
Friday, March 31, 2017

'Old Hurrygraph' Tells Story of Jim Judson, Printer's Devil, 1917

“Young Jimsie Judson’s Horseshoe Episode by Old Hurrygraph,” from the Watauga Democrat, March 29, 1917. (According to Editor and Publisher, Jan. 19, 1918, James A. Robinson, also known as “Old Hurrygraph,” had been named editor of the Durham Sun and assumed editorial charge with a single word—“Howdy.”)
Jimsie Judson grew, as all boys have a way of doing. He reached the supreme height of his ambition to be a “printer’s devil,” and he was one. He soon became familiar with the ink and the rollers in the office of the Piedmont Virginian at Orange, Va. You could see from his hands and his face when he emerged from the office that he was in love with the “art preservative” and knew how to apply the ink but not altogether in the right place. A printer’s “devil” is the youngest apprentice in a printing office and is the editor-in-chief of the ink-rollers and the errand bureau.
Jimsie, having been initiated into the art of making papers, in those days on a hand press and by muscular power, he began to sharpen his wits and pick up things. The future dawned upon his young mind as a great aurora borealis, with a Washington hand press in the center, and there was a young mind scanning the horizon and absorbing thoughts and events.
In Jimsie’s search for knowledge he somewhere read that as far back as in the year 1813, in Monmouth Street, London, there were no less than 13 horseshoes nailed over the doors. He wondered and investigated until he found that it was an old superstition, carrying with it protection against witches. Like all other people on the subject, he had learned from the “old folks” that it was lucky to pick up a horseshoe in the “big road” and nail it over the door. Lord Nelson had one nailed to the mast of the ship Victory. The legend of the horse shoe is interesting. Jimsie seized it as a wonderful discovery. It is to the effect that the devil one day asked St. Dunstan—St. Dunstan was the patron saint of goldsmiths, being a noted worker in gold—who was also noted for his skill in shoeing horses, to shoe his “single hoof.” Dunstan knowing his customer, tied him tightly to the wall; proceeded with the job, but purposely put the devil to so much pain that he roared for mercy. Dunstan at last consented to release his captive on condition that he never enter a place where he saw a horseshoe displayed.
Jimsie, on a holiday fishing tramp, found in the public highway the treasure the legend had caused his young mind to covet. They might call him a printer’s “devil,” but the Virginian office would now bear the insignia that was a warning to his Satanic majesty. So Jimsie mounted his horseshoe over the entrance and breathed of wonders accomplished.
 But alas, for theories and luck, and of horseshoes over the door! At an untimely moment, as Jimsie was going out one day, that particular horse shoe left its fastening and dropped. It struck Jimsie a slanting lick on the head, not only with surprise, but with great force, and raised a knot as large as a guinea egg. That broke the charm with Jimsie’s belief in the luck of the horseshoe, and whenever he sees one, his hand involuntarily goes up and scratches the side of his cranium. His philosophy from that hour to this is—if you do not put your horseshoe on your horse’s hoof, put it outside the door on the floor. There was no peach tree blossoms in the ending of his youthful vision.
Jimsie is a big boy now. He has owned a daily paper of his own, which he ran successfully for 24 years in the chosen town of North Carolina, after following the fortunes of the printing office from the time he was a “printer’s devil” in 1869. The scenes of his childhood, the blossoming peach tree, the old lumber house, all of which have passed away, are the dearest pictures that hang on memory’s hall, and parental lessons then taught have been guideposts along the journey of life. Boys, fatherly correctiveness may seem hard to your young, untutored minds, but many a good boy has been spoilt by sparing the rod. You will see through it all if you live long enough, and then the memory will cast a beautiful glow and halo over its correctness.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Northern Markets Paying Premium for N.C. Shad, 1919

The Independent, March 14, 1919
Shad May Be Short But Prices Aren’t
North Carolina Shad Fishermen Getting Good Returns for Their Product
North Carolina shad have sold for 28 cents to 40 cents a pound on the eastern markets this week, the lower price being for bucks, the fancy price for roes. The fishermen are not making big catches peculiar to former years but the fancy prices obtainable may offset this effect. There is no let up in the demand for North Carolina shad and many Fulton Street New York and Dock Street Philadelphia market merchants have their solicitors in the field. Most of the shad caught in these waters are sold or consigned to dealers whose ads are found in this newspaper.
A special train, secured largely thru the efforts of the Atlantic Coast Fisheries Co. and Wallace & Keeney Co. of New York takes fish from Elizabeth City thrice a week, making connection with Washington, Baltimore and New York steamers at Norfolk. Shad taken from these waters early yesterday morning, for instance, are on the New York market this afternoon and on sale at 2 o’clock to-morrow morning.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Contaminated Drinking Water Causes Typhoid and Diarrheal Diseases; Can Chlorine Help? 1917

“State Board of Health Demonstrates Chlorinator,” from the editorial page of the Hickory Daily Record, March 10, 1907; S.H. Farabee, editor.
For the purpose of demonstrating the method of water purification by means of liquid chlorine, the most modern and scientific method of sterilizing water now in use, the state board of health has acquired a portable chlorinator for making the demonstrations, and makes an announcement that it will be glad to illustrate the working of the apparatus or lend it for testing purposes or in emergency cases to municipal authorities interested in having pure water.
The advantages claimed for the liquid chlorine method over other methods of sterilizing water are that besides being thoroughly efficient as a sterilizing agent, it produces no tastes or odor, it is more reliable than other sterilizing agents and prevents all after-growth subsequent to sterilization.
As to the efficiency of this device, the water department of New York City, after careful investigation, decided to change from the hyprochlorite method to the chlorine method with the result that about 525,000,000 gallons daily are being sterilized. At least one town in this state, Wilmington, uses this method and makes the statement that the results are satisfactory.
“The value of a pure water supply,” says the state board of health, “is a sort of a life insurance for the people, the value of which has been estimated to be 10 cents per capita for every unit decreased in the typhoid fever death rate which it brings about. On the other hand, for every death of typhoid that can be shown to be due to a polluted water supply, the same is charged with the average value of a productive life which is $5,000. But the value of a good water supply is not only a reduced typhoid rate. Other diseases, particularly diarrheal diseases of children, are also affected by it.”

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Women to Battle Against Coca Cola, 1904

From the Charlotte Observer, as reprinted in the Watauga Democrat, March 3, 1904.
The Woman’s Club decided at a meeting held yesterday to begin a formal campaign against coca cola. “We are very much in earnest in the matter,” said one of the clever, energetic members of the club yesterday, “and our fight will be for the protection of both men and women an especially of young people. We are sure that the drink is hurtful and everybody knows that it is injuring a large number of people in this city.”

Monday, March 27, 2017

Bill Arp Writes About Their Trip to Florida, 1900

March 30, 1900, in The Roanoke Beacon, Plymouth, N.C.
Mrs. Arp In Florida By Bill Arp
Going, going, gone! For two weeks it has been the family talk—will the maternal ancestor go to Florida or not? Her posterity down there had been calling her long and frequently and finally sent her a liberal check wherewith to provide suitable paraphernalia and pay her way to Jacksonville. It was an awful struggle. The girls hinted that if she was not going, she ought to send the check back, and when at last she bought the beautiful silk mohair, Henrietta Maria Vendetta, or words to that effect, and turned it over to the dressmaker, it looked like she was certainly going, but I had my doubts.
She wanted me to decide the momentous question, but I looked solemn and maintained a dignified neutrality. “If you are going,” said I, “of course I will go with you, for where thou goest I will go, but you must start next Tuesday eve and stay a week only, for I have got to go to Carolina again the last of next week.” She still hesitated and gave no sign. There were posterity at home that she feared would fall into a well or get bitten by a mad dog, or get run over on the street, or catch the measles, or something else, and every time they came to greet her, her eyes would get watery at the thought of leaving them. Neighbors and kindred urged her to go for she had not been as far as Atlanta in five years, and needed a change of air and water and scenery. And so we escorted her to the depot and there were so many to kiss and so many parting injunctions about the children that she had liked to have been left after all. For 10 miles she never said a word, but looked out the window and ruminated.
An acquaintance on the car came forward and relieved the monotony and we got to Atlanta in due time, and after a short stay left for Florida.
Now we are both glad that we came, for we made our kindred happy and will make some more happy when we get back. This evening we visited the ostrich farm, the Florida zoo, which of itself is worth a trip to Jacksonville.
I wish that all the children could visit it for it is a bigger thing that a circus or menagerie; it is much larger than it was two years ago, for now, besides the over a hundred ostriches the proprietors have many varieties of the most beautiful birds in the world. They are of exquisite plumage—pheasants, ducks, parrots, pelicans, cranes—and there are deer, monkeys, crocodiles, otters and many other creatures that are never seen traveling around and are things of beauty that would delight the little folks. My wife says that it is the best show for a quarter that she ever witnessed. It is worth that to see the otters playing in the water. This zoo is an established success and a specialty for Jacksonville. Crowds visit it every day and the tourists buy feathers and eggs most liberally.
The street car takes you there for a nickel and they are always full. We are going to Pablo Beach tomorrow and to St. Augustine next day, and keep on the go all the time as long as the letters from home tell us that all are well.
What a wonderful change has come over the city since I first knew it, when there were about 10,000 people and it was under the ban—a suspect—a home for pestilence, and the tourists hurried through it to safe havens. Now there are 35,000 people, and during the winter half as many more. The city has been thoroughly sewered and drained and is supplied with the purest water and the streets and walk ways are all paved and everything looks clean as a parlor.
The pestilence that walketh at noonday will not walk here any more. And then what a change in diet has come over us. Early vegetables, early oysters and shad and pompano, and strawberries for dessert every day. I sent some orange blossoms home yesterday but requested the girls not to get married until we return. My wife and I are being rejuvenated. Fine clothes, fine diet, and nothing to do but receive attention, will regenerate maternal ancestors.
And it helps the veterans, too. I this morning can jump over a two-rail fence and cut the pigeon wing—a small pigeon.
But I never said anything about our brief stay in Savannah, that grand old city that Georgia is proud of, and it is still the most beautiful and interesting city in the South. Its parks alone are a monument to Ogelthorpe. Its broad streets and shade trees and flowers are things of beauty. Its churches and public buildings are time-honored and impressive.
Now just ponder it for a moment when I say that I saw Savannah for the first time 67 years ago, and I do not suppose that there are a hundred people living who saw it before then. My parents and brother and myself sailed from there to Boston in 1833. We returned to Georgia by land in a carriage. It took us two months to make the long journey, and we never crossed a railroad for there were none to cross. (Bottom of the column was torn away so words are missing here.)
But I verily believe I can chop more wood in a day than Marks can and I could outrun him but for my corporosity.
                --Bill Arp

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Chestnut Street Methodist Church Dedicated, 1917

“Methodist Church Dedicated Sunday,” from The Robesonian, Lumberton, Monday, March 5, 1917

Bishop Kilgo Dedicated Chestnut Street Church Yesterday and Preached Two Wonderful Sermons…Great Day for Methodists…House Was Filled to Overflowing at Morning Service and Large Crowd Braved Downpour to Hear the Bishop Last Night
Chestnut Street Methodist Church was dedicated yesterday morning by Bishop Jno. C. Kilgo at the conclusion of a wonderful sermon in which he held up to scorn and ridicule the new movements that seek to substitute organization and business methods for the true religion of undivided devotion to Jesus Christ, and last evening he preached another wonderful sermon in which with fine sarcasm he blasted the claims of the scientists and universities that civilization depends upon so-called culture and with stirring eloquence, moving pathos and unanswerable logic proved that leadership always has been with the Church of God and her prophets.
It was the greatest day in the history of Chestnut Street Church and a great day for all who were privileged to hear the bishop. At the morning service the church and Sunday school room were filled to overflowing, and in spite of the downpour of rain last evening just at the hour for the service, a large congregation gathered.
At the conclusion of the morning sermon the trustees of the church—A.E. White, W.H. Humphrey, C.B. Townsend, N.P. Andrews and G.M. Whitfield—gathered at the chancel rail for the formal service of dedication. Rev. J.H. Hall of Rockingham, presiding elder of the Rockingham district, read the first Scripture lesson from Genesis 28, verses 10 to 22; Rev. W.B. North, pastor of the church, read the second lesson from Hebrews, verses 12 to 25; Mr. C.B. Townsend read the presentation for the board of trustees, and Bishop Kilgo read the formal acceptance and delivered a few words of earnest counsel to the trustees of the church property. He cautioned them always to remember that is the house of God, set aside for prayer and worship. Christ drove those who polluted the temple by making it a place for barter and trade by driving them out like dogs. The house of God, he declared, is not the proper place for Christmas trees, or any other entertainments, right and proper as they may be in the proper place. Protestant children are irreverent, he said, and do not as a rule have the proper reverence for the house of God, differing in this respect from Catholic children, who have such profound reverence for the church that they keep quiet when within its walls, and Catholic churches are left open at all hours and are never desecrated. He charged the trustees to keep the church building for God. The bishop pronounced the solemn sentence of dedication while the congregation stood, after which he led in prayer. The service was closed immediately thereafter with the singing of the doxology.
Services were not held in other churches of the town last evening in order to give their pastors and members opportunity to hear Bishop Kilgo, and though the heavy rain that came at the hour for service kept many away, the body of the church was comfortably filled. Many attended both services from near-by towns and the country.
Special Music
Special music was prepared for the occasion and it was superb. The first anthem was “Praise Ye the Lord, Oh Jerusalem” by Maunder, Mrs. Junius J. Goodwin, soloist; second anthem, “Life Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates” by Ashford, Mrs. H.H. Anderson, soloist; and as offertory Mrs. B.W. Page, choir leader, sang “The Voice in the Wilderness” (test from Isaiah) by John Prindle Scott. In private conversation after service last evening Bishop Kilgo said that the church was to be congratulated on having such a splendid choir.
At the morning service Rev. Dr. R.B. John, president of Carolina College of Maxton was among the visitors and read the second hymn. Rev. L.E. Stacy of Shelby, a member of the Western North Carolina conference, who is a guest at the home of his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Stacy, delivered a Sunday school address yesterday morning.
In Thursday’s Robesonian will be published reports of Bishop Kilgo’s sermons, which it is impossible to handle for today’s paper.
Bishop Kilgo arrived Saturday night from his home in Charlotte and was a guest at the home of Mayor and Mrs. A.E. White He left for Charlotte this morning

Friday, March 24, 2017

N.C. State and General News, Watauga Democrat, 1914

 “State and General News” From the March 26, 1914 issue of The Watauga Democrat, Boone
The commissioners of Guilford County have decided to establish a school for wayward boys.
Uncle Sam now has on duty along the Mexican border 18,000 soldiers of the regular army.
V.J. McArthur, postmaster at Clinton, died last week, aged 69 years He was a Confederate veteran.
It is given out that since last September 33 divorces have been granted in Guilford County alone.
The Scout says that during the month of February there were more than $10,000 worth of chickens and eggs shipped out of Alexander County.
Alex F. Santos, who was in charge of the Confederate States mint during the Civil War, died in Norfolk, Va., on the 18th at the age of 85 years.
The Woman’s Missionary Union of North Carolina is holding its 24th annual meeting this week in the first Baptist Church in Henderson.
Senator Simmons, who has been unwell for some time, is at his home in New Bern to recuperate. His wife and confidential secretary are with him.
Collector Keith of the port of Wilmington has resigned, his resignation to be effective May 1. Democrats for some time have been anxious to see his place filled by a Democrat.
The veneer plant at Taylorsville, owned by Connelly & Teague, was destroyed by fire recently. This is the company’s fourth fire and each time the loss was very heavy.
Clarence O. Sherrill, son of the State Librarian Miles O. Sherrill, has been promoted from the rank of captain to major in the engineering corps of the United States Army.
A movement is on foot in New Bern to secure funds with which to place a bust of William Gaston, the author of “The Old North State,” in the new administration building at Raleigh.
Mrs. Squires, wife of Major Mark Squires of Lenoir, died on the 16th after a short illness. Beside her husband, she leaves two little boys, a father and mother and several brothers and sisters to mourn their loss.
It is stated that in Winston-Salem there are 2,700 children in the city limits unable to get into the schools, which are already over-crowded, and bonds to the amount of $150,000 will probably be voted for new school buildings.
There will, it is announced, be another White House wedding in June, when Miss Eleanor Randolph Wilson will be married to Secretary McAdoo, the head of the Treasury Department. Miss Wilson is the youngest of the President’s daughters, and is 24 years old, while Mr. McAdoo is 50 years old and a widower with six children, two of whom are married.

Editorial from Hickory Daily Record Calls for Concrete Road, 1907

From the editorial page of the Hickory Daily Record, March 10, 1907; S.H. Farabee, editor.
The road from Hickory to Brookford ought to be built of concrete or some other permanent material. The principal street between East and West Hickory, where so much manufacturing is done, should be of similar material.
There is a chance of getting a hard surface road between Hickory and Brookford and the city council and the Hickory township road commission have indicated their intention of straining a point to meet the mill owners part of the way. That road should be built.
It is to be hoped that the finances can be secured for building a permanent street from West Hickory to East Hickory. That also is badly needed.
If the road tax in Hickory township could be increased a few cents on the hundred dollars, all the highways could be kept up properly and permanent pavement laid from time to time. Eventually the whole township would be fortified against the elements. It will take money to do this, but as soon as possible it should be done.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Rep. Winston Explains How Given Women the Vote Will Unsex Them, 1917

From the editorial page, March 13, 1917, Scotland Neck Commonwealth
Rep. Robert W. Winston Jr. struck the keynote on the question of Woman’s Suffrage, at least for North Carolina, in his speech before the Assembly in opposition to the measure when he stated the question was not what we could gain but what we would lose in North Carolina if the plans of the suffragists went through.
“Even granted that we would have better laws,” said Mr. Winston, “what would become of the home and the fireside?”
The objection of women’s suffrage is as we see it not a question of the vote. That would be a small matter, but it is the unsexing of women that we fear. Putting women into man’s arena. Associating her with that free and easy mode of life that has the tendency towards the absolution of the sacredness of Sunday, wild and untrained children, loose family ties, childless marriages, empty churches and deserted homes.
As we try to fathom the future under such a rule our mind dwells on the many lovely feminine natures around us in this vicinity, both dame and maid, whose great charm is that daintiness of femininity that makes the men of the south courageous and ready to fight for these loved ones who have so far evaded the call of the “Free Woman,” which is not liberty but license. Think for a moment what a change would take place here if, instead of having the homage of every man in town they should become brazen, self-sustained, the equal of men in argument, both political and secular, upon the street corners, and leaving the home to take care of itself. Such a picture is horrible to our mind. And yet, we are asked to remove the mother from the home and put her in politics.
As Cardinal Gibbons rightly stated on this question “When I depreciate female suffrage I am pleading for the dignity of women, I am contending for her honor, I am striving to perpetuate those peerless prerogatives inherent in her sex, those charms and graces which exalt womankind and make her the ornament and coveted companion of man. Woman is queen indeed, but her empire is a domestic kingdom. The greatest political triumphs she would achieve in public fade into insignificance compared with the serene glory which radiates from the domestic shrine and which she illumines and warms by her conjugal and motherly virtues. If she is ambitious of the dual empire of public and private life, then, like the fabled dog, beholding to his image in the water, she will lose both, she will fall from the lofty pedestal where nature and Christianity have placed her and will fail to grasp the spectre of political authority from the strong hand of her male competitor.”

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Social News, Drum-Price Wedding, March 10, 1907

Local news from the Hickory Daily Record, March 10, 1907
Mr. John Carpenter of Granite Falls died suddenly this morning about 5 o’clock, according to news reaching Hickory. He is survived by a wife and five children.
Friends of Squire S.E. Killian are glad to see him out after an illness that kept him indoors several weeks. He is looking good and says he feels much better.
Mrs. M.L. Flowe leaves today for Raleigh to visit her son, Mr. B.B. Flowe.
Mrs. Lallie Peacock has returned from Washington and Baltimore.
Dr. O.J. Corpening of Granite Falls was a business visitor to Hickory today.
Mr. James Ballinger, a freight conductor, was slightly injured here today by falling off his cab. One of his legs was sprained.
Mr. B.B. Hayes of Hudson was a business visitor to Hickory today.
Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Wagoner have returned from their bridal trip south. Mrs. Wagoner formerly was Miss Mabel Long.
Prof. J.F. Coble, faculty director of athletics, and Mr. R.O. McCoy, manager of the baseball team, went to Newton today to confer with representatives of Catawba College in regard to the details of the three annual games to be played with Lenoir College this spring. The first contest will be played here on Saturday, March 31; the second at Newton on Easter Monday, April 9; and the third in Hickory on April 30. Inasmuch as there always is some dissension about the umpiring it is planned to secure an outsider to run the games.
The Ivey Mills Company, one of the best known textile plants in the state, has added to its lines of fabrics the manufacture of plain good suitable for handkerchief and other articles requiring soft, fine weave. The raw cotton is converted into the finished product in Hickory, and one may purchase handkerchiefs made out of Ivey cloth simply by calling for them at the stores. Mr. A.G. Kirkpatrick makes the handkerchiefs.
Miss Emily Coyner left today for Tampa and other points in Florida, where she will take a vacation of several weeks.
The Home Circle Society spent a most delightful afternoon Thursday with Mrs. Claude Wilifong at her home in Longview. Eight members and one guest, Mrs. Carpenter, were present. After spending some time in doing fancy work and exchanging ideas, delicious refreshments were served. Mrs. G.W. Miller will be the next hostess, March 22. Through the kindness of Mrs. John Moose and Mrs. Hutchison the guests were conveyed to and from the meeting.
Miss Mary Bloant Martin was the charming hostess to the As You Like It Club yesterday afternoon. Ten members were present. After games on the lawn, the young ladies occupied themselves finding missing words to a St. Patrick’s Day story. Miss Janie Menzies filled out all the blanks properly and received for her pains a green silk handkerchief. The green color scheme was carried out in the delicious refreshments to honor the saint who exterminated the snakes in Ireland. The meeting adjourned to meet on March 23 with Miss Catherine Menzies.
On Tuesday evening the Ladies Guild of Holy Trinity was entertained at the home of Mrs. A.L. Deal with Mesdames A.L. Deal, J.A. Moretz and W.H. Wilfong as hostesses. The house was beautifully decoratead with jonquils and pot plants. The subject for the evening was foreign and home mission territory. After the interesting program, the society adjourned and hostesses assisted by Miss Florence Leonard served a dainty ice course. The next meeting will be held the first Tuesday in April at the parsonage.
Wedding at Newton
Newton, March 10—Thursday evening at 8:15 o’clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sanders, a pretty but quiet wedding was celebrated when Miss Eva Drum, sister of Mrs. Sanders, became the bride of Mr. William Price of New Castle, Delaware. Rev. W.L. Hutchins of the Methodist Church and pastor of the bride and groom, performed the ceremony, which was very impressive. Only a few friends and the immediate family of the contracting parties were present. These were Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Honeycutt, Misses Mae Bowman, Lillie Willis, Marie Drum, sister of the bride, Gertrude Sanders, and Elvie Sanders and Herbert Lowry.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. H.E. Drum of Morganton but has made her home here with her sister for several years. She recently held a position with the Germale Store as saleslady. She is one of Newton’s most popular young ladies and number her friends by the score.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Educate Young People to Be Farmers, Not Professionals, 1917

From the editorial page, March 13, 1917, Scotland Neck Commonwealth
It is coming to be recognized that if we as a people are to again put our country on an equitable living basis we must educate more farmers. Not educate more farmer boys for professions, but educate more Boys for Farmers.
From the public school up to within the last decade the entire trend of education has been away from the farm and toward the professions. Even the manual training schools have tended to swell the ranks of the mechanical trades as the expense of the farms.
No nation can achieve permanent prosperity without a great and prosperous farming class. When the farm decays the nation deteriorates. Our farms are the very life and heart of our country.
Some, though, may ask how we are to educate more farmers.
Very simple. Make every free school in the land primarily an agricultural school, and a literary school as a secondary matter. Belles lettres are not the crowning necessity of existence. Bread and meat are. Educate the youth of the land first toward that which is most vitally necessary to our national life, and when this is accomplished, of there be leisure and means for adding the frills, let them be added.
Nine out of every 10 high school pules are emerging from that school to enter the ranks of the toilers, in some department or other. If in their education the farm has not only been made attractive to them, but they have been given a thorough and practical knowledge of its workings, then a large percent of them will [see] as a matter of course that as their occupation in life.
When war broke out between the allies and the central powers, the world stood amazed at the wonderful perfection of the German military machine.
But the cause behind it was as simple as A.B.C. Every German youth had been educated and trained as a soldier FIRST OF ALL—after that for a vocation.
But in time war will cease. The arts of peace will again demand the attention and energies of the world, and among them there is none to compare with the great art of coaxing from Mother Earth her golden harvests.
But, you may ask, if all of the boys are educated to a farmer’s life, what of the professions?
There will always be some who, by natural fitness, will gravitate to the professions, enough to keep their ranks recruited. As a matter of fact, these same professions could spare half of their present members and not suffer in the least.
Educate farmers! The farms are suffering for them, and the professions and trades are overburdened with them.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Deputy Jones and Posse Destroy Still Near Hickory

“Used Molasses in Making Liquor,” from the Hickory Daily Record, March 10, 1907
Deputy Collector P.P. Jones and Posseman H.W. Jones and C.A. Moser Friday at noon destroyed a good sized still 20 miles south of Hickory near the county line and gave two blockaders a run for their freedom. The outfit was chopped up.
In addition to three bushels of mash, a bushel of malt and 200 gallons of beer, the blockaders had on hand between 25 and 30 gallons of molasses, which they expected to mix with the malt in order to obtain a larger quantity of liquor.
The play house was interrupted, however, and Deputy Collector Jones stretched his legs for about 300 yards in pursuit of one of the moonshiners, who made a record run through the woods.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Unpatriotic Senators Filibuster Bill to Arm Civilian Ships, 1917

From the editorial page, March 13, 1917, Scotland Neck Commonwealth
The action of 12 United States senators in conducting a filibuster in the closing hours of congress that defeated the will of the president, an overwhelming majority of congress and a like proportion of the people of the nation, will have at least one beneficent result, despite the fact that the act will stand out as one of the blackest smudges on American patriotism. It will solidify the American people behind the president in his determination to assert the inviolability of American life and commerce upon the high seas. In every section of the country men of every political faith have denounced the disgraceful filibuster. Ministers, merchants, professional men, laborers, farmers, women, everywhere show a determination to assert for once and all American rights upon the seas, even if it leads to the war we so ardently desire to escape. The people do not want war if it can be honorably avoided, but they are ready to fight and sacrifice for the retention of their honor and their rights of life and commerce if it becomes necessary to do so. Today there is a grim set to the American countenance that means stern business.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Margaret Sanger Imprisoned For Handing Out Birth Control Information, 1917

“Mrs. Margaret Sanger Released From Blackwell’s Island Today,” from the March 13, 1917, issue, Scotland Neck Commonwealth
New York—Having served the 30 days to which she was sentenced for disseminating birth control information in New York City, Mrs. Margaret Sanger, national leader of birth control movement, was released today.
Mrs. Sanger, unlike her sister Mrs. Ethel Byrne, did not hunger strike in the prison at Blackwell’s Island. She served her time quietly and made the best of her opportunity to study prison conditions.
“I have gathered a great deal of material which I shall use in my future writings,” said Mrs. Sanger today, “but I did not break any of the prison rules nor attempt to do anything out of the ordinary that would make me trouble.
“I was sent to prison unjustly, but many persons have had the same thing happen to them. I shall continue my birth control propaganda work just the same as I was doing before my arrest.”

Mary C. Winkler, 52, Died, 1904

From the Watauga Democrat, March 3, 1904, Robert C. Rivers, editor and proprietor.
Mary C. Winkler was born Oct. 15, 1851. Died Feb. 27, 1904, aged 52 years, 4 months and 12 days.
She was for 34 years a member of the church, a good wife, mother and a devoted Christian. The last years of her life were spent amid great suffering, but she never murmured, often telling her loved ones not to grieve for her.
She was buried at Rutherwood last Sunday evening. Her funeral was preached by the writer, a large crowd being present to pay their tribute to her memory. May the good Lord comfort the bereaved ones in their sad loss.
                --B.F. Hargett

Thursday, March 16, 2017

News Along Route 3, Lumberton, 1917

“Along Route 3,” from The Robesonian, Lumberton, March 1, 1917
Glad to See Mr. Norment’s Picture—Behind With Farm Work—A Mule Race—New Tobacco Barns—Tobacco Plants Coming Nicely—Hogs Running Loose
Lumberton, Rt. 3, Feb. 24—The greatest pleasure of anything that I have ever seen in the good old Robesonian was the very model of Mr. O.C. Norment, a great man of this world. He appeared as a loving father to everybody that knows him. It is a great pleasure to me to be in his presence. I love to hear his pleasant voice. We know the good lord has given him a long life for a purpose, which he will accomplish some day, then I believe he will hear that still small voice “Enter though into the joys of the Lord.”
Nothing new in these parts. The people are getting badly behind with their farm work on account of bad weather.
We had a great attraction last Saturday evening at 4 of the clock. Two negroes decided they had the best mules in the county, so they decided to try their speed for about a mile. They had a great crowd gathered up to see the sight. One was going to beat the other half the distance, but behold he only came out about a hundred yards ahead.
Mr. D. McIntyre is building a new tobacco barn. Mr. Charley and Lee Bass are also building a barn.
Tobacco plants are coming nicely.
Somebody is letting their hogs run out. He ought to shut them up. They are giving the people’s wheat trouble.
We are glad to read “Aunt Becky’s” war news, but we are a heap gladder we were not there.

Editor of Hickory Daily Record Recommends Nationalizing Coal Mines If Price Cannot Be Controlled, 1907

From the editorial page of the Hickory Daily Record, March 10, 1907; S.H. Farabee, editor.
The Nation’s Coal
Coal is a natural resource that should be held for the benefit of all the people, but a comparatively few persons control the output in the United States. Ordinarily soft coal is selling in the United States from $8 to $12 a ton, depending on how far it has to be hauled by rail.
Unless the government is able to bring the mine operators to their senses, the mines should be confiscated and the coal sold to the people at reasonable prices. We are not unmindful that labor has been high at the mines, but that cannot explain the extortionate prices charged dealers for the product.
If the situation is not remedied by another year, the government should assume authority to do something.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Orange County Payments for Work Done and For Charity, March, 1908

From the Orange County Observer, Hillsborough, N.C., Thursday, March 26, 1908.
The following accounts were allowed by the Board of Commissioners of Orange County at regular monthly meeting held on Monday, March 2, 1908:
Carolina Engineering Company, building of steel bridge over Morgan’s Creek, at Purefoy’s Mill near Chapel Hill, $2,125
O.J. & B.B. Forres, supplies for County Home, $44.04
W.W. Warren, work at County Home, $9.77
R.J. Carden, 4 pigs for County Home, $9
Trustees Fairfield Church, interest on note to March 2, 1908, $6
Elizabeth Lloyd, support, $1.50
Nancy Woods, support, $5
Cot Riley, support, $5
Mary J. Andrews, support children two months, $4
H.W. & J.C. Webb, supplies for jail, $38.11
H.W. & J.C. Webb, supplies for County Home, $21.87
Willis and Betsy Ann Cates, support, $2.50
B.M. Roberson, building bridge, $25.60
Ann Russell, support for two months, $2
George Laws, coffin and grave for Becky Riley, $6
Susan Burch, support, $2
Mary Sykes, support, $2
Sterling Browning, Commissioner, for his attendance, $7.60
J.F. McAdams, Commissioner, for his attendance, $14.84
John Laws, attendance on board, wood, labor, etc., $12.25
Sheriff Andrews for boarding prisoners, etc., $68.40
Crabtree and Thompson for arresting escaped prisoners, $10
Miss Newman, support, $1.50
Treasurer Harry L. Parish, commissioners, $104.85
The following persons were allowed $1 each for “outside support”:
Robert Ashley, Henry Pratt, Jack Wilson, Aaron Woods, Ann Carrington, Ann Scarlett, Anna White, Lewis Walton, Larcena Riley, Mary Smith, Julia Roberts, W.A. Dorherty, Prior Warren, Harper Allison, Dave Latta, Mag Hicks, Aletha Crabtree, Linday Davis, Wm. Dodd, Nancy Crabtree, Sallie Lloyd, Miss Picket, Miss Mulhouse, Margaret Ellis, Mrs. Boggs.

Gov. Bickett's Pardons, Unfair Hiring, Dispute Over Alcohol in State Legislature, 1917

 “News from the State Capitol,” March 13, 1917, Scotland Neck Commonwealth
State Board of Pardons Should Have Been Created By Legislature…Anti-Saloon Losing Cast
One sin of omission for which the recent legislature is answerable consists of its failure to create a State Board of Pardons. It should have been done years and years ago and until that duty is attended to the public and press will continue to unfavorably criticize many actions of the one man who now is invested alone with the power.
For that reason, if there were no other, the Governor should be a warm advocate of the change, yet the subject was not even mentioned. An additional reason for the change is found in the great proportion of time the Chief Executive taken up in the consideration and disposal of the numerous applications for executive clemency—and till further and more potent argument in favor of a pardon board is the self-evident fact that no one person ought to be vested with this authority and power—to the exclusion of all the rest of the world.
I am prompted to make this reference to the subject at this time because of the criticism, made public in some of the daily papers, of Gov. Bickett’s action in the case of Mincher, the Lenoir county convict guard, convicted by a jury of cruelly and inhumanely whipping a convict and sentenced by Judge Bond to a year’s imprisonment—jail, and who gets off with a $25 fine by the Governor’s commutation. The recent exposure of wholesale cruelties by this very class of men, revealed through the legislative investigation committee, left the public in no mood for “clemency” to such culprits so soon.
As I have just stated, the subject of a board of pardons was not mentioned during the session of the legislature just adjourned, either in the Governor’s messages to that body or by the lawmakers of their own initiative, which is strange, for there has been considerable discussion of the question in preceding years.
Gov. Craig pardoned several men who were proven to be innocent of the crimes of which they were convicted and already Gov. Bickett (in office only two months) has pardoned at least one innocent man. Thus it is seen how important it is that applications, however numerous, should always be carefully considered—and they consume too much of the time of the governor that ought to be devoted to other matters.
I have no word of censure for any governor who is disposed to be merciful—I commend him for it, and hope we will never elevate to that office a heartless and unmerciful man.
I take no stock in the attacks on any governor’s “sentimentality” or kind-heartedness and merciful disposition—knowing full well that if those virtues were expelled some of their critics might be petitioning for pardon some day in the future—but the action of Gov. Bickett in the case under consideration was certainly ill-timed, in the public mind if not unjustified by the whole evidence. If the commutation of Mincher’s sentence (not a day of which has he yet served) had been made before the legislature adjourned, there might have been a board of pardons by this time. Let us hope the law-makers will be alive to the subject next time.
Double-Barrel Office Holders
According to the terms of a measure which Senator Person of Franklin got through the legislature, the State Reference Librarian is charged with the duty of issuing a “blue book” to the end that the men and women carried on the State’s pay-roll may be made to appear and the salaries paid each of them.
Senator Person things and so do a lot of others that there is and has long been too much double-barrel office holding. For years and years there have been conspicuous instances of such near graft. Clerks who hold well paid regular jobs in public offices and draw annual salaries “hogging” legislative clerkships and other salary-drawing jobs have been a common practice—and much of that sort of thing that does not appear on the surface is not allowed to reach the public. Other men and women, some who come here from other sections of the state for the purpose of securing some of those places, are turned down—although they are equally well fitted and often more deserving (especially from a political standpoint) than those who grab the rake-off through the pull of higher up officials.
If Mr. Librarian Wilson carries out the intent of the Person blue-book law and closely scans the paid warrants on the State treasury, the volume will furnish some interesting reading.
The legislative halls and offices are this week in the hands of the clean-up squad of the capitol. Chief Clerk Lassiter of the House has returned to his home and private business at LaGrange, and Chief Clerk Self of the Senate has gone to Statesville to resume his regular work in the office of the Collector of Internal Revenue. Some of the Raleigh employees of the General Assembly are back at their regular work on Easy Street. The “Fake Bill Artist” remains incognito.
Keeping History Straight
Supt. R.L. Davis of the Anti-Saloon League is out in a statement in which he criticizes the friends of prohibition in the legislature for lethargy and charges up to their inactivity and lack of interest, coupled with the opposition of Speaker Walter Murphy, the failure of the several additional prohibitive laws which his organization presented for passage, including the ouster bill and that to create the office of prohibition commissioner.
There are a number of ardent temperance men in the present legislature. If they did not urge the adoption of the anti-saloon league program as earnestly as that organization thinks they should have done, what was the reason. The statement of “brother” Davis is hardly fair to them.
Sometimes a project of even a great cause is rendered unpopular by bad management and unwise liens of procedure on the part of those directing it.
Personally I do not share in a widespread “prejudice” that has existed for some time against certain gentlemen connected with this class of legislation (for alleged reasons which is not necessary to detail here) and which during the recent session of the General Assembly directed much of its effect and influence against the superintendent of the anti-saloon league. But that it did exist and was a factor in the conditions which obtained and the results which followed, is well known to those members of the anti-saloon league committee on legislation as well as others, who came here in the interest of the bills that failed to go through. By the way, is it not about time the temperance people changed the name of their organization?

Monday, March 13, 2017

Hollar, Hedrick, Berry Acquitted of Drinking Charges, 1907

“Young Men Acquitted of Drinking Charge,” from the Hickory Daily Record, March 10, 1907
Recorder Campbell Friday afternoon acquitted Lon Hollar, Earl Hedrick and Ben Berry of the charge of drinking liquor in the union passenger depot and it was unknown today whether Hollar and Hedrick would be tried for exceeding the speed limit in Hickory. Since Newton, Conover and Highland probably will have charges against the men, Hickory authorities may take the position that the young men will have enough trouble when the other towns get through with them.
All three young men admitted that they went into the depot at two different times for the purpose of taking a drink, but contended that they were not permitted to do it. Chief Lentz saw them with a bottle and Ticket Agent Miller told the court he saw a bottle lowered by one of the men. The actual act of drinking was not observed by either witness, and Judge Campbell decided in favor of the defendants.
Hollar and Hedrick said they made a flying trip to Newton more as a joke than anything else. They did not really know that the “two Genes” were after them, but they had an “idea” they were trailing them. The boys had expected to go to Salisbury, they said.
Their case in Newton for speeding will come up before County Judge Jesse Sigmon Tuesday.
Dr. K.A. Price will face trial this afternoon on the charge of abandonment. About 20 witnesses have been summoned and the case will continue an hour or more, it was thought.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Local News From Watauga Democrat, March 3, 1904

From the Watauga Democrat, March 3, 1904, Robert C. Rivers, editor and proprietor.
--It’s a tiny baby girl says J. Winkler.
--J.W. Miller and W.R. Greene are attending Lenoir Court this week.
--M.B. Blackburn left for Wilkesboro Tuesday morning on a business trip.
--Mrs. Maggie Boyden has been very unwell again for the past few days.
--Herman Wallace of Wallace Bros. Co. of Statesville was in town Monday. He reports a good trade.
--After several days of confinement to his room, Mr. W.C. Coffey is again able to be on the streets.
--John F. Harden, who has been in the south for some weeks selling horses and mules, has returned and reports a profitable trip.
--Rev. Sam P. Jones will deliver a lecture in Jefferson on Saturday the 12th, the proceeds to go to the Methodist church of that place.
--J.W. Curtice and Isaac Greer have been chosen by the Watauga Literary Society as the speakers in the debate to come off at Lenoir early in April.
--Messrs. Dudley and Luther Farthing have purchased the Lee Church farm on Beech Mountain and we are told that Mr. Church will make his future home in Canada.
--On last Friday Amos Presnell stabbed Mike Ward in the breast and the assailant at once fled to Tennessee. Both of the parties lived on Beach Mountain, this county. We are told that Ward’s wound is not dangerous by any means.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Hickory Editor Endorses Arming of American Merchant Ships, 1917

From the editorial page of the Hickory Daily Record, March 10, 1917; S.H. Farabee, editor.
President Wilson’s decision to arm American merchant ships come as welcome news, as does also his announcement that congress is called into extra session April 16.
American ships have been tied up in home ports for more than a month and in the meantime congestion has become burdensome at our seaports. This condition is intolerable.
We imagine that congress will assemble at the proper time. Two or three American ships will have been sunk by the middle of April and the United States will demand further protection. Congress can give it.

N.C. Delegates Named to Peace Conference, 1917

 “Delegates Named for Peace League,” from the Hickory Daily Record, March 10, 1917
Governor Bickett today appointed numerous delegates to the North Carolina conference of the league to enforce peace, to be held on March 22 at Greensboro. Former President Taft will deliver an address. Among the delegates named are: Locke Craig, Asheville; President Poteat, Wake Forest; President Graham, University; President Few, Trinity; President Martin, Davison; Ed Kirkman, High Point; W.J. Armfield, Asheboro; and A.A. Whitner, Hickory

100 Years Ago, U.S. Edges Toward War

“Ship Commanders Will Fire at U-Boats on Sight,” from the Hickory Daily Record, March 10, 1917. Americans had voted to give Pres. Woodrow Wilson a second term, and Wilson had promised to keep the U.S. out of the European war, but public opinion changed as German submarines sank U.S. ships. President Wilson asked Congress to declare war on Germany on April 2, 1917, and Congress did so on April 6.
State Department Issues Instructions to Commanders That They Can Protect Ships Regardless---No White Book to be Issued by United States
Washington, March 10, Associated Press—The mere appearance of a German submarine or its periscope in the presence of an American merchant vessel would entitle that ship, in the opinion of the state department today, to take all measures under the presumption that the ship was about to be attacked.
Under this ruling an American merchant ship could fire on a German submarine without waiting to be attacked.
This view is based on Germany’s declared intention to sink on sight within certain zones all vessels, neutral as well as belligerent, and whether passenger vessels, freighters or contraband carriers.
The United States was said to stand flatly no its armed merchantmen warning in which it recognized the right to prevent capture. The immediate presence of a German submarine is declared grounds of hostile intent, because of the statement by Germany that all vessels are to be sunk on sight.
Denial by Germany of the old rule of visit and search makes all its submarines actually hostile.
Whether the government will issue and general rules of the guidance of American armed chip commanders is not decided. Opposition to this is based on the ground that the commander must depend on his judgment and that the government does not wish to take any steps that might be construed as deliberately hostile act.
Reports that the state department was preparing a white book on Germany’s plots and intrigues in this country either for the press or the senate was denied by Secretary Lansing. He said the government had no intention of issuing such a book.
Guns, gun crews and ammunition will be placed aboard American merchant ships immediately and they will be sent to sea under orders to fire on German submarines which attack them illegally.
Navy yards were ordered today to equip the vessels as fast as possible and this will put the United States into armed neutrality, the next step following the severing of relations and nearer, it is believed in some quarters, actual hostilities.
What ships are to be armed and when they sail will be kept secret in order to prevent any information from reaching the Germans and to protect so far as possible American lives.
In official circles today confidence was expressed that Secretary Daniels’ appeal to newspapers not to seek or publish specific news of the arming and sailing of American merchantmen would be observed. A similar appeal was made to the cable companies.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Iredell Woody of Ashe County Offers Tribute to His Father, 1914

“A Beautiful Tribute to His Father” from the Watauga Democrat, March 26, 1914 issue
A private letter from Mr. Iredell W. Woody of Ashe County, a graduate of the A.T.S. in the class of ’13, brings the sad news of the death of his father, which occurred on the 5th. The sentiment therein is so beautifully expressed by the heart-broken boy that we cannot refrain from publishing at least a few paragraphs taken therefrom:
“I think I am the saddest and loneliest boy in the world. All my memories of almost every happiness and reality that I ever experienced are linked inseparably with him. All these years he has been my constant friend, teacher, confidant and companion, as well as father. He has been a soul companion.
“I have though some great comforts, too. We were always happy together. I have no memory of his ever having spoken a harsh word to me, or of my ever disobeying him. So linked together have been our lives and spirits that I now feel his presence. And everything shall speak to me of him as he has to me of it; the songs of birds shall proclaim his cheer; the flowers, his love; the growing grasses and ripening harvests, his kind provisions; and the heavens, his home.”

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Successful Farming Isn't Haphazard, Says Rufus Barringer, 1886

From the March 1956 issue of Extension Farm-News
As is obvious by this circular, at least one old-time farmer realized even in 1886 that farming can’t be done successfully on a haphazard basis. Dean I.O. Schaub, formerly dean of the School of Agriculture, N.C. State College, ran across the photograph of the circular in some of his papers. Dean Schaub said that Rufus Barringer, signer of the circular, was a general in the Confederacy, Mecklenburg lawyer and farmer. He was also a member of the first board of trustees of State College when it was established in 1889.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Local News, Hillsborough, N.C., 1908

From the Orange County Observer, Hillsborough, N.C., Thursday, March 26, 1908. Joseph A. Harris, publisher and owner.
--Mr. B.F. Riley of Cheek’s Township called at our office Tuesday morning. He looked like he wanted to tell us a little news, but he hardly knew how to start about it. He did manage finally to say it was a fine boy baby and weighed 10 pounds and that last Friday was a lucky day at his house.
--Mrs. William Snow and daughter, Miss Grace, of Hillsboro, are visiting Mr. Snow’s brother at Birmingham, Alabama.
--The many friends of Mr. James Whitted are glad to see him well enough to be on the streets again after having been sick for several months.
--Mrs. Blanche and Snowdie Cole, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. S.E. Cole of Hillsboro, spent last week at Mebane with Mr. John T. Shaw’s family.
--Mr. D.W. Robertson of Savannah, Ga., spent Sunday at Hillsboro with his brother, Mr. Charles H. Robertson, superintendent of Eno Cotton Mills.
--The Misses Forrest will have their Millinery Opening on Friday and Saturday, April 3rd and 4th.
--Rev. William Black, the noted evangelist of the Presbyterian Synod, is holding a series of meetings in the Presbyterian Church at Hillsboro this week. He is assisted in the meetings by Rev. John C. Hocutt, pastor of the Baptist Church, Rev. M.M. McFarland, Pastor of the Methodist Church, and Rev. H.S. Bradshaw, pastor of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Burr, the gifted Canadian singer, conducts the song service which is very fine. Mr. Black is an able preacher and conducts the meetings with much zeal. There will be two services daily during the week. Every morning at 11 o’clock and at night at 7 ½ o’clock. Everybody made welcome at these meetings.
--Ye Olde Tyme Fiddlers’ Convention, the greatest musical treat ever in Hillsboro, at Masonic Hall Wednesday and Thursday nights, April 1st and 2nd, for the benefit of Eagle Lodge of Masons. No traveling troupe, but 50 citizens of Orange, Durham and surrounding counties in a grand musical extravaganza. No one but musicians of the old school are allowed to enter the contest and all music will be such as Arkansaw Traveler, Mississippi Sawyer, Flop Eared Mule, Leather Breeches, Richmond Cotillion, Green Mountain Polka, Old Waltzes, Schotsches, Reels, Jigs, etc. Prizes will be awarded Thursday night. Prices of admission 25, 35 and 50 cents. Tickets on sale at Speck Faucette’s.
--Last Friday, according to the Almanac, was the last day of winter. Wednesday and Thursday nights the thermometer registered up in the 70’s and heavy bed covering was burdensome. After a drizzling rain nearly all day with a little hail and sleet now and then, about 3 o’clock Friday afternoon snow commenced falling, and by night the ground was covered with about as much snow as we had had at any time during the winter. Saturday was clear and cold and the thermometer was down to 28, four degrees below freezing, and the whole face of the earth was covered with snow and ice and the fruits and early vegetables looked mighty sick. The frogs had stopped their music, and the few flowers that had looked so pretty, bowed their heads, while the Ground Hog was snugly hid away in the warmest corner of the little hole in which he hurried when he retreated on the morning of February 2, shook his fat little sides and chuckled: “I told you so!”
--Mrs. James L. Elam of Richmond, Va., is visiting her sister, Mrs. J.S. Spurgeon at Hillsboro.
--Miss Pattie Spurgeon, a student of the Cedar Grove Academy, spent Sunday at Hillsboro with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J.S. Spurgeon.
--Mr. J.P. Hassell of Hillsboro spent Sunday at Raleigh with his mother who recently underwent a successful operation at Rex Hospital in that city. Mrs. Hassell’s many friends will be glad to learn she is doing nicely.
--We had a pleasant call at our office last Thursday from Captain Thomas J. Rosemond of the Southern Railway, Spencer, N.C. He was here with Mrs. Rosemond and their children, Vera May and Hazel, on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James T. Rosemont.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

News From Editorial Page of Watauga Democrat, March 3, 1904

From the Watauga Democrat, March 3, 1904, Robert C. Rivers, editor and proprietor.
A distinguished Senator is quoted in the New York World as making this estimate of Roosevelt: “President Roosevelt is a man with keen moral perceptions but no with no moral convictions.”
It is said that the Thomasville people will make an effort to get the Greensboro Female College located there. A delegation will to there to see if there is any possible chance.
Four more Russian torpedo boats have been captured by the Japanese, or at least, that is the latest report. The success of the Japs is wonderful if the news be true that is given out.
A Charlotte paper says that the first land grant in the State was issued to John McKnitt Alexander. The land was located in Burke County “or somewhere up there, I think.” Wasn’t John McKnitt Alexander one of the signers of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence?
A disastrous fire in Rochester, N.Y., on the 26th threw 3,000 people out of employment. The fire raged for six hours. Five acres were burned over, causing a loss of $5,000,000. Six of the city’s costliest and handsomest commercial structures are laid in ruins. Fortunately there were no fatalities.
Walter Murphy of Salisbury, a politician and twice a member of the North Carolina Legislature, has announced that he will be a candidate for the nomination for Congress in this district. It seems to us that Rowan ought now to be more than willing for the nomination to go to some other county.
The most costly private monument in North Carolina will soon be in Elmwood Cemetery, Charlotte, to the memory of the late Henry G. Springs, who died two years ago leaving an enormous estate. The monument will cost $8,500 and will be built in Philadelphia.
The Morning Post says that flour has advanced $1 per barrel in the past few days, due to the heavily increased demand on account of the Eastern war and the short supply of wheat. There is no trust business here. We can’t cuss the farmer, the miller or the trust when the crop is short.
An exchange says that an effort is being made to secure immigration to North Carolina. A meeting is to be held at Greensboro on the 16th to formulate plans along this line. We think that it would depend entirely upon the class who would be willing to come, whether or not this move would be a good one. Deliver us from a mixed population with representatives of every nation under the sun.
The Clayborne Progress gets off the following in reference to newspaper borrowers: We warn newspaper borrowers not to borrow the Progress from a neighbor who pays for it. We have a new fangled arrangement by which we transmit a malignant type of seven years itch to the pestilent borrower, that will not effect the regular paying subscribers. Your neighbor is tired of lending you his paper anyhow. Just subscribe for it on your own hook.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Clyde Nance, Emma Porter Married Feb. 18, 1922

“Nance-Porter Wedding” from the March 2, 1922 issue of the Rockingham Post-Dispatch
Clyde H. Nance of Troy and Miss Emma Porter of Rockingham were quietly married in Mt. Gilead on Saturday February 18th, at the Methodist parsonage. Rev. J.A. Martin, pastor of the Methodist church, performed the ceremony.
The bride was attired in a going-away suit of tweed with accessories to match. Immediately after the ceremony the young people left by automobile for Charlotte. They will make their home in Troy.
Mrs. Nance is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B.A. Porter of Rockingham and is one of Rockingham’s most attractive and accomplished young girls. Up until the time of her marriage she was a popular teacher in Pee Dee school. Mr. Nance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Nance of Troy and is a coming young business man in the town. He was educated at Oak Ridge Institute and since leaving school he has been connected with the Troy Motor Company.
Only a few friends of the couple witnessed the ceremony. Those attending from Troy were Dr. A.C. Boyles and W.L. Wright.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

State and Local News, Orange County Observer, 1908

From the Orange County Observer, Hillsborough, N.C., Thursday, March 26, 1908. Joseph A. Harris, publisher and owner.
Gen. B.S. Royster of Oxford is a candidate for Congress in this district.
Mr. T.B. Parker of the State Department of Agriculture, widely known as a practical and successful farmer and a working Democrat, is a candidate for nomination for Commissioner of Agriculture at the hands of the Democratic party.
The War Department at Washington has issued the following order: “The field or union of the National Flag in use in the army will, from after July 4, 1908, consist of 46 stars in six rows, the first, third, fourth and sixth rows to have eight stars, and the second and fifth rows seven stars each, in a blue field. Oklahoma was the last State admitted into the Union, making 46 States in all.
State Labor Commissioner Varner says that great numbers of people are now out of work all over the State and that there is not a kick about scarcity of labor. He says many persons are going back from the towns to the farms and that this movement is quite a large one and growing. A number of these people have little farms in the country which they gave up in order to flock to the towns and the movement back was a very healthy and desirable one.
February holds the record as the month in which the largest number of children are born; June is that in which there are the fewest births.
Durham Sun—The year 1908 bids fair to rival 1907 in the matter of casualties, such as fires, bloods, railroad accidents, etc., in various parts of the country if things so far can be taken as an indication. The worst horror yet reported in 1908 was the terrible holocaust March 5 at Collinwood, Illinois, in which 174 school children lost their lives.*
Capt. S.A. Ashe of Wake has announced himself as a candidate for State Treasurer and Hon. Benjamin F. Aycock of Wayne has announced himself as a candidate for nomination for Corporation Commissioner to succeed Mr. Beddingfield who will not be a candidate for re-election. Both gentlemen are loyal Democrats and worthy of any trust that may be conferred upon them by the Democratic party.
Durham Sun—Mr. J.M. Blackwood, an old citizen of Durham who will soon leave for Louisiana to reside with his son, Mr. Willie Blackwood, went to Blackwood, his old home this morning to spend a few days with relatives and friends. He will return to Durham the latter part of the week and, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Pearl Blackwood, will leave for his new home.
State headquarters have been opened at Raleigh for the campaign of Hon. Locke Craig for the Democratic nomination for Governor. Mr. J.P. Kerr of Asheville is in charge.
Senator W.J. Bryan of Florida, the youngest member of the United States Senate, died in Washington City last Sunday. This makes seven Senators that have died within 20 months.
Hon. Benjamin R. Lacy, State Treasurer, says he will again be in the race for the office he now holds, and wants all of his friends to get busy. The Observer wishes for Mr. Lacy a safe deliverance.
By a vote of 255 to 5 the House of Representatives at Washington on March 16 passed the bill resorting to gold coins the motto “In God We Trust.”
Raleigh Evening Times—You might complain at the Legislature of 1907 but it certainly took a tremendous step forward in the matter of education. There are now 156 high schools in North Carolina—all of which were made possible by the Legislature of 1907.
*Cleveland, Ohio, March 4—Penned in narrow hallways, jammed up against doors that only opened inward, between 160 and 170 children in the suburb of North Collinwood to-day were killed by fire, by smoke, and beneath the grinding heels of their panic-stricken playmates.
The awful tragedy occurred this morning in the public school of North Collingwood, 10miles east of this city. At 10 o’clock to-night 165 corpses were in the morgue at Collingwood, six children were still unaccounted for and all the hospitals and houses for two miles around contained numbers of children, some fatally and many less seriously injured.
All of the victims were between 6 and 15 years. The school contained between 310 and 325 pupils, and of the entire number only about 80 are known to have left the building unhurt. It will be several days before the exact number of killed is known as the ruins may still contain other bodies, and the list of fatalities may be increased by a number deaths among the children who are now lying in the hospitals hovering between life and death.
The schoolhouse was of brick, two stories and an attic in height. The number of pupils was more than normally large, and the smaller children had been placed in the upper part of the building. There was but one fire escape and that was in the rear of the building. There were two stairways, one leading to a door in front, and the other to a door in the rear. Both of these doors opened inward, and it is claimed the rear door was locked as well. (From the March 6, 1908 issue of the Durham Record)

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Rev. Willis, Vacationing in Florida, Writes from Lakeland, 1917

“Sojourning in Florida,” from The Robesonian, Lumberton, March 1, 1917

Rev. W.W. Willis Writes of Pleasant Surroundings in the Land of Flowers—Florida Suffered in Recent Cold Snap
Lakeland, Fla., Feb. 21—I came to Lakeland on Sunday last. My stay in Jacksonville was prolonged on account of a few days sickness, due to cold, which brought on a slight attack of muscular rheumatism to which I have been subject at intervals during the last few years. I am stopping at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.B. Ford, proprietors of the Ford house and here I fund about 50 guests (tourists), some from as far north as Vermont and New York; also, they are here from Kentucky, Tennessee, North and South Carolina.
Florida was hit hard by the cold. I have seen enough oranges grape fruit on the ground in one orchard alone to satisfy the appetites of all the “kids” and grown ups in the town of Fairmont; but remember, they are not all on the ground by any means. The cold has not “busted” Florida for she is hard to “bust”.
Tuesday Mr. Ford and two other gentlemen were up at 4 a.m. to go fishing. About 40 pounds of fine trout as ever came from the pure waters of the Lumber River graced the table at dinner. These came from Lake Whistler. Some say Florida fish are not as finely flavored as our North Carolina fish, but this is a mistake.
Yesterday, in the afternoon, I went to Tampa with Mr. Ford. We went alone in his car. It is 32 miles from here to Tampa. From Plant City, a distance of 22 miles, the road is constructed of the finest brick that could be had. One has nothing to do but ride over such a road when in a good car.
Plant City is a magnificent town, very pretty and business like. The phosphate works are close by. I saw them at a distance but did not stop to investigate. When the war broke out in Europe, the mines had to shut down, but when the dark cloud passes over, and the nations strike hands over the bloody divide, and make peace, they will open up again.
As I write, Ford informs me that he is going fishing again and wants me to join him in the sport. I will lay down my pen and report results later on. I have had a good dinner and fee like it—1:25 p.m.
The Morning After
Five of us went about 12 miles to a beautiful lake, the name of which I have forgotten. I ran the boat for Ford and he did the fishing. Seven were all we got. The largest weighed 8 ½ pounds. These we will have for breakfast, I am sure, because I am writing now at 5:30 and this gives plenty of time to cook, and the delay will furnish the appetite.
Lakeland is a nice city, not large like some others in the State, but has room to spread out; and the popularity of the place will furnish the rest.
I am told that a letter came to the Ford house for me before I reached the city, and after remaining a short while disappeared. It is supposed that the mail man took it up again. Will the friend write me again? Anybody wishing to address me, write in care of the Ford house.
The weather here is ideal now. During the night it is cool enough to require cover and the days are about the same as in North Carolina.
Will close with best wishes for all in the home land.
                --W.W. Willis

Boer War Behind Increased Cost of Mules, Says James Wadsworth, 1904

“Increased Value of Mules,” from the Charlotte Observer, as reprinted in the March 3, 1904 issue of the Watauga Democrat, Boone, N.C.
Mr. James W. Wadsworth returned yesterday from Indianapolis where he purchased 18 horses and 232 mules, which will be brought to Charlotte and sold here. Every year the firm of Wadsworth’s Sons & Co. sell between 500 and 1,000 mules in this county and they buy these at about $26 apiece cheaper in Indianapolis than in Atlanta, “though in Atlanta,” said Mr. Wadsworth, “there are more mules than in any other place in the world.”
“The increased value in the price of mules has been noted for six or eight years, but the greater increase of the value came with the Boer-British War. A mule that now sells for $150 could have been bought five years ago for $100.”