Sunday, November 17, 2024

Bulldog Discourages Prisoner Trying to Escape, Nov. 18, 1924

Prisoner Tries to Make Escape. . . Fleeing Man Is Deterred by Attacking Bulldog and Officers Nab Him. . . Now Out on Bail

A prisoner, deputy sheriff, a bill dog, spectators—these furnished a thrilling moment on Friday afternoon when Pete Hockaday, a prisoner in the sheriff’s office jumped through a window, Deputy Sheriff Wellons catching at him as he made his escape, and a bulldog in the back lot of Mr. John Coates hitting the fleeing defendant in the presence of rapidly assembling spectators. The facts are that Pete Hockaday, charged with carrying a pistol and Coy Keen, Julius Stanley, charged with selling stolen tobacco on the Smithfield market, and Billap Barbour charged with having skipped bond in a previous case, were sojourning in the sheriff’s office. Mr. Wellons was the only officer on duty for a few minutes and Hockaday, seeing a chance to make his escape, jumped from the window to the paved driveway, dashing down Second street and into the yard of Mr. John Coates. A big bulldog belonging to Mr. R.S. Smith caused him to decide to leap another fence into the garden at the rear of Mrs. Alice Cole’s residence, and the officers then took him in charge. Hockaday is now out under a $500 bond for his appearance in court, but the other three are lodged in jail here.

From the front page of the Smithfield Herald, Tuesday, Nov. 18, 1924

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