leg, I meant. Well, they got home about midnight and that 5-mile ride was the longest and most miserable of their lives. The young men have not yet reported for duty nor have the girls dared to look into a mirror, for fear of breaking it. It is a wonder that those girls with such thin apparel were not stung to death, but I suppose that the stuffing and padding about the breastworks saved them.

We old school boys know something about yellow jackets. It is bad enough to tackle a nest in the daytime in open ground where you can run and fight. But to slide down into one near the water on a dark night must be awful in the extreme. The last time I came in conflict with the spiteful things, I located the nest and went to the house and got the wife fly catcher and set it over the hole. It worked beautifully and was filling up when an outsider too me, “ker-bim,” on the back of the neck, and I departed those coasts with alacrity. By and by the boys came and built a little fire not far away and set the fly catcher over the smoke and killed the whole concern. But you must look for the outsiders—the scouts and sharp shooters. Bees can’t sting but one time, but the jacket can keep up as long as the poison lasts. The sting of a bee is bad, that of a jacket is badder. And a wasp is the baddest of all, except a hornet or, perhaps, the devil’s packsaddle on a fodder blade. They do say in Texas that a tarantula is worse than all the rest put together and frequently proves fatal. They say, too, that any sting is a cure for the rheumatism, but I never found a man that had tried it. Some poisons affect one person more than another. A good citizen of this country died in 24 hours from a bee sting, but my faithful servant, Tip, can take them up in his hands and let them “lite” on his neck and face and sting him furiously, and he brushed them off and laughs and says they tickle him. I have picked the stings off his flesh by the dozen, and he has never had rheumatism. A colony of honey bees number 5,000, yellow jackets 500, and hornets 200.

But this is enough about such pesky things, though the sting of a mosquito seems to be attracting much attention from the men of science.

But I was ruminating about things that have to be done before long. My wife says it is about time to make a lettuce bed for the winter’s supply and it is about time to transplant two or three rows of strawberry plants from our own runners, for it is a good plan to have some new ones coming on every year. I receive so many letters from good women asking about how to grow them and so forth, that I will says briefly:

Prepare the ground about like you would for any garden herb or vegetable, fork deep and manure liberally, open a furrow and scatter ashes in it—any kind of ashes, wood, coal or mixed. If you can’t sift the ashes, be sure and throw out the cinders and lumps. Place the plants about a foot apart, spread out the roots, draw the earth around lightly. If ground is dry, use water to each plant, then pull some dry earth over the wet. That’s all. Have the rows two feet apart. If you have no plants of your own, then  order some, and get Brandywine, Lady Thompson, Gaudy and Excelsion. There are several other good kinds, but I know what these are. If ashes are scarce, use a good handful to each plant. Stable manure makes the plant grow and ashes makes the fruit.

Let me make another suggestion to these good women. If you have no asparagus bed, make one this fall. It is the cheapest thing grown, and about the best. We had it in abundance all the spring and are now having a second crop. Buy one or two hundred crowns at 75 cents a hundred, plant about like you would plant strawberries. Don’t dig any ditch as they used to do. Give a good coat of manure every fall or winter and the same bed will last you 20 years. Fork up the ground once or twice a year, but do not fork too close to the crowns.

One other thing and I am done. Plant the small butter bean. It is sometimes called the see-wee bean. It is sure and prolific and keeps on bearing until frost. It will take an arbor or very stout poles to hold up the fines.

That’s all.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Did Booker T. Washington Escort a White Woman? Don't Blame Booker Unduly, 1905

"Don’t Blame Booker Unduly," From The Gold Leaf, Henderson, Thursday, Sept. 14, 1905.

Coincidently with the report of the resignation of former Mayor Drennen of Birmingham as a member of the board of trustees of Tuskegee Institute on account of the Booker Washington-John Wanamaker demonstration at Saratoga, August 13, Booker Washington wired to Birmingham, August 20th, his discovery of “misleading and false reports in Southern newspapers” referring to the occurrence, and saying “I did not escort any female member of Mr. Wanamaker’s family to or out of the dining-room.” His correction of that part of the report—which report was published originally in a New York newspaper August 14th, and thence circulated in the South—and his accompanying explanation hardly graze the question upon which turned the criticism of those Southerners who in the past in a mistaken conception of the situation, were prone to stand by Booker Washington when placed by accident or by incident in false positions, even at the risk of being themselves misunderstood. Such Southerners have long since discovered their mistake, and yet they are not inclined to blame Booker unduly. Their feelings toward him are rather those of regret at another and signal exhibition of reasons for hopelessness about the negro in some particulars. Nor do they unduly blame Wanamaker. They know his exceeding narrow limitation and recognize that as a partner of Robert C. Ogden he could not fail to be interested in the annual $12,000 Wanamaker advertising Ogden train, and to be misled by the reception given to that train in the South.

Wanamaker, in entertaining Washington as his guest, could not possibly have intended to affront a great body of whites at the South. He undoubtedly is aware of the views of his partner, Ogden, on the race question, and could not have escaped the impression naturally created by the rapturous intimacy with Odgenism of “representative” and “distinguished Southern educators,” of “Educational statesmen,” etc., who have been co-agents or co-workers with Booker for Ogdenism in the cause of the “democratization of the South” banking upon special interest in the negro on the part of individuals who never will know the negro. It was perfectly natural for Wanamaker, of pious mind, to attribute such ecstatic intimacy to anything but a misguided philosophy, or interest in a salary list provided by millionaire “Philanthropy,” or an overweaning desire for notoriety on the part of individuals who had been pondering upon great problems in “lonely isolation,” or even the instinct to play petty politics and to ride upon an apparent wave of popularity. His inclination to take that view of the outgivings of the “representative Southerners” in train of Ogdenism must have been strengthened by a statement last spring of a young president of a Virginia institution, to the effect that the support of Ogdenism embraced everything in the South “except provincial narrowness, petty animosity, selfish motive and ignoble purpose,” and that its representative gathering was “dominantly made up of leading men of our own Southern country who are devoted to the traditions and the ideals of our fathers, who are not ashamed of the land that gave them birth, and who, in keeping faith with the past, are also loyal to their American citizenship and ready for the new duties of this new day, and for the manifest destiny that awaits them.”

If Mr. Wanamaker is thoroughly acquainted with his business partner’s career in “philanthropy” during the past 40-odd years, and if he has carefully read all the literature of Ogdenism, he cannot be blamed unduly for regarding the ephemeral error of a limited class in Southern education as final conviction at the South, for thinking that the glare of noise pyrotechnics below the Potomac was the dawn of a new American, and, falling into the consequent mistake that Booker at the North was the manifest destiny of the negro of the South, for endeavoring in smooth and snug “philanthropy” to hasten the time appointed. Hence the blame for Booker’s being concerned in an event which can only be to the detriment of his race must be laid primarily at the doors of those Southern whites pictured as “representative,” who fell into the snare of Ogdenism, willingly or unwillingly, and who in some cases are doubtless as sorry for themselves as their friends are for them.

Monday, September 14, 2015

New Businesses in the Carolinas, 1901

From the Fisherman and Farmer, Elizabeth City, Thursday, Sept. 12, 1901. New Bern was sometimes spelled New Berne and Newbern in various newspapers at the turn of the century.

New Enterprises That Are Enriching our Favored Section
And now comes the fact that China can no longer claim to be the only country that produces the rush from which the famous “Chinese matting” is manufactured. This great monopoly can no longer belong exclusively to the Flowery Kingdom. Along the banks of the Trent and Neuse rivers and their tributaries and marshes, beginning about 15 miles above Newbern, there grows a beautiful rush from three to seven feet high, samples of which were lately submitted to a Boston expert and declared by him to be the identical species of the Chinese variety and from which the Chinese mattings is made. The supply of this rush in this State is positively inexhaustible. It is a perennial, exceedingly hardy and a vigorous, rapid grower. In its original green state the stalks are from the size of a knitting needle to that of a lead pencil. It is conservatively estimated that about 300,000,000 yards of Chinese matting are shipped into the United States alone annually from China. It will therefore be seen what the discovery of this North Carolina rush really means to the commercial world, and its importance to the men who will engage in its manufacture. Truly the great and diversified wealth of the Old North State is a constant and continual surprise. “The half has never been told.”

                                --Raleigh News and Observer

The Bonnie Cotton Mills of Kings Mountain
The Bonnie Cotton Mills of Kings Mountain, N.C., which completed its plant some months ago, started operations with 4,300 spindles on twist ply yarns from 8s to 40s. It has now decided to add 1,000 spindles this fall and more spindles later on to fill the building. The whole cost will be about $100,000. Seventy-five hands are employed, which will be increased to 175 in a few months. All the tenement houses are nearly completed. J.S. Mauney is president.

Independent Bleachery in South Carolina
One of the most important announcements ever made in connection with the Southern textile industry has appeared during the current week. It is the announcement of the completion of the $300,000 bleachery at Clearwater, S.C., the first of its character in this section to cater to the genera mill trade. There are two other bleacheries in the south, but they are operated in conjunction with cotton factories. The plant just completed will print, bleach and dye sheetings, drills, ducks and sateens and its weekly capacity is 100 tons of goods. The operators have been chosen from the leading plants in New England, and the company owning the bleachery expects its plant to be but the initial step that will ultimately result in the South printing, bleaching and dyeing all of its manufactured cloth. The establishment of the bleachery is due to the efforts of Mrs. Thomas Barrett Jr. of Augusta, Ga., the company’s president, who has for years been identified with the cotton manufacturing interest of the South.

Exports from Newport News
Shipments  of live-stock from Newport News continues to be extensive. Four vessels recently cleared form this port in one day, three of which carried 1,000 head of cattle in addition to other cargo. Shipments of coal to Greece are now being made from Newport News. A cargo was recently sent to Piraeus, the port of Athens, consisting of 5,718 tons of New River coal.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Epidemic of Pellagra in Durham and Other State News, 1911

From the editorial page of the Watauga Democrat, Boone, September 28, 1911

--Durham seems to be having almost a scourge of Pellagra. Two hundred cases have been reported and we have not seen it denied or modified.

--From an exchange we find that the Governor of North Carolina has less power under the law than the governor of any other state. Every other governor has the veto power, while North Carolina’s governor alone has no such power, not being permitted to sign or refuse to sign an act of the Legislature. This fact developed at the Governor’s Conference.

--Craven County recently voted to establish a Farmlife School, and it is to be located at Vanceboro, that town having given 92 acres of land and $10,000 in bonds to secure the site. Craven is in a class by itself, for no other County in the State has done what she has done.

--A bank with $10,000 Capital has been organized at Conover and the Newton Enterprise says it is the seventh bank for Catawba County.

Coffey Wagon Company Out of Business, 1911

From the Lenoir News, September, 1911

The stockholders of the Coffey Wagon Company, which went out of business a year or so ago, held a meeting here yesterday looking to the final winding up of the affairs of the old company. The valuable property a mile north of the town, which was used as the factory, is still unoccupied, but it is not likely that it will remain so much longer. The gentlemen who now own it are progressive business men and it is possible that they will establish some kind of manufacturing plant there in the near future.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Social News, Elizabeth City, Sept. 12, 1901

“Local and Personal” from Fisherman and Farmer, Elizabeth City, Thursday, Sept. 12, 1901

Mr. Hal Shaw spent Monday in the city.

Miss Ida J. Flora has returned to St. Mary’s in Raleigh.

Mr. Willis N. Gregory spent several days in Norfolk this week.

Mr. George Scott spent several days in Shawboro this week with Mr. Hal Shaw.

The Editor is spending the week near Belvidere assisting in a protracted meeting.

Mr. Ray Winder, who has been on a pleasure trip to Roanoke Island, returned Saturday.

Misses Lepine Reid and Jessie Jennings left for Louisburg Female College last week.

Mr. Guy Brockett, who has been spending the season at Nag’s Head, returned Monday.

Miss Gussie Kramer left Monday for Durham, where she will continue her course at Trinity.

The Misses Weeks are visiting northern points of interest, including the Buffalo Exposition.

Mrs. S.E. Speight who has been quite sick at her home on Fearing street is improving, we are glad to state.

Miss Rida, the charming daughter of Mr. G.F. Derrickson, left Monday to enter Greensboro Female College.

Miss Harry Arundell of Berkley, who has been on a visit to Miss Pattie Sanderlin, returned to her home last Saturday.

Rev. P.S.C. Davis will conduct prayer meeting service at Riverside Chapel Thursday night in the absence of the pastor.

Mr. Blucher Ehringhaus left last Thursday for Chapel Hill, where he will pursue a post-graduate course at the University.

Dr. Erskine Ehringhaus returned Thursday to Baltimore where he will further pursue his course at the Baltimore Dental College.

Mr. S. Oren Garrison of Belle Haven, Va., has arrived and taken charge of the mechanical department of the Fisherman & Farmer.

Mrs. Hattie Phelps and daughter, Mrs. Basnight of Plymouth, who have been on a visit to relatives in the city, have returned home.

Mr. and Mrs. M.L. Sanderlin and Max Jr. have returned from an extended trip through Canada, taking in a number of our northern cities.

Rev. W.A. Ayers of Hertford, N.C., occupied the pulpit of the Baptist church Sunday morning and fairly captured the audience with his excellent sermon.

Mr. W.E. McCoy and daughter, Miss Florence, and little son Eddie of South Mills were welcome visitors here Thursday. While here they made us a very pleasant call.

Mrs. A.S. Neal has gone north to purchase her stock of fall millinery. She was accompanied by Misses Martha Sykes, Genevra Bell and Margaret Williams. The party will do the Pan-American before their return.

Miss Emma Willis and Mrs. Frank Willis went away Monday, the former to enter Greensboro Female Colle. Mr. Willis goes as principal of the graded schools in Washington this year.

Messrs Wood and Lister have purchased the entire stock of W.W. Morrisette & Co. for about $2,000 and will continue business at the present stand. They have ordered a lot of new goods and will sell for the very lowest prices. Watch for their “ad” next week.

Mr. Marvin Lister was a visitor in the city Monday.

Quite a crowd arrived Tuesday morning on steamer Neuse.

Miss Linda Spence is visiting relatives and friends in Norfolk.

Mr. Frank Eason of South Mills spent Friday here on business.

Mr. Luther Taylor of New Berne arrived on the steamer Neuse Tuesday morning.

Mr. Chas. R. Bell has returned from Baltimore and will open the oyster packing house Oct. 1st.

Messrs Joe Burgess and Clyde Crawford will leave soon for Asheboro to enter school at that place.

Mrs. Mae Guirkin who has been on a visit to her sister in Newport News, Va., returned home Tuesday.

Mr. Creighton Burgess, who has been confined to his home several days by sickness, is out again, we are glad to state.

Mrs. Nannie Dawson and daughter, Miss Fannie, who have spent the season at Nag’s Head, have returned home.

Miss Kate Leary, one of Edenton’s most charming young ladies, is in the city, the guest of Miss Gertrude Greenleaf.

Miss Clara Bond, one of Edenton’s most fascinating and charming daughters, returned to her home last week after a few weeks visit to Miss Gertie Greenleaf.

Oyster Supper at the Park
Miss Hallie Waters will give an Oyster Supper next Friday at the park (Capt. Sam Waters). The entertainment is kindly given for the benefit of the Baptist Chapel, and we hope will be liberally patronized.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Frank Jeter Thanks Chambers of Commerce and Civic Clubs for Their Support of Agriculture, 1949

Fayetteville Observer, Sept. 20, 1949

This newspaper and others have replied in editorial theory to Governor Scott’s contention that Chambers of Commerce and civic clubs in North Carolina did little or nothing to aid agriculture.

But it remained for Frank H. Jeter, agricultural editor of North Carolina State College, to give the factual answer.

This answer he gave yesterday at the annual meeting of North Carolina Chamber of Commerce executives at Wilson. It was not a theoretical answer based on his belief. It was a factual answer based on a questionnaire he had sent to farm agents and others in a position to know in practically every North Carolina county.

They told Mr. Jeter that the assistance rendered farmers by Chambers of Commerce and civic clubs in North Carolina amounted to thousands of dollars annually. They told him that this money was not used entirely for contest prizes but that much of it was used for the actual improvement of farms and for livestock.

In view of Mr. Jeter’s factual replay, we get the impression that Governor Scott’s blast at the agricultural work done by Chambers of Commerce and civic clubs was based on Governor Scott’s personal theory, maybe on his personal prejudice.

Farm Editor Frank Jeter is not a man of prejudices, unless it be that he is prejudiced in favor of the farmers of North Carolina and prejudiced in favor of better farming in North Carolina.

He is a man who has devoted his life to transplanting the facts about better farming into interesting newspaper and magazine articles calculated to stimulate interest in better farming.

We hope sincerely that he is able to retain his job at N.C. State College.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Census Holds Surprise: Negroes Aren't Dying Out, 1901

Washington Letter…From Our Regular Correspondent, from the Fisherman and Farmer, Elizabeth City, Thursday, Sept. 19, 1901. Ethnology is a branch of anthropology.
Washington, Sept. 16th, 1901—The Census bulletins grouping the population of the states by nativity, race, etc., have been made public and contain some rather interesting information on the race question. The negro population of the country is 11.7 per cent of the total, practically the same as in 1890. The white population has increased, undoubtedly, by several millions of immigrants. This indicates that the negro is not dying out as some ethnologists have claimed, but is holding his own and perhaps a little more.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Billie Baskerville Killed by Train Near Henderson Cotton Mills, 1905

“Billie Baskerville Killed by Train,” from the Gold Leaf, Henderson, N.C., Thursday, Sept. 21, 1905

Billie Baskerville, a well known colored man of this town, was found dead by the side of the railroad track near the Henderson Cotton Mills Sunday morning. He had been struck by a passing train some time during the night and killed. Saturday afternoon he was drinking and when seen after dark he was considerably under the influence of liquor. He did not go home that night and it is not known just how or what time he was killed. The condition of the body indicated that he was struck and knocked from the track while in a sitting or standing position instead of being run over. Seven ribs on the left side were broken as was the shoulder. The neck bone just at the juncture of the skull was broken and there were a number of cuts and bruises on the head.

Billie Baskerville was an honest, industrious man and had a great many friends among white as well as colored people. He was good natured, kind hearted and accommodating, and his death under the tragic circumstances makes his taking off all the sadder. His weakness was an over indulgence in strong drink at times, but even while drinking he was polite, respectful and inoffensive and all who knew him liked him. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock and was largely attended.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Mourning the Death of President McKinley, 1901

From the Sept. 26, 1901, issue of Fisherman & Farmer, Elizabeth City, N.C., "Washington Letter…From Our Regular Correspondent"

Washington, Sept. 16th, 1901—The sudden change in the bulletins concerning President McKinley and the news of his death have caused an atmosphere of subdued and undemonstrative, but genuine sorrow, to pervade Washington. Everywhere one sees the colors draped with black framing pictures of the dead President. The people in charge of the “Oldroyd Collection of Lincoln Relics,” which fills the house in which Lincoln died, opposite Ford’s theatre, have hung the whole front of the house with crape and flags, surrounding portraits of Lincoln and McKinley. Yet, with all this, it seems hardly possible to believe that the genial, kindly-faced man will never again stroll along the streets or through the White House grounds, greeting everyone with his accustomed unostentatious courtesy. Washington has suffered a personal bereavement.

There is some speculation inevitably as to the possible and probable course of the new Executive. While Pres. Roosevelt is not so well known here, personally, as was McKinley, he is a national figure and every one is familiar with his eventful career. As the most careful observers of public affairs agree, it is not possible to foretell with any certainty what he will do in the next three years. His occupancy of the same ticket with President McKinley is another proof of the old trouble that politics make strange bed-fellows, for there never were two men more unlike. Curiously enough however, they held much the same views on most public questions. McKinley was wise, sagacious, thoughtful; he avoided making enemies whenever possible. Roosevelt is entirely careless on this point, and many of his enemies have been made, not so much by his policy as by his way of carrying it out. He has often appeared to seek dramatic effect, simply because he was not thinking about effect of any kind and did not avoid making one.

He is the youngest man, by five years, who ever held the office of President, being not yet 43; and when it is remembered that he was prominent in state and even national politics at an age when most men are scarcely beginning their careers, some of the popular impressions of this character may be better understood. The great responsibilities now laid upon him will inevitably test his qualities as an administrator, and the country will certainly know him far better a year from now than it does today. He is not a man to be guided. He will do what he thinks is best and remains to be seen whether those in both parties who wish to oppose him will be able to do so effectually.

It is thought that there will be some very important changes in the Cabinet before very long, though their nature depends on the plans the new President may have for 1904. Secretary Hay is said to be much broken in health since the death of his son and may resign at an early date, in which case the selection of a new Secretary of State will be a matter of the moment. The name of Lodge is suggested in this connection. He, like Roosevelt, has gone into politics under the conviction and for the love of it, and the two would probably agree. Walcott is another of the same sort, but he comes from Colorado, and there is an unwritten political law which is against the selection of a Secretary of State from the far West. The name of Depew has also been mentioned, but this would make rather too much Excelsior in the Cabinet for political purposes, for Depew is also a New Yorker. Besides, Depew is a humorist, and the joker does not always win in the game of office seeking. Secretary Long, while personally a friend of the President, might be forced out by the clamour of political opponents if the Schley-Sampson case develops in a way to warrant it.

Senator Wellington has been expelled from the Union League Club of Maryland, and he says he is glad of it, as the members thereof are his enemies. After his comments on the character of McKInley at the time of his assassination, it is likely that most of Maryland came under that category. Southern papers are urging that he be put out of the Senate.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

President McKinley Assassinated, 1901

From the Sept. 26, 1901, issue of Fisherman & Farmer, Elizabeth City, N.C., editorial page of Fisherman & Farmer, W.J. Crowson, editor and proprietor

McKinley Dead
The American nation stands bereft of her President. At 2:15 o’clock Saturday morning Sept. 14th, 1901, William McKinley, the universally beloved president of this nation, and possibly the most popular of any public man in the history of the country, died from the effect of the wounds inflicted by the assassin’s bullets on the same day a week before.

It seems hardly possible that such a tragic event could take place—that in a crowd an assassin could so easily escape detection and assault unto death the Chief Magistrate of a great country.

Whether as a man or as the President, Mr. McKinley leaves as the heritage of the American people a record of a life of remarkable purity and sweetness. The embodiment of gentleness it seems so strange that he should fall a victim to violence.

The 19th day of September has been set apart by President Roosevelt as a day of fasting and prayer and the entire nation asked to unite in its observance.

In sackcloth and ashes of humility let this Nation bow before the great God whose wisdom is inscrutable and His ways past finding out.

President Roosevelt
President McKinley died at 2:15 o’clock a.m. At 3:30 o’clock p.m. Vice President Roosevelt took the oath of office prescribed for the President of these United States.

The great hand of the Nation falls but another rises to take his place.

President Roosevelt brings with him great popularity as a leader. We trust God may give him wisdom and discretion to meet the great tasks his high position calls him.

God bless the President of the United States.

The Assassin
During the time when it was thought that the President would recover, it was found by Solicitor General Richards, who looked the question of the possible punishment of Czolgosz, that by making use of some legal technicalities, the assassin could have been sentenced to 50 years in prison. While 10 years is the limit of the punishment for assault, he could have been tried for assault not only on the president but on the two detectives and on Parker, the negro who knocked him down.