Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Loretta Lawing, 16, Disappeared Sunday Night, June 22, 1924

Young Girl Is Sought by Police in Charlotte. . . Miss Loretta Lawing, 16, Last seen in Company of Merman [Herman?] Bennett, Winston

Charlotte, June 23—Charlotte police today were requested to aid in a search for Miss Loretta Lawing, 16-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.T.A. Lawing, 210 North Long street, who disappeared Sunday night.

When last seen she was in an automobile with Herman Bennett, young Winston-Salem man presumably enroute to her home after spending Sunday afternoon with a friend.

Members of the family discount the theory that the couple eloped, saying that Miss Lawing had not met Bennett until Sunday afternoon and was not with him for any length of time then. However, they were at a total loss today to understand the disappearance of the girl. Police in other towns have been asked to keep a lookout for the young woman.

Miss Lawing, who has light auburn hair, bobbed, and hazel eyes, left home early Sunday afternoon to visit Miss Mozella Redfearn on North Brevard street, according to her parents. There she met Bennett and in company with Miss Redfearn, Miss Lawing started home when Bennett offered to take her. She accepted, and they left presumably for Miss Lawing’s home.

Bennett, it is said, is an employe of the state highway commission.

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Tuesday, June 24, 1924

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