Tuesday, September 24, 2024

J.C. Collins Commits Suicide, Sept. 25, 1924

Mr. J.C. Collins of Wendell, Despondent, Commits Suicide. . . Leaves Note, Asking His Wife to Forgive Him and Not to Worry

J.C. Collins, age 43, one of Wendell’s most prominent business men, committed suicide about 4 o’clock last Sunday afternoon. He used a Springfield army rifle, shooting a 48 caliber steel bullet. He shot himself through the chest.

Several weeks ago Mr. Collins had a nervous breakdown and was taken to a Richmond hospital for treatment. Since his return from the hospital, although he recovered enough to go about his business, he would have a spirit of despondency at times that was noticeable.

After his Sunday dinner he went to his room, supposedly to take a nap, and his wife left home for a short visit. On her return she went to the door of Mr. Collins’ room and called him. She found the door locked. After calling for help, she went back and the door was broken into and the deceased was found lying on the floor with a rifle across his body. There was a note reading as follows:

“Julia—Don’t worry. It is all right. Please forgive me.

(signed) Calvin.”

From the front page of the Carolina Jeffersonian, Raleigh N.C., September 25, 1924.


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