Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Why Has Price of Gasoline Risen 69% in a Year? 1916

“Gas,” from the editorial page of the Monroe Journal, August 15, 1916, Monroe, N.C.

A year ago, gasoline was selling in Monroe for 16 cents a gallon. Since that time the price climbed till it reached 27 cents, and there it hung a long time. It has made a slight start downward and is selling at 25 cents. On this point the New York World says:

But why does gasoline suddenly become cheaper after as suddenly becoming dear? That is the prize puzzle of a system of price-fixing of which the oil industry has furnished many examples. The present reduction is attributed to increased production and a slackening for the demand for the fuel for the military needs of Europe. But certainly the domestic demand both for industrial and pleasure uses has enormously increased. The decline in price of crude oil has been slight, and it is not assumed that the long established and efficiently managed producing companies have only at this late day effected economies which make its production cheaper. Why, then, does gasoline cost less now than a month or a week ago?

Gasoline is more than ever a public necessity. The recent extreme fluctuations in its price have inspired Congressional inquiries. The Federal Trade Commission has just finished an investigation of methods of production and conditions of cost. Yet the mystery remains at most half solved. A good way to clear it up might be to subject the entire oil industry to Federal supervision.

If every State in which oil lands are located were to put a tax on every acre of oil bearing land based upon the rate at which such lands sell on the market, gasoline would sell everywhere in six months at 10 cents or less per gallon. A similar method adopted for coal fields would cut the price in half in two. The trouble is that the coal and oil producing lands have been monopolized and the supply is thus shut off. No amount of government legislation is going to do any lasting good. An adequate tax on all lands would open up the supply and bust the monopoly and nothing else will.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Proud Reports of Extension Workers Making a Difference in North Carolina, August, 1955

“Personal Mention” by Frank Jeter in Extension Farm-News, August, 1955. Extension Farm-News was published by the Agricultural Extension Service at N.C. State College, Raleigh, and distributed to employees throughout the state.

The Kellogg Foundation has selected North Carolina as one of four states to make an evaluation study of the new Farm and Home Development in Agricultural Extension. The state has done valuable pioneering in the field of farm and home management and in other farm family enterprises. The new Extension approach has been brought to the attention of the Congress, so we are proud of having been given this responsibility to help form a national policy.

We are proud, too, of our three weeks’ professional training course attended by over 100 alert men and women agents. It was a wonderful experience for us all and the editorial section was made happy when those attending had enough confidence in its work that about half of all attending elected to take the work in effective use of communications media.

Next, let’s not forget another of those annual 4-H Club weeks. Again, say staff members, it was one of the best. We congratulate club leader Harrill and his capable staff. Somehow they always find the power to do something different and better. How they do it is one of those eternal mysteries of Agricultural Extension.

We tell you of other equally effective activities. None better than the Home Demonstration Music Camp at Catawba College in Salisbury. Or the lamb pools, wool pools, tobacco meetings on the branch research station farms, the irrigation demonstrations, and similar things in which Extension is interested.

Morris L. McGough sends a glowing report about the meeting of the Southeastern Community Development Association at Cherokee. Mac was happy at securing Under Secretary of Agriculture True D. Morse as his featured speaker and the forestry people also were happy at having Mr. Morse speak at the dedication exercises of Tree Farms near Asheville. He said that trees, along with oil wells and gold mines, are among the few things that return 28 percent interest in five years. He was quoting someone else but no matter, he made it stick. Also dedicated the community building at Addie in Jackson County. He remarked that everywhere he traveled in the United States he heard of the remarkable work being conducted by the organized communities of North Carolina. Which, by the way, led McGough to say that Mary Johnston and Paul Gibson, and their associates, are doing a fine job at Addie and with the other organized communities in Jackson County.

We must congratulate Madison County for its effective celebration over being chosen as the county in western North Carolina making the most progress last year in rural community advancement. Director Weaver went up to help celebrate the occasion.

John Arey reports good luck on a recent fishing trip in Carteret. Sam Mitchiner says the airplane trip to Coker’s farm was enjoyed by the Forsyth tobacco growers. Lots of excitement in Randolph over a wild steer hunt staged by E.C. Gray of Asheboro.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Local and Personal News from Wingate in the Monroe Journal, Aug. 15, 1916

“Locals and Personals from Wingate,” from the Monroe Journal, August 15, 1916, Monroe, N.C.

Fine refreshing showers continue to visit our locality, much to the delight of fearful and pessimistic ones.

The moving picture show here Saturday night was well attended and proved quite interesting to the audience. The knowledge gained by these illustrations of various diseases will prove of great value to all who appreciate its full meaning.

The people are gathering to the academy this morning to receive their third treatment of the anti-typhoid vaccination. This is a wise and prudent step and should be taken advantage of by all hwo are subject to this most dreaded and fatal disease.

Protracted meeting is in progress at Meadow Branch this week. There will be two services each day, one at 11 o’clock a.m., and one at 2 o’clock p.m. Pastor Black will do most if not all the preaching. A hearty welcome is extended to every one.

Mr. T.M. Davis and family of Robeson county are visiting the family of Mrs. Davis’ sister, Mrs. M.S. Humphrey of Wingate.

Wingate and Stallingsville crossed bats on the former’s ground Saturday afternoon, resulting in a score of 2 to 1 in favor of the Wingate boys.

Mr. Ira B. Mullins of Lumberton and his cousin, Miss Mary Mullis, are visiting at the home of Mr. Mullis’ mother, Mrs. Tinie Mullis. Miss Mullis, who has been preparing for foreign missionary work, will sale for her chosen field next month.

Miss Naomi Davis, a former student, has returned preparatory to entering the Wingate School for the approaching term.

Mr. Judge Austin, son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Austin of Sincerity, who belongs to the reserved list of the U.S. standing army as provided in a recent act, will leave today for Atlanta to report for duty.

Dr. Lovill of Fairmont was in town the later part of last week prospecting for a location. The probability is that the doctor will decide to locate within our borders. The doctor, like all other worthy comers, will receive a hearty welcome among us.

Mesdames W.T. Cutchins and A.M. Lentz of Norwood and Mr. Lisk of Mt. Holly are visiting the family of Mr. and Mrs. Y.M. Boggan. Miss Mary Boggan, who has been taking a summer course at the State Normal, has just returned to her home in Wingate.

Miss Margaret Benton of Wadeville, N.C., is visiting the home of Mr. and Mrs. R.L. McWhirter.

Sherman Doster (colored) was accidentally shot in the neck by Rosa Garmon (colored) Saturday night. While the wound is painful and came dangerously nigh being made a subject for a funeral, it is not considered necessarily dangerous. The parties are tenants on Mr. Pernay Stewart’s plantation. Rose didn’t know it was loaded, of course.

Mrs. Dallas Simpson is right sick with acute indigestion.

His friends are pleased to find Mr. M.S. Humphrey able, after being laid off for some days, to resume his duties at the Wingate Drug Store.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Fires Across North Carolina Destroyed 55 Homes, 110 Stores, 44 Autos, 35 Warehouses in First Six Months of 1922

From the Watauga Democrat, August 3, 1922 issue

Six Months Fire Loss Is Enormous

Raleigh—The fire loss for the first six months of 1922 in North Carolina, according to official records in the State Fire Marshal’s office, is enormous, but Commissioner Wade shows that it is an improvement over the same period in 1921, and highly favorable when compared for the record for the country at large, for while the loss in North Carolina is reduced $605,489 from that of 1921, that of the United States and Canada has increased $27,931,300.

During the six months, January 1 to July 1, fire destroyed or injured the following:
Dwellings, 55; stores, 110; autos not in storage, 44; warehouse and storage, 35; garages, 32; industrial plants, 28; barns, 22; pressing clubs, 17; schools, 1; cafes, 14; hotels, 8; outhouses, 7; passenger and freight stations and platforms, 8; newspaper and printing plants, 6; ginneries, 5; laundries, 4; saw mills, 4; hospitals, 3; barber shops, 3; two each of banks, boats, service stations, churches, power and light plants, apartments; one each of telephone exchange, Y.M.C.A., lodge rooms, wood yard, pumping plant, state building, stand-pipe, and toilet.

Sparks on shingle roofs and defective flues caused 281 fires; unknown, 194; exposure, 91; oil stove explosion, 40; overhot stove, 35; cigarettes and smoking, 26; incendiary, 25; carelessness, 22; gasoline ignition, 21; short circuit, 15; defective wiring, 15; child and match, 10; suspicious, 9; lightning, 9; eight each of spontaneous combustion, lamp explosion, hot ashes, accidental, rubbish and trash; seven each of electric iron, machine friction, engine spark; matches, 5; rate and matches, 4; open fires, 4; and one each of wet lime, hot box, hot cinders, live coal on floor, and movie film.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Sometimes it is Necessary to Decide Whether to Be a Useful Public Servant or to Be Re-Elected, Says Congressman Kelly, 1916

“This Is No Joke,” from the State Journal as reprinted in the Monroe Journal, August 15, 1916, Monroe, N.C.

Fred C. Kelly, writing in Every Week, tells the following as a Congressman’s explanation of why he can never be defeated. It is no joke:

When I entered Congress just a few years ago, I believe I was just as full of patriotic impulses as anybody. I was ambitious to get ahead by honest effort and to serve my district and my country in a manner that should be characterized by sincerity and freedom from so-called “bunk.”

At the end of my first term I did not receive as large a majority as I had hoped for, and one member from another State whom I knew to be one of the most patriotic and hardest working men in the House was defeated. His defeat set me thinking. If a man of his caliber, who had served so well, could not hold his seat, what hope was thee for the rest of us? I mentioned the matter to an older member.

“Sometimes,” he told me, “it is necessary to decide whether to be a useful public servant or to hold your job in Congress.”

From that conversation I date the change in my character as a Congressman. I am ashamed of the change. I am today a long way adrift from the ideals that I had when I came to Washington. But—I am perfectly sure that I shall stay in Congress just as long as I choose to stay.

And, while there are few men among my associates who would openly make such a confession as this, there are scores in both parties whose story is just like mine. “Congressman,” said the late Mr. Littlefield of Maine, “are the most cowardly human beings on earth.” He was pretty nearly right. Take us as a group, we have only one sincere emotion—that fear that we shall fail to be reelected.

One reason why I have come to feel reasonably sure of keeping my job is because I am one of the most useless members of Congress. I have little time for the real legislative part of congressional work, because I am taken up with the little chores which, while of scant consequence to anybody, are of value ingratiating myself with the voters at home. While other members are busy trying to shape legislation in committees or on the floor, I am usually in my office sending out letters or seeds or helpful little bulletins.

I have found by experience that the average voter is flattered to receive a personal letter from his Congressman. Many a day I send out from my office an entire mail-sack full of letters. As a rule, these letters have scant bearing on legislation or national questions or on anything beyond making me solid with various individuals at home. I find that it doesn’t matter what I write to a man about; the main thing is to write to him.

I arranged some years ago with the deputy probate officers in each county of my district to send me a list every week or two of all marriages and births recorded in that county, along with the addresses of the principals. I send a letter of congratulation to the new husband or the new mother, as the case may be. The scheme of writing to a young mother has proved especially good. A man may forget about a letter I have written him, but he never gets a chance to forget that I have written to his wife. She speaks of it and shames him if he ever threatens to vote against me.

I distribute all the seeds and bulletins furnished for me by the Department of Agriculture, and usually write a letter calling attention to the fact that I have mailed these things, aiming to give the impression in each letter that the name of the particular person to whom I am writing suddenly occurred to me as one of especial importance in the community.

When I’m at home I studiously avoid doing anything that could give the impression that I am not one of the so-called common people. I encourage the humblest folk in my district to address me by my first name. Never, when I can avoid it, do I let any of the home people see me in evening clothes.

It was a long time before I felt that I dared drive an automobile. When motor cars became so common that many mechanics were driving to work in their own machines, I finally bought one of the cheaper makes. I make it a point to happen by a factory occasionally just at the time the whistle blows for the men to quit work, and I invite as many horny-handed laborers as the car will hold to ride with me.
While I naturally would not care to say so over my own signature, the truth is that myi whole work in Congress is done, in the way that will best serve to insure my reelection. When a bill comes up for consideration, I almost unconsciously look at it from the angle of how it will affect me politically, rather than whether it is a good or a bad measure for the people. I have been in Congress so long now that I really haven’t the nerve to tackle any other line of endeavor, and so I am determined to remain in this job until I die. I’ll do it, too; I’m sure of that.

About the most vicious feature of my system is that I must work for the so-called pork barrel measures, that is, more or less useless expenditure of public money, so long as my district gets a share of these wasted funds. If I can contrive in any way to get a government building for a town in my district, where no such building is needed, but where the populace will point to it as something accomplished by their member of Congress—thus reminding themselves to vote for me when election day comes—the town finds itself with that building.

“What if it is expensive,” they say, “so long as we are getting it? The whole country has to pay for it.”

What they over look is the fact that in order to obtain that building appropriation I was obliged to vote, perhaps, for several score more buildings in other parts of the country which were equally needless and extravagant and wasteful. In order to get a $50,000 building in his own town, Mr. Taxpayer must help provide the money for a few dozen other buildings, costing perhaps a million each, in other towns. Instead of voting for a Congressman who gets an expensive building for his district on that basis, the people should rise up against him in righteous wrath. But no body of taxpayers has ever yet viewed the proposition in that way, and I believe it will be a long time before they do.

The one element of danger to a Congressman who makes it a point to curry favor in the various ways that I do, is the necessity of making occasional appointments, particularly postmasterships. I have been getting around this lately by having the people hole preferential elections, and thus relieving myself of the responsibility and the danger of making enemies. A candidate for the post office may be vexed somewhat with me if I don’t appoint him; but he can’t say much if I am able to point out that the people in his town voted against him.

A few measures come up in the House on which public sentiment is so divided that it is extremely dangerous to vote at all. For example, in a district which is fairly close, a vote on either side of the national prohibition question might defeat a man. Whatever side you vote against will work for your opponent at the polls—even though your opponent may feel the same about it as you do. You opponent has the advantage that he is not on record and you are.

I am free to say that I never have allowed my attitude on the prohibition question to be recorded, and I never will. Sentiment in my district is too evenly divided. On the day the thing comes to a vote, I shall e called away, or taken ill, or something.

I would prefer to be a highly efficient Congressman, voting always on the side of right and justice, rather than to follow always, as I do, the line of political expediency. But I haven’t enough money to take a chance on being turned out of office. And so I shall continue to be simply a useless congressman. It is the only way I know to safeguard myself.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Old North State News From Watauga Democrat, Aug. 3, 1922

From the Watauga Democrat, August 3, 1922 issue

Condensed News from the Old North State

Hickory—News has been received here of the burning of a storehouse, mill and stock of goods near Zion Lutheran Church, this county, with a total loss estimated at between $2,000 and $2,500.

Winston-Salem—Quincy Lee, who conducts a barber shop here, received a letter this week signed K.K.K., which very naturally disturbed his equilibrium. The writer notified Lee to dispose not only of his barber fixtures, but his household effects “at reasonable price” and get out of town within 30 days.

Durham—Manager Lee Gooch of Durham ball club, announced the purchase of Second Baseman Cary of the Norfolk (Va.) League club, and the signing up of Pitcher Charlie Caroll, former Trinity College star.

Hickory—Although crops generally in this section are unusually good, the farmers report that frequent showers have caused watermelon vines to grow to large size with few melons, and the output is expected to be rather small.

Fayetteville—James Williams and Rufus Murphy, Negroes, are being held for the grand jury here on charges of murder growing out of the killing of Henry E. Smith, another Negro, at a barbecue in the southern part of the county.

Kinston—International and national health experts will assist the Woodmen of the World in locating the fraternity’s new sanatorium for tubercular members, according to Elisha B. Lewis, who has returned here from a session of the order’s heads in Western Carolina.

Raeford—Hoke County has stepped up another notch in the last 60 days. The farmers mean business. Enough of them have signed up with the Co-operative Marketing association 20,000 acres of cotton. Already they have bought a site and employed a contractor to erect a modern warehouse for the use of the association.

Burlington—As a result of an affray between Floyd Miles, a Negro who lives near Ossippee, and his wife, the man is in a local hospital with a bullet in his body and not expected to recover. It is alleged that Miles attempted to give his wife an old-time beating and had not proceeded far when his wife got a gun and stopped him by firing a bullet into his body.

Statesville—Clarence Moore was seriously if not fatally injured when east-bound passenger train No. 36 struck and demolished the Gulf Refining company’s truck which he was driving.

Burlington—This city has one of the lowest electric light rates in the state. At a recent meeting of the board of aldermen and officials of the Piedmont Power and Light Company, an agreement was reached whereby the rates were reduced for electric current, the reduction to become effective September 1.

Lumberton—The fruit and vegetable crop in this section is a bumper one. However, the producers are finding local sales and at satisfactory prices. Many fine melons are being offered on the market here. The major portion of the fruit crop is being used locally.

Wilson—Wilson County’s $250,000 bond issue to provide a new courthouse and jail was defeated in an election recently by a margin of 30 votes. Early indications were that the bond issue had carried, but the vote from the outlying townships almost solidly against it turned the tide.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Pleasant Hill Community, Union County, Celebrate at Sell's Fish Pond, 1916

“Ideal Community Gathering,” from the Monroe Journal, August 15, 1916, Monroe, N.C.

Folks of Pleasant Hill Community Near Goose Creek and New Salem Border Had Fine Time at Sell’s Pond Saturday

The celebration at the Sell fish pond last Saturday was a huge success and several hundred people were present throughout the entire day. Stirring speeches were made by Messrs. R.L. Stevens, W.O. Lemmond, J.J. Parker and Zeb Green. This is the first of many celebrations that the Pleasant Hill community intended holding annually at the Sell pond, which is an ideal spot. There is plenty of shade, and the pond provides several aquatic sports.

The various prize winners were: Arthur Williams, running race; Bronnie Hargett, foot race; Baxter Hargett, sack race; best clowns, Frank Griffin and Callie Davis.

Those in charge of the celebration were: Chief Marshall, J.A. Sell; W.D. Simpson, Vander Simpson, Henry Austin, Winston Griffin, Sandford Strawn, and Curran Griffin.

The fish pond is the property of Mr. W.M. Sell, who is one of Union county’s most prominent citizens and farmers. He stated Saturday that it was his intention to agitate such a celebration as was held Saturday every year. He said that he would be glad to let the people of his community have the use of the pond, and that he would do all in his power to make future celebrations as successful as the one on Saturday. Mr. Sell said further that he was a great believer in community spirit, and that he thought getting the people together once every year would work much towards creating that spirit.

Mr. J.A. Sell, who was chief marshal, expressed his pleasure at the good order during the day. This was especially significant since as everyone knows, cider is in much abundance this year.

Mrs. W.B. Simpson and Mrs. J.A. Sell spread a picnic dinner for the benefit of the visitors that was probably unequaled anywhere. Fried chicken was plentiful and the country ham was sufficient for the ravenous appetite of the visitors.

The Speeches
Mr. W.O. Lemmond was the first speaker. He was introduced by Mr. I.G. Clontz. He laid special stress on community pride and uplift, and stated that it always gave him great pleasure to be present on such occasions as this. Education came in for a prolonged discussion by Mr. Lemmond, and he urged the people to erect their school houses conveniently and secure the best teachers possible.

Mr. J.J. Parker, who followed Mr. Lemmond, was introduced by Mr. John Beasley. “Americanism” was the subject of Mr. Parker’s speech, and he delivered an excellent one. He said that he pinned his faith to the red-blooded Americans who stood for the upholding of the integrity of America on foreign soil. Many other phases of American life were discussed, and Mr. Parker gave thanks for the happy, tranquil scene that was before him as compared with the dark and stormy days on the European battlefields. “I am opposed to war,” said Mr. Parker, “but I am not too proud to fight.”

Mr. Zeb Green was the next speaker. He was introduced by Mr. Solon Braswell. Mr. Green discussed three things, all of which are vital questions: better farming, good roads, and better education. He said that Mr. W.M. Sell was noted for breeding good O.I.R. pigs, but that he thought that the Pleasant  Hill community ought to strive to earn that reputation for themselves as a whole. No one doubts but that we need better roads, said Mr. Green. We are still paying the now famous mud tax, and it is time for us to throw off the bondage. Better education is, according to Mr. Green’s idea, less petticoat music courses, not so many buzz saw voice students, and a little less Greek and Latin; but more of a practical course that fits boys and girls for successful lives.

After the speaking, the Pleasant Hill team crossed bats with the Unionville team, the latter losing by a score of 5 to 3.

All of the visitors were unanimous in their praise of the day, and all expressed the hope that they might be able to be back next year.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Gov. Morrison Addresses Vocational Agriculture Teachers at N.C. State College, Raleigh, 1922

From the Watauga Democrat, August 3, 1922 issue

“Men are teaching in North Carolina today that damnable Russian doctrine that the law is a heartless and cruel thing,” Governor Cameron Morrison told the teachers of vocational agriculture gathered in annual conference at N.C. State, as he turned aside a moment from his message on the home production of foostuffs.

He promised that “as long as he may be governor he will do everything in his power to crush the teachers of the doctrine that has drenched Europe in blood.”

The Governor took a whack at those who opposed his stand on the strike situation in North Carolina and the United States. Speaking of his letter in reply to President Harding’s appeal for troops to help reopen the coal mines, he declared, “If Harding and the folks at Washington will let me run North Carolina, I will be perfectly willing to let them run the United States—if they can.”

Governor Morrison voiced his unalterable stand against “any group of citizens who erect a standard of insubordination in North Carolina and insist upon their right to mob for no other reason that he has a job and wants to work it.”

“The future greatness of North Carolina depends a great deal more on raising chickens and hogs than on raising politicians and statesmen,” the governor told the conference.

The governor was in complete accord with the work being done by the vocational teachers. “I know nothing,” he said, “that will do more for the strengthening and upbuilding of the state than the teaching of real, scientific agriculture. It ought to be tremendously augmented in North Carolina for it is a science that can be easily taught.

“I do hope North Carolina will never cease to be an agricultural state,” Governor Morrison continued with earnestness, “for that state or nation which neglects the basic industry of the world will be a weak people, I care not how proficient they may be in industry, mercantile enterprises or mechanics.”

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Women Across N.C. Give Butter and Egg Money to Help Build Conference and Training Center at N.C. State University, 1974

Extension Club members across the state were behind the establishment of a continuing education building at North Carolina State University, Raleigh. Here’s the planning committee in 1974, (from left to right around the table) Bessie Rushing, Juanita Lagg, Eloise Cofer, Ada Della Pozza, Mrs. Obed Castelloe, Billie Walker, and Zelo English. Donating their “butter and egg” money—dollars raised by selling butter, eggs, and other farm products—they helped build the Jane S. McKimmon Extension and Continuing Education Center on the NCSU campus. Jane S. McKimmon, as the first state home demonstration agent, helped form the first Tomato Clubs and Home Demonstration Clubs. Take a look at the center that bears her name.

McKimmon Center when it was first opened.

McKimmon Center today.

This jobs fair for engineering students at N.C. State University was held at the McKimmon Center.

Former Superintendent Gets 10 Years for Embezzling From Children's Home of Winston-Salem, 1914

From The Review, High Point, N.C., Aug. 6, 1914

Winston-Salem, Aug. 4.--H.A. Hayes, charged with the embezzlement of $5,500 from the Children’s Home of Winston-Salem during his term as superintendent, was called to the bar this morning and entered a plea of guilty. After hearing the evidence, Judge Lyon sentenced the prisoner to 10 years in the state Penitentiary.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Local News From the High Point Review, Aug. 13, 1914

Local News from the Aug. 13, 1914 issue of The High Point Review.

Mrs. A.M. Hardy has returned to her home from the hospital here.

W.E. Hendon is on the sick list this week, but is improving.

From the list of deeds filed each week in Greensboro by High Point parties, it shows that High Point real estate is far more active than Greensboro dirt and also that High Point transacts a great amount of business in Greensboro each week, notwithstanding the inconveniences.

Ben Robinson of the Fair has returned from three weeks’ vacation—business trip at the North.

Miss Helen Muse yesterday entertained a number of her friends in honor of her guest, Miss Elizabeth Packard.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Matton and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ragan are visiting this week at the home of Mrs. Joseph Smith in Harnett county.

The offices of W.N. Coler and Co. have been removed to the Carolina and Yadkin River railroad station.

The white way is now a certainty. Work will commence at once and the main business thoroughfare will present a nifty appearance by the last of the year.

Mayor F.N. Tate and family and Miss Clara Stanton left yesterday for the western part of the state in his automobile, to be gone for two weeks.

The new building replacing the one burned at Oak Ridge is going up rapidly and will be ready for the fall term. The new improvements cost $30,000.

About 20 people from High Point went on the excursion to Atlantic City Monday.

Mrs. L.C. Sinclair is visiting relatives in Marion, N.C.

Misses Vera and Verta Idol are visiting at Asheville and Montreat.

Mrs. L.B. Williams is visiting friends in Charlotte.

Some of our good former readers can now pay their subscription bill with melons, vegetables and the like. Why not help the editor out once a year, anyway.

If the people were automobile crazy last year, what state of mind are they in now—absolutely mad we presume.

B.H. Bradner is off on his usual vacation and we trust he will have a glorious time.
There is some talk of another banking institution for High Point.

The Stamey Printing House will be glad to figure with you on any printing desired. Prices reasonable, consistent with good work and material. Call phone 275.

This is the real vacation month.

The People’s Motor Car Co. is now ready for business with a vim. No nicer garage anywhere.

Miss Iola Auman and Newcomb J. Gill were married Sunday afternoon at the home of the bride in South High Point. The ceremony was performed by Rev. L.A. Peeler of the First Reformed Church.

Frank Gurley of the High Point Show Case works has secured a patent on the Gurley sanitary ventilated street case to protect fruits, berries. etc.

Messrs. T.R. Padgett and J.F. Alexander of Forest City and E.A. Smith of Altavista, Va., are here on business with the manufacturers.

The rain Monday morning was a blessing to the farmers in and around High Point. Trust it was pretty general. It was badly needed.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Town of Wingate Purchases New Cemetery Near Meadow Branch Church, 1916

“New Cemetery for Wingate,” from the Monroe Journal, August 15, 1916, Monroe, N.C. For more information on Wingate Cemetery in Union County and to see a list of people buried there, see

The town authorities have recently purchased from Mr. C.C. Brown four acres of land including the old Harrell graveyard about a half mile east of Meadow Branch church. This plot of ground will be set apart for a new cemetery for the town and churches. Burying lots will be on sale at any time for the accommodation of all who wish to purchase family lots for burial purposes.

The town aldermen are to be commended for this wise and prudent step. For want of foresight and forethought is a sad mistake [resulted in] a sad mistake made when the present burial grounds were chosen. Lying as it does on one of the main streets and almost in the center of town besides other objectionable features, it detracts much, not only from the utility and attractiveness of our village but from the money value of the lot and adjoining territory.

If it were possible it would add much to the commercial value of not only the grounds in question but also to the territory in close proximity thereto to remove the bodies and the ashes of those who have been buried there to the new cemetery and deposit there. Whether or not this could be accomplished at all and whether the task would justify the outlay of labor, time and means, is a problem for the officials of the town to solve. In doing so the writer is presumptuous enough to suggest that they consult the present but of future generations. A little determination and co-operation on the part of our social element might accomplish much toward the desired end.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Icemorelee Cotton Mill Annual Picnic, 1916

“Dinner to Whole Village,” from the Monroe Journal, August 15, 1916, Monroe, N.C. The Icemorlee Cotton Mill, which employed 400 people, sponsored a free picnic for its employees and their families who lived in the cotton mill's village.

Annual Picnic at Icemorelee Was an Event of This Kind…Management Set Up the Town in Royal Style—Big Dinner, Ice Cream and Lemonade on Tap All Day—Fine Speech by Mr. Abernethy and Contests in the Afternoon—The Icemorelee Band

Any onlooker at the community day at Icemorelee last Saturday must have felt a pride in such a community, a community where working conditions are the best, where a highly energetic mill management takes a broad view of industry, the interrelation of labor and capital, where mutual interests and respect find their finest exemplification, in short, a community where the industrial life in the South is at its very best. The occasion was the annual picnic with the mill gives the village. The picnic was held in the mill park which is always open for the recreation of the people.

It was some dinner! Two thousand rolls, 144 spring chickens, 14 boiled hams, and a dessert served in the shape of 2,000 ice cream cones, and two big lemonade fountains flowing freely all day long. And to keep things lively, a crack-a-jack brass band, the peculiar pride of the village, giving rattling good music all day. That Icemorelee band is a wonder, anyway. There are 30 pieces and every one of them is the hands of a neat and handsomely uniformed young man who holds a good job in the mill. And their leader, Mr. D.W. Green, knows his business and does it. The band boys are a natty young set who are acquiring their musical skill in the way that all the best things of life are secured—by constant practice and hard work. They practice and keep on practicing in their well-fitted hall over the mill company’s offices. So when they are called upon to play on public occasions they can deliver the goods.

Along with the workers and their families a number of the officers and stockholders of the company were guests at the dinner. President W.S. Lee and General Manager Chas. Iceman were everywhere on the grounds seeing that everything went right and that all were looked after. They were as happy as any of the children gathered there. The only missing figure was Mr. Bob Iceman, who was sick that day. Had he been there he would have been frisking about with the energy of a dynamo and making folks eat long after they had had enough. The mill company appropriated $500 for the dinner, and it was served on two long tables presided over by pretty young ladies arrayed in spotless white with the neatest little linen caps adorning their pretty heads after the style of the trained nurse. Mrs. Charles Iceman and a number of her friends graced the occasion also and partook of the dinner. Among those present from Monroe were Messrs. R.A. Morrow, J.H. Lee, Dr. J.M. Belk and Mr. T.P. Dillon.

A big cool pavilion had been erected for the band and for the speaker of the day. After several selections by the band, Rev. J.E. Abernethy delivered a fine address on how to get the best out of life. He showed that work was the prime essential, but work performed under good conditions. It helps, he said, to keep the character clean if the body is clean, and clean and wholesome conditions under which to work contribute to clean living and good workmanship like clean clothes on the body. He complimented the people and the management of the mill on having such comfortable working conditions, such clean and wholesome living conditions, not only in the mill, but in the village.

After the speech, dinner was announced and the crowd was not slow in partaking thereof. After the tables had been reduced, Mr. C.C. Earnhart and his assistants served the cream from the huge freezers of coolness. The heat of the day made this part of the program especially inviting.

The afternoon was devoted to games, contests and social enjoyment. The machinery of the mill rested that day and the people enjoyed themselves. It was a happy occasion, and nothing whatever was left undone to make the day’s cup of happiness over in old-fashioned Methodist full measure.
In the contests of the afternoon the following young men won the prizes, $3 each: John Davis, E.T. Brewer and Carl Helms.

For information on Icemorlee Cotton Mills, see

Friday, August 19, 2016

North Carolina Battling Flies In Effort to Banish Typhoid, Cholera, Dysentary, 1914

“Almost a Flyless Town” from the August 6, 1914, issue of the High Point Review. The battle against flies was a battle against the diseases carried by flies, including typhoid, cholera, and dysentery in North Carolina in 1914.

Greensboro—Now that E.P. Wharton is just finishing a successful campaign against the fly, Dr. J.T.J. Battle, another voluntary assistant health officer without pay, will commence the annual fight on the mosquito. Dr. Battle has issued a statement in which he calls upon people of the city to assist him by cleaning up back lots and all places where mosquitoes might breed.

People of the city believe that when Dr. W.S. Rankin of the state board of health comes here to investigate Greensboro as a “flyless town” that he will find it as nearly flyless as could possibly be expected. A great deal of hard work has been done in the matter of preventing the breeding flies and killing those that have been bred.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Put Children to Work in Mill to Make Asheville Reformatory Self-Supporting, 1914

From the Aug. 13, 1914 issue of The High Point Review.

Asheville—A movement is under way looking to the placing of the Buncombe county reformatory n a self-supporting basis and it is probably that a proposition will be made to the City of Asheville and the county of Buncombe within the next few days by an Eastern Carolina hosiery man. It is stated that he is willing to lease the water power at the reformatory with the understanding that the children work for him eight hours a day. They would make the institution a self-supporting one.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Greensboro Man Invents Road Machine That Will Take Place of 15 Workers, 1914

“Invents Road Machine” from the Aug. 13, 1914, issue of The High Point Review.

Greensboro—George W. Pritchett of this city is the inventor of a new road machine which is being given a try-out here. It is claimed for it that the machine will do the work of 15 to 20 men. It is designed to repair the surface of macadam roads and streets. It automatically places soil, gravel or crushed rock in the holes and then packs it be means of three small trip hammers, which are operated from the machine. Mr. Pritchett is a practical mechanic and believes that he has a good thing.


“A New Power Tamping Machine” from the Municipal Journal & Public Works, Volume 37. Click on the link to see a photograph of the machine which pictures someone, perhaps George Pritchett himself, at the controls.,+Greensboro,+NC&source=bl&ots=Zqp6Jg6hOy&sig=d0pJ2S9gXnCnye5d_0eUgD6BdZQ&hl=en&sa=X&ei=A9bgU8mbOc6kyASlwIDwAw&ved=0CCgQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=George%20W.%20Pritchett%2C%20Greensboro%2C%20NC&f=false

Three independent tamping heads are the principal feature of a new power tamping machine invented by George W. Pritchett, 805 Ashkow street, Greensboro, N.C. this allows tamping at various levels at the same time as, for instance, one head may be in a ditch while the other two may be tamping on the surface. Each head weighs 100 pounds and is lifted, vertically to any height up to 20 inches, and automatically dropped 30 times per minute. These heads are 8 inches in diameter and are carried on an auto truck which is either two-wheeled or four-wheeled, depending on the size of the machine. The control of operations is from the driver’s seat, which is about in the center of the truck, the tractor has a speed either forward or backward of three miles per hour. When the heads are four inches off the ground the machine may be regulated to move the width of the heads. It is claimed that this machine will damp dirt in ditches at any depth up to 10 feet, the machine traveling outside the ditch, and that for backfilling the tamper will take the place of 15 men.

For repairing macadam roads, sand-clay roads and streets, a load of material may be tied on to the machine and taken to the job. For tamping cobble stones, bricks, bases of sidewalks and other concrete work, trenches for conduit and pipe the machine should be effective.


If you find all of this interesting, the Greensboro Historical Museum has George Pritchett’s papers. George Pritchett, 1899-1937, “was an inventor, salesman, member of the Greensboro Fire Department and self-taught engineer…. Educated in the ‘district school’ until the age of 17, Pritchett quit school before graduating to work as a rodman for the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad. He subsequently was engaged in various surveying and engineering projects over the next 14 years before becoming a salesman of mechanical equipment. In 1910 Pritchett was awarded a U.S. patent for the invention of a tamping mechanism, which was employed in a machine used for firmly and evenly pack materials onto roads and into ditches and holes. Shortly after receiving the patent, he incorporated the Universal Machine Company, which built and sold machines using his invention; it does not appear that this business evolved into a successful enterprise.” To read more about George Pritchett and to learn about the collection at the museum, go to

Given the Success of Corn Clubs for North Carolina Boys, Pig Clubs Will Be Begun, 1914

“McVein Heads “Pig Club” Movement” from the Aug. 13, 1914, issue of The High Point Review. These pig and corn clubs were forerunners of 4-H Clubs.

C.L. McVein, late of the Pennsylvania State College, has been placed at the head of the “Pig Club” movement among the farmer boys of North Carolina under the direction of the North Carolina experiment station and the Federal government. He is to begin this work very soon. This new division of work will be carried on much as the corn clubs are now being conducted.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Three North Carolina Soldiers Drown While on Leave at Southport Beach, 1916

“Soldiers Drowned at Southport,” from the Charlotte Observer, as reprinted in the Monroe Journal, August 15, 1916, Monroe, N.C.

While surf bathing off the beach at Southport, N.C., Sunday morning at 10 o’clock, Sergt. W.E. Ardrey and Private Leonard Swain, both of Charlotte, and Private Fred White of Salisbury, all from the Coast Artillery camp of the North Carolina National Guard at Fort Caswell, were drowned when they went beyond their depth.

The three men, accompanied by Privates Alexander, Guthrie, Howell, McCoy, Treascott and Johnson, all of the Charlotte company, had gone to the beach early Sunday morning to go bathing.

According to a report from Fort Caswell, the militiamen had been warned against bathing at that particular place, on account of the depth of the water and the treacherous tide, which it was stated, flows especially strong along the beach there.

According to dispatches from Southport, Sergeant Ardrey was the first to call for help and directly afterward, White and Swain getting in water over their heads, also called for assistance.

Privates Howell and McCoy, who were nearer to the three men than other members of the party, started to the assistance of White who seemed to be unable to make any progress toward shore. They succeeded in bringing him to where the water was not more than waist deep and left him standing there.

Before other members of the party could get to the assistance of Swain, he had gone down, but the men were able to reach the spot where he was last seen to go under, pull him to the surface of the water, and tow him to shore.

In the meantime, White is thought to have fainted or fallen unconscious from the effects of his submersion. He disappeared and the tide was ebbing strong enough to carry him out to deep water again.

Life Savers to Rescue
Privates Bagley of Wilmington and Clute of Raleigh had succeeded in reaching Ardrey and were endeavoring to swim to the shore.

Other militiamen who had started in a run for the Oak Island Lafe Saving Station gave the alarm and Captain Brinkman and crew of the life savers succeeded in getting to the scene in 10 minutes from the statin which is a mile further down the beach.

The life savers arrived just in time to keep Bagley and Clute from going under with the body of Ardrey. At the time the rescue party arrived, they were still struggling to make shore against the strong ebb tide.

Bagley and Clute with the lifeless form the young sergeant were placed in the boat and carried to the beach where resuscitation work was begun on Ardrey. After several minutes’ work over him the experts from the life saving station pronounced him dead.

A search was then instituted for White’s body but up until a late hour Sunday night it had not been found.

Monday, August 15, 2016

From Folk Cures to Courtship and Family Life, Seniors Remember What Life Was Like in Rural North Carolina, 1985

North Carolina Extension Homemakers took part in an oral history project of the National Extension Homemakers Council. Some of the quotes were published in Voices of American Homemakers, published in 1985. Here are some of the quotes from North Carolina women. Questions asked by the interviewer, Virginia Harris, are in bold.

“I learned to wash dishes with the dishpan down in the chair. My brothers did help me at night to dry the dishes.”
                --Theo Hammond, 82

“I was real sick one time and my mother said, ‘I’m going to put some onions in the hot ashes and I’m going to put some onion poultice on you.’ And do you know where she put them? On the bottom of my feet.”

How did you keep them there?

“Well, she put the onions inside of a little thin cloth and put that on the bottom of my foot and then put on a sock. Well, I was on the verge of pneumonia and she said, ‘She’s not getting any better,’ so she called Dr. Reid.

“There was only one doctor in Matthews and he was getting on in years and he traveled with a horse and buggy. She called him in the morning, and he didn’t get there to right down in the night. So when he came, I still had the poultice on my feet.

“And he said, ‘Well, you needn’t call me. I see you’ve done got her fever broken.’ And she said, ‘What did I do?’ and he said ‘You put those onions on her.’

“I expect he wanted to back out the door. You couldn’t go in the house hardly when you used onions.”
                --Letha McCall, 91

What about folk cures?

“We had one famous cure in the family that was handed down to us. A doctor gave it to us to cure rattlesnake bites and blood poisoning. He gave the ingredients to the family.

“My littlest brother, LeRoy, was following Father as he was plowing in the field and a rattlesnake bit him. My father unhitched the horse and rode to Holmberg and got the ingredients to make this medicine and gave it to the boy. In about a week he was coming out of it, and the medicine had cured him.

“Also, my uncle was in the hospital for operations, and he was being sent home to die. He said the cloud was coming down over his eyes when the family arrived with the medicine. They gave him a few drops and he recovered and lived for several years afterward.”

Have the health lessons presented to your Extension Homemakers Club been useful?

“Yes, I’ve made much use of the lessons on nursing and health care.”

“In 1932, when I first joined, there were many lessons that were very helpful. They were all helpful to me. I found that the literature was helpful, and I filed them away. I’ve been asked to help people and I went and looked in my file.

“My parents were very limited in their education, but they wanted their children to have the best education they could receive. That was a guide for me.”

What are your biggest satisfactions?

“I think that I have helped raise these four children and they have made themselves known in the world. I’m very happy about my grandchildren and the progress they’ve made. Now I’m looking forward to the outcome of the great-grandchildren.”
                --Eva Gill, 80


“I remember that first year that I started to school. My brothers and sisters that were older that I went on to school. We could see the schoolhouse, it was a half a mile. And they left me the lunch to carry.
“Mama fixed all our lunch in one market basket, a little market basket, and they left that for me to carry. There was ice on the ground and I can’t stand up on ice—never could. (laughs)

So I started with the lunch, and it was a rolling land. I could walk up a hill, but it was going down that I couldn’t stand up. So I’d sit down on the ice and give the basket a shove and shove it on down in front of me, and I’d slide down on to the basket. Then pick it up and walk up the hill, get to the next little ridge, I’d do the same thing.”
“I wanted to be a trained nurse, but my father and mother didn’t want me to.”

I bet that you have let your children pursue their interests.

“Yes, anything they wanted to do. And we sent seven to college.”

That is a real record.

“That’s why we never did get much ahead. I don’t care how scarce money was, we never deprived our children of anything that was uplifting, that would help them later in life.

“And what I was doing, I was doing for them. I told my husband many a time it wasn’t just what I was learning from my own use in Home Demonstration work, it was what I could teach my girls, so they didn’t have to go into marriage as blind as I did.”

“They got a sermon every few days, just telling them how to live, live a good Christian life, be honest, truthful children, and learn how to work. We taught them from just little things, wait on themselves and to help others. And they came up helping others.”
                --Letha McCall, 91


“When I was growing up, Mama said, ‘No courting alone until you’re 18 years old.’ Well, I had a few dates before then but was always in the company of someone else.

“I remember my husband came to see me, before we were married. He wanted to take me to an Elks entertainment. And Mama insisted that my younger sister ride with us in the horse and buggy over there and stay with my other sister who lived in Raleigh [until the entertainment was over] and come home with us.

“I was brought up strictly. Today that isn’t true, and I think the pendulum swung a little too far the other way, now. There ought to be a happy medium in there somewhere. All in all, I prefer the way I was brought up, than the way things are happening in many homes today, with teenage pregnancies and all.

“I belonged to the old school of physical reminder of bad things. My children got spankings, but I didn’t have to do much spanking after three years old. I still believe in a little bit of physical punishment. It has worked for me.”

“During the hard years, my boys wore short pants made from the legs of men’s pants. And my younger boy, he had his corduroy overalls and they were his Sunday and everyday clothes. And my girls, lots of times, had garments made of feed sacks, which you could get in very pretty colors at that time. I even had a dress myself, made from feed sacks, and went to college with it one summer.”

I remember they were real comfortable.

“That’s right. And we had a cow at the time, and we had to buy feed for the cow, and we’d try to buy two sacks the same color because it would [be enough] to make a garment.”

I bet you’ve had trouble with all the name changes since you have been a member for so long. First, the Tomato Club, then the Poultry Club, Home Demonstration Club, Extension Homemakers Club and now Extension Homemakers Association.

You’re right. I often say Home Demonstration Club now, instead of Homemakers.

Well, you know it’s all the same program, continuing adult education through our land-grant colleges. The name changes have just kept abreast of the program changes.
                --Theo Hammond, 82

Now you said your children never did hesitate when you asked them to do a job. They knew that you expected it done, and there was no argument about it.

“Yes, well, we really worked as a team. You’ve got to start when they’re small, letting them do little things for you.

“I’ll give you an illustration. Cecil [my son] had to put in a new side porch for me. His little boy is four years old and his mother teaches school, so Cecil keeps the little boy. Well, yesterday the little boy had a brace and bit and hammer, and he was making holes, and he was driving Cecil’s good nails in a block, just a-hammering.

“Now I shouldn’t have said anything, but I hate to see waste, and I said, ‘Honey, you’re driving up Papa’s good high-priced nails in those blocks.’ And Cecil says, ‘Mama, he’s learning.’

“Well, I thought about it afterwards, and he was learning—learning to drive a nail in that piece of wood. It was in Cecil to teach him while he’s little, and that’s going to be a lot of help to him later in life.”


“When my girls were at home, we ironed with the old black irons in front of a wood fire. They would build that fire of a morning in the summertime when they were going to iron. One of them would be going to build a fire before we ever got breakfast to get the irons hot.

“One would really be ironing all day long, but they’d change off, the other one would take it later on. And we would be ironing a lot of times when the sun went down. We ironed all day long.

“We had three boys. Back then the menfolks in the summertime wore white duck pants. And mine had to have two pair apiece, usually. If they went to anything during the week and wore a pair of those pants, then Sunday morning they had to have a second pair. And it took a long time to iron six pairs of duck pants.”

Do you know why they were called sadirons?

“No, I don’t.”

Well, I believe after I had been used all day, like you told, from sunup to sundown, they really were sad irons.

Where did you find the time, with 10 children, to do all this work?

One reason is, that is where my husband came in. I would help him in the field all day long and then we’d come in at night and we’d get supper, put the babies to bed—a lot of times he gave the children their baths and put on their little pajamas and put them to bed, while I was doing something he couldn’t do, and that’s how I got a lot of it done, because of his help.

I remember, a lot of times we washed; that’s before we had a washing machine—had to scrub it on a board in a tin tub. Well, we would wash the clothes and get them in the rinse water and leave them overnight. Then the next morning before I went to the field to help him, I’d get them out of the rinse and hang them out to dry. Then that evening, when we came in, I’d gather the clothes off the line.

I always ironed; I had to iron everything. I ironed even the children’s little everyday shirts and things they were going to just put on and go right back in the dirt to play. I just could not put them on without them being ironed. And I ironed the pillowcases; pressed the hems of the sheets.

And he never would go to bed and leave me up ironing—I always did my ironing at night. I’d lay out, as I ironed, anything that had a little rip in it, or a button off, or a loop gone—I’d lay it out to itself, so maybe when the next night come, I’d do my mending. And he’d say, ‘Tell me where to get a button and a needle and thread, and I’ll sew that button.’ And he would sew the button on while he was staying with me.

So that’s how I got a lot of it done, because he was right there helping me every minute.

You mention your husband—he died how many years ago?

He died December 19, 1971, so we were married 64 happy years.

What would you say to a new couple being married today?

Never let the sun go down on your wrath. If you have any differences, anything you’ve argued about, settle it before you go to sleep. And keep up your courtship after you’re married.

And you always kept yours up?

I did, I did. And, well, I won’t tell you that now.
No, go ahead.

I can’t without crying. [I got] this Mother of the Year award, because my husband always worked in the background. I’d go to conventions, be gone a week, he was always at home, he didn’t want to go. Kept the children—mothered them just the same as I did. I knew when I left the children with him that they’d be cared for just like I cared for them.

And I think now of all the honors and attention that I’ve had, and that he stayed in the background, keeping buckle and tongue together.

Can you tell me why you decided to join?

Because I was young when I married and knew very little about being a wife and mother, so I decided the Home Demonstration club was the thing for me to join.

Do you remember your first meeting?

It was on July 20, 1920, and we met at Jones Spring Church grounds, just in sight of my home. We decided to meet outdoors that afternoon at the spring.

What topic did you have that afternoon out at the spring?

We made organdy flowers. At that time organdy flowers were very popular. Some were wearing them in their hair, some trimmed their hats and some wore them for corsages.

Through the years, Mrs. McCall, have club programs been helpful to you?

Every program that I attended was very helpful, because I knew very little about housework, sewing, cooking, canning, all those things. I felt like I needed some of all—I can’t single out one single project. I’ll just say I always carried home something very valuable, every meeting I attended, and always learned something new.

I want you to tell me something about this short course that you attended for a week in the early years.

Well, that was schooling through the Home Demonstration work in Raleigh. It was called Farm and Home Week.

That was usually held in the summer months, wasn’t it?

Yes, in August. You see, we were through with laying the crops by and we hadn’t started gathering [harvesting] and by that time you had your vegetables and fruit [canned] and your jellies and jams and pickles all made, so you had more leisure time.

We had specialists and each one had classes in their own particular training. And it was just like going to school. We stayed on campus in the dormitories.

Did you sign up for special classes?

We signed up after we went down there. We couldn’t take all they had to give us, but I took everything I could squeeze in.

I know that was a real experience—getting away from the home grind, and I bet you went back a better mother and a better wife.

Oh, yes, I did! I went back all just so full of ideas. They didn’t know each day what I was going to suggest doing that day, because I was so bubbling over with everything.
                --Letha McCall, 91

“My daughter was at the age where she wanted to get into cooking, and we used corn bread particularly for our noon meal. I was letting her make the corn bread, in that she poured the dry ingredients together and sifted them in the bowl, but then I took over. I didn’t let her break the egg, I didn’t let her put in the milk and stir, nor put the batter into the pan and put it into the oven.

“And my Grandmother was visiting with me at that time, and she told me, ‘Let the child carry the job all the way through. Let her finish up, it doesn’t matter what kind of a mess she makes. Let her finish it up, put it in the oven, cook it, take it out and put it on the table. Then she’ll feel like she has had a part in this meal.’

“And many times later her words came back to me. For years, with all those children, I felt like that I was the only one who could decorate the Christmas tree. I knew how to put it up. I knew how to bring in the decorations and just where to hang them, handle them carefully and all that.

“One Christmas it became so congested at my home that I could not do it, and the children did it. What a revelation that was to me.

“They did it as well. They had all that pleasure. They handled all those things so carefully. They had real enjoyment in putting that Christmas tree together and look how much better off I was.

Do you think that one reason you wanted to [join] Extension Homemakers was that you had to attend many national meetings and got caught up in the enthusiasm of them?

I do, and you keep seeing old friends from all over the United States.
                --Henrietta Phillips, 69
Did you save your Christmas decorations?

“Oh, yes. I’ve got decorations that were on the tree when I was a child. I have given my daughters some of these decorations to put on their own trees, because they need to be handed down. Some of them are the little German blown glass things. They weren’t expensive at the time that we had them, but they are now. They are worn, but that’s part of their charm.
                --Henrietta Phillips, 69

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Judge Fines Evangelist and Music House Manager a Penny for Fighting in the Street, 1916

“Evangelist and Music Man Fought,” from The Monroe Journal, “The Union County Newspaper—Everybody Reads It!” Published Tuesdays and Fridays—One Dollar a Year. Friday, August 4, 1916

Rev. F.D. King, a native of this county who is an evangelist with headquarters in Charlotte, and Maurice Manning, manager of Steff’s music house, had quite a fight on the street in Charlotte, Tuesday. They were arrested and each fined a penny and the cost. The fight caused some stir.

According to Constable W.L. Austin, the arresting officer in the case, the two men met in front of the post office and engaged in an argument relative to an alleged letter which King was said to have written Manning.

Constable Austin claimed that Manning asked King whether or not the latter intended apologizing for the letter. King is said to have replied that he did not know whether he did or not.

Following the doubtful reply of the evangelist, Manning is then said to have demanded that King remove his glasses and fight.

King, according to Constable Austin, then struck Manning with a stick and the fight was under way.

Crowds of men and boys who had been watching the proceedings from the front of the Y.M.C.A. building and from the steps of the Law building rushed to the scene and formed an impromptu ring.

Although neither contestant possessed seconds nor fought under the Queensbury rules of the game, witnesses claim that the fight was a regular one and before it had been brought to an end by the untimely interference of Constable Austin, both men had succeeded in getting in some telling licks.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Singleton Anderson Teaching in Pender County; More Historical Photos by Hugh Morton on Display at N.C. Museum of History

“Photographs by Hugh Morton: An Uncommon Retrospective” is opening today (Aug. 13, 2016) at the North Carolina Museum of History in downtown Raleigh, and his photographs will be displayed through March 12, 2017. Hugh Morton (1921-2006) was a native of Wilmington, N.C. You can see several more of Morton’s photographs by visiting the museum’s promotion of the exhibit at The exhibit is on loan from the UNC Library’s North Carolina College Photographic Archives in Chapel Hill.

Singleton C. Anderson teaching at the Pender County Training School, at Rosenwald School in Rocky Point, North Carolina. 

Singleton C. Anderson was born 22 February 1896 in Columbia, Virginia, educated at the Hampton Institute, and came to the Pender County Training School (which had been founded in 1917) in the early 1920s to teach agriculture, wood working, metal working, masonry, and animal husbandry.  Anderson made significant contributions to the community, and in 1946 he received an alumni of the year award from Hampton Institute.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Coal Mining Disaster of 1925 at Coal Glen Mine, Farmville, N.C.

From the North Carolina Coal Mining History Facebook page. The page collects information on the Deep River Coal Mines in Chatham and Lee Counties of central North Carolina. If your family lived in that area, they may have worked in the mines or known someone who worked there. The pictures below are from the Coal Glen mine in Farmville. For more information on coal mining in North Carolina, go to 

On May 27, 1925, the Coal Glen mine in the village of Farmville exploded, killing 53 men officially. There may have been a few more, but the disaster is still the worst industrial accident in North Carolina History. Coal Glen was a slope mine, going down at an angle, with the cars being pulled up and down with a heavy rope or cable. Here are some photos of the recovery efforts from the Raleigh News and Observer. Rescue experts from West Virginia and Alabama came to assist, as well as troops from Ft. Bragg, NC, but it became quickly apparent that there were no survivors. The cause of the first explosion is still not certain, but it was quickly followed by two other explosions that killed the few men who had been dragged to a point near the entrance by Howard Butler and Joe Richardson, both workers at the mine who were the first men to try and enter the mine after the first explosion.

Photos from North Carolina Coal Mining Facebook page

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Greensboro Traffic Signals Include Bells to Wake Up Sluggish Drivers After Red Light, 1925

From the Aug. 20, 1925 issue of The Landmark, Statesville, N.C.

Greensboro, Aug. 18—Beginning this morning, the bells on the traffic signals in the business district will not operate, P.C. Painter, city manager, said yesterday. “It is an experiment to see if the lack of noise from the bells will ease the public mind and also not slow down traffic.”

Mr. Painter explained that the bell was somewhat of a help to “sluggish” drivers, who drove up to the white lines on the street intersections, when the signal showed red, stopped promptly, went to sleep or indulged in deep conversations. He said that he believed that within a few days, however, these “sluggish” drivers would begin to pay attention and watch the signals instead of walking and watching the passerby.

“We are also going to change the caution light from its present duration of five seconds to two sections. At present it is delaying traffic, and I don’t believe five seconds are necessary.”

It had been suggested that the yellow signal of caution be eliminated entirely. Mr. Painter made it clear that the change and elimination of the bells was an innovation which would be given a thorough trial this week. “If it is successful, we will discontinue the bells altogether.”

He also explained that he had noticed many drivers who seemed mixed up as to the law for stopping when green light had changed to yellow. He explained that, as along as the yellow light was burning, it was all right for a driver to continue across the intersection. “The driver will have to use his discretion as to whether he can go safely across.” He said that he felt that if the driver was at or within a very few feet of the white lines when the green changed to yellow, he should go on across. Drivers stopped at an intersection on a red signal must wait till the green signal actually comes on before going forward.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Fire Equipment, Firefighters in Greenville, Burlington, Charlotte, Elizabeth City, Greensboro, 1914

From the Municipal Journal & Public Works, November 12, 1914 (page 699)

Greenville, with a population of 5,000, had seven fire houses and employed one full-time fireman. It also had the following horse-drawn fire apparatus: 1 pumping engine; 1 hose wagon; 4 hose reels; and 1 ladder truck. The community also used six hand-drawn hose reels.

Burlington, with 6,000 people, had one fire house and one full-time fireman and 22 volunteers. Burlington had a fireman who inspected buildings. It had the following horse-drawn equipment: 3 hose wagons, 2 hose reels, 1 water tower, and 1 fire chief’s buggy.

Charlotte, with a population of 45,000, had two fire houses and employed 24 full-time firemen. Charlotte did not have a fireman to inspect buildings. It had the following horse-drawn equipment: 1 pumping engine, 3 chemical and hose wagons, 1 ladder truck, and 1 fire chief’s buggy.

Elizabeth City, with 10,500 people, had one fire house and two full-time firemen and 18 volunteers. Elizabeth City had a fireman who inspected buildings. It had the following horse-drawn equipment: 2 pumping engines, 2 hose wagons, 1 hose reel, 1 ladder truck, 1 aerial truck, and one exercise or fuel wagon.

Greensboro, with 20,000 people, had the following horse-drawn equipment: 3 pumping engines, 2 hose wagons, 1 hose reel, 2 chemical and hose truck, 1 ladder truck and 1 exercise or fuel wagon.
Henderson, with a population of 8,000, had 1 fire house and two full-time firemen plus 40 volunteers. Henderson had a fireman who inspected buildings. It had the following horse-drawn equipment: 1 hose wagon, 1 chemical and hose wagon, and 1 ladder truck.