Saturday, March 1, 2025

Sculptor of Stone Mountain Confederate Memorial Arrested in Greensboro, March 2, 1925

Borglum Declares Again He Will “Rot in Jail” for His Ideals

By the Associated Press

New York, March 2—“Ready to rot in jail” in defense of his ideals, Gutzon Borglum, sculptor, is preparing for the “fight of his life” in connection with the Stone Mountain confederate memorial, which he says should be completed because it is the greatest project of thought ever conceived.

He admitted last night on his return from Atlanta that he had destroyed his model and plans after his dismissal by officials of State Mountain Memorial Association. For this he had been arrested at Greensboro, N.C., on a warrant charging vandalism and malicious mischief.

“I destroyed the temporary models for the greatest piece of sculpture in the world’s history,” he said, “because I believe in the right of an artist in his own creation. I am ready to rot in jail rather than yield this principle. Let the small provincial mind of my enemies contemplate the work of stonecutters or shoemakers if they wish. I am ready for a fight.

“Why, they are trying to crucify me. Think of their impudence. They fired me a fortnight after I had served notice on them that I intended to ask an accounting of their stewardship of the Association’s funds. They were spending about as much on office force as I was on the mountainside with my force.”

Borglum said he would confer with wealthy friends who had said they would back him to the limit.

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Monday, March 2, 1925

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