Sunday, June 23, 2024

Rev. Josiah Elliott, 77, Still in the Pulpit, June 23, 1924

Oldest Minister Keeps Constantly at His Work

Rev. Josiah Elliott of Hertford, oldest minister in the Chowan Baptist Association, preached two earnest and helpful sermons at Blackwell Memorial Church Sunday, and good crowds were present at both morning and evening services in spite of the extreme heat of the preceding week.

Mr. Elliott is 77 years of age, but he keeps constantly at work. He now has no pastorate but supplies wherever he is needed and does home mission work not only on Sundays but whenever and wherever the opportunity presents itself.

More sympathy and help for those who are struggling to turn from their evil ways, and a higher standard of living for church members were two matters strongly urged by this veteran minister Sunday.

While in the city he is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Ward.

From the front page of the Elizabeth City Daily Advance, Monday, June 23, 1924

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