Sunday, June 23, 2024

Temperature Hit 103 in the Shade; Fans Sold Out, June 23, 1924

Artificial Breezes Were at a Premium. . . Temperature Reached Highest Mark Here Saturday at 103 in Shade

Artificial breezes were at a premium in Elizabeth City Saturday when the heat wave reached its zenith here and every dealer in electric fans had sold out is entire stock.

More than 125 were sold during Friday and Saturday. D. Ray Kramer delivered 73 fans during these two days—driving to Norfolk and getting 29 extra fans to fill the stream of orders that flowed into his office Saturday. W.S. White & company sold something like 35 fans during Friday and Saturday, and P.W. Melick Company sold out their entire stock of fans.

When Norfolk registered a temperature of 98 and Wilmington a temperature of 101 Saturday afternoon, Elizabeth City’s temperature in the shade was 103.

Coming in the midst of the potato season, the heat wave proved to much for some of the men trucking the potatoes for long hours at the Norfolk Southern depot. Farmers had to rest their teams frequently in plowing the fields and a few lost their stock as a result of the heat wave.

From the front page of the Elizabeth City Daily Advance, Monday, June 23, 1924

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