Tuesday, November 19, 2024

TB Christmas Seals Money Saved My Life, Says Dock Sparrow, Nov. 20, 1924

Saved by Seals. . . Dock Sparrow Writes of How He Was Helped to Get well

R.F.D., No. 1, Chapel Hill, N.C.

Editor of the Weekly:

I take this opportunity to express publicly my gratitude to the chairman and members of the Tuberculosis Christmas Seal Committee, and to the public who have so loyally supported the Christmas Seal sale each year. A year ago I did not know what Tuberculosis Christmas Seals meant but today I feel that I owe my life to them and to everybody who has contributed to the cause. I wish that everyone could see, and appreciate as I have, the effort that is being made to stamp out the disease.

In January of this year I was simply down and out, and I had about given up hope of being well again. The doctors had given me only a few months to live, unless I could have sanatorium treatment. This was impossible unless I got financial help, as I had been unable to work for some time and had nothing saved up.

I was about in despair when a friend suggested that I apply to the local Tuberculosis Christmas Seal fund, which I did, as I was willing to do anything which gave hope of life. The committee investigated and authorized money to pay for six months’ treatment at a sanatorium. I arrived there January 28 and began to improve at once.

At the end of six months the chairman of the local committee wrote to the superintendent to ask if I was sufficiently improved to return home. He replied that while I was much improved, two more months more of treatment was advisable. The money was authorized by the committee for the longer stay.

I went to the sanatorium weighing 124 pounds. I returned weighing 160 pounds and feel and look like a new man. I cannot praise enough the great work that is being accomplished through the sale of Tuberculosis Christmas seals. Nor can I show my appreciation to the people who have made it possible for me to obtain a new lease on life.


Dock Sparrow

From page 6 of the Chapel Hill Weekly, Nov. 20, 1924


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