Friday, June 28, 2024

J.H. Honeycutt, 65, Believed Murdered, June 28, 1924

Farmer at Goldsboro Believed Murdered

Goldsboro, June 26--The body of J.H. Honeycutt, 65-year-old farmer, who disappeared from his home early Saturday morning, was discovered late yesterday afternoon by officers who have been conducting an untiring search. The body had apparently been dragged from some distance and hidden in the underbrush along the river bank near Toler’s Bridge, six miles from the city. He had been shot several times in the head and his gun was found lying beside him. Sheriff Grant placed a guard over the place during the night so that nothing might be disturbed.

A negro named Tyner supposed to be the colored man Honeycutt when to meet, is now in the county jail under suspicion.

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Saturday, June 28, 1924

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