Last Sunday Mr. Bill Sutton, Mr. Mothews and Mr. Roberts decided to visit Georgia. So Bill made arrangements to rent Mr. Angel’s car for the trip. It seems that these young men got to Georgia and trouble. At any rate, they were arrested are(and?) a small amount of liquor, so the report goes, was found in the car. Mr. Matthews made bond and returned to Franklin. The other two were detained, tried and found not guilty because the officers couldn’t prove that the car in which the liquor was found was the one in which they had gone to the Empire State.
Monday morning rolled around and Mr. Angel was shy one perfectly good car. So he lit out for Georgia to see why his trained car had not returned home. He found it in Clarkesville rearin’ to come but held in leash by the Sheriff. Since one of the men was released on bond and the other two were found not guilty, Mr. Angel is still trying to figure out why it cost him$113 to get his car. He finally has come to the conclusion that the car must have been fined this amount.
From the front page of the Franklin Press, Macon County, N.C., March 3, 1925. A last name was spelled Mothews on first reference and Matthews later in the story.
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