Tuesday, May 28, 2024

E.R. Nelson Temporarily Delivering Mail on Route 1, May 18, 1924

New Carrier on Route 1. . . E.R. Nelson Succeeds S.M. Fagg as Rural Mail Carrier from the Post Office at Danbury

S.M. Fagg, who has been carrier on Danbury R.F.D. mail route for the past 18 or 20 years, left last Wednesday for Greensboro. It was reported here that there was some friction between Mr. Fagg and the post office department, but the details have not been given out by the department. The family of Mr. Fagg did not accompany him, and it is not learned whether he will return here or not.

E.R. Nelson of Danbury, Route 1, has been carrying the mail on Route 1 since Mr. Fagg left. It is presumed that an examination will be held and a permanent carrier selected.

From the front page of the Danbury Reporter, Wednesday, May 28, 1924

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