Sunday, June 30, 2024

Miss Julia Alexander to Represent Mecklenburg in General Assembly, June 30, 1924

Miss Julia Alexander to be Mecklenburg’s Representative

Charlotte, June 19—Miss Julia Alexander, Charlotte lawyer, will be one of Mecklenburg county’s three representatives in the lower house of the general assembly when that body meets in 1925, Miss Alexander being the first woman ever elected to the legislature in this county.

Miss Alexander’s nomination, which is equivalent to election, was caused by the retirement from the second primary of W.J. Graig and a ruling by the county board of elections that C.W. Hunt is not eligible to enter the second contest.

Miss Alexander, Edgar Pharr and W.R. Matthews have been officially designated as the county’s nominees by the board of election after holding several meetings. Mr. Graig said he did not want to cause the county the expense of a second primary for the legislative ticket in announcing his withdrawal from the race.

Elimination of a second primary in this contest leaves only a second race between Sheriff W.O. Cochran and his deputy, Victor P. Festerman, for the office of sheriff.

From the front page of the Lincoln County News, Lincolnton, N.C., June 30, 1924

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