Friday, May 31, 2024

E.E. Clark, 45, Jailed on Molestation Charges, May 30, 1924

11 Year Old Girls Testify Against Him. . . E.E. Clark, Self-Appointed Censor of Morals, Jailed on Serious Charges Upon Complaint of County Welfare Officer

Revelations of moral depravity that bring b lushes to the faces of men, the testimony of little girls under 12 years of age, resulted in the incarceration of E.E. Clark, 45-year-old bachelor of this city in the County jail Wednesday evening. Clark will be given a preliminary hearing in the County Court Saturday evening.

This is the same Clark who ?? against another Elizabeth City man three years ago, ?? immoral relations with young girls.

“I never touched the hair of the ?? of a little girl in my life,” de?? Clark in his cell yesterday. But the evidence in the hands of Mrs. ??, County Welfare Officer, ??? Clark will ?? before he is ???

. . . .

Clark hadn’t been here long when he sprung a sensation that resulted in the arrest and conviction of L.L. Winder, a prominent real estate dealer who occupied officers on the same floor with Clark in the Hinton Building. Peeping thru a nail hole in a door in Winder’s office, Clark claims to have seen Winder in the act of outraging one girl under age, and another time taking liberties with another young girl. The girls under oath substantiated Clark’s charges and Winder was sentenced to three years in the penitentiary. Winder served his term and returned home a few months ago. He has always insisted that Clark framed him and it is notorious that the young girl upon shoe testimony Winder was convicted were habitues of Clark’s rooms, tho’ there was no evidence that Clark had ever had improper relations with them.

Clark has at all times been a self appointed moral censor for the town and represented himself as devoted to the interests of little children. h e has never been enthusiastically received here and local wise-acres long ago doped him out as a moral pervert who would bear watching.

From the front page of the Elizabeth City Independent, Friday, May 30, 1924 When this page of the newspaper was scanned, it edge of the left-hand column wasn’t laid flat and is very difficult to read.

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