Thursday, May 30, 2024

Leaksville Township High School Commencement, May 29, 1924

High School Commencement Success Throughout

In addition to one of the most successful years in its history, the Leaksville Township High School has just brought to a close a series of Commencement exercises which, judging from the interest shown as well as the exercises themselves, surpass any previous commencement exercises.

From Saturday night at which time commencement began with the splendid certificate music recital by Misses Patterson and Fagge at each exercise until the last diploma was given out last night, the high school auditorium was packed, and many people attempted to get in who could neither find seats nor standing room.

Dr. Ivey Cranford of Trinity College Sunday night delivered a most valuable address. His topic was “Food.” Wading in a practical way into a little genetic psychology, he illustrated the effects of the different nourishments, not only physically but spiritually and mentally as well, upon the life of the youth. He urged the graduates not to live to eat, but to eat to live, and show the soul within them. He urged each to attempt something worthy in life.

The Literary address was delivered last night by Honorable Charles Ross of Lillington, who was introduced by Mr. L.W. Clark. This address was a great inspiration and a fitting ending for a successful commencement. The speaker pointed the way for the coming generation, particularly along the educational line, to themselves partake of life’s offering to the best advantage, but then to ?? and disclose through action their obligation of service to those who follow even them.

From the front page of The Arrow, Spray, N.C., Thursday, May 29, 1924

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