Thursday, May 23, 2024

Bad Check Passed at Bright Company Jewelers, Elizabeth City, May 23, 1924

Left Worthless Check for Watch Costing $10

The H.C. Bright Company, jewelers of this city, is seeking further acquaintance with a stranger who introduced himself at the store about two weeks ago, giving his name as W. Norman House of Weldon, and a worthless check for $10 in exchange for a gold watch. The stranger claimed to be representing the Weldon Motor Company of Weldon, N.C., and was about 25 years old and weight something like 125 pounds.

The stranger carried a printed business card, and so impressed the jewelry store with his importance that no hesitation was made about taking his check when he said he was in need of a watch. He was driving a ford coupe when he left town. This week, the check he left came back. Mr. Bright has also heard from the real W.N. House of Weldon, who says he was never in Elizabeth City but once in his life and that was about three years ago.

He also said that he never signed his checks “W. Norman House” but W.N. House instead, and that he was unable to explain how the stranger got ahold of his business cards. He promised Mr. Bright to do what he could to help locate his impersonator.

From page 8 of The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., May 23, 1924

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