Monday, January 1, 2024

Quality Bakery Moved to Main Street, Jan. 1, 1924

Quality Bakery Is in New Quarters

On Tuesday the location of the Quality Bakery was changed from Southern avenue and Shephard street to a portion of the building on Main street occupied by the Main Street Grocery. O.D. Jones, proprietor of the bakery, made arrangements with the grocery to use the rear of their store for baking and the grocery will handle the baked goods at retail. A clerk will be placed in charge of the retail bakery department. Mr. Jones will devote his time to the management of the business and to the wholesale business.

Mr. Jones started his bakery career in Elizabeth City in October of last year when he bought out the Cartwright Bakery here last October. Before coming to Elizabeth City, Mr. Jones was for several years in the bakery business in Norfolk.

From the front page of The Daily Advance, Elizabeth City, N.C., Jan. 1, 1924

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