Sunday, September 22, 2024

Local Briefs in Tri-City Gazette, Sept. 23, 1924


Jack Baker, who has been sick, is improving.

A.L. Carter of Draper was in town today on business.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Bolden, September 12th, a girl.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. R.S. Murray, September 13th, a girl.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Groyan, September 6th, a girl.

Joe Holland is visiting his friend, James Moore, in Danville, Va., this week.

Miss Besse Gunn spent the weekend in Reidsville with Miss Ruth Hagood.

Miss Ethel Jones spent the weekend in Reidsville, the guest of Miss Sue Carter.

Miss Lucy Eddy of Hemingway, S.C., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. C.C. Campbell.

The Holt Orphanage Sewing Circle will meet Thursday afternoon at 3 o’clock with Mrs. Nat Gunn.

Mrs. S.H. Marshall, Mrs. Lee Martin and Miss Margaret Marshall were in Danville, Va., today shopping.

John Early Moore and Allen Ivie left today for Durham, where they will attend Trinity College this year.

Miss Robbie Rush of Draper and Garey Maddox of Ware Shoals, S.C., were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Rush.

Miss Rose Marks left yesterday for New York where she went to purchase fall supplies of ladies ready-to-wear for Marks & Co.

From page 4 of the Tri-City Daily Gazette, Leaksville, N.C., Tuesday, September 23, 1924

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