Monday, June 10, 2024

E.B. Gresham Resigns Position at Efird's Department Store, June 10, 1924

Gresham Resigns Post in Efird’s New Store

Charlotte, June 7—E.B. Gresham, manager of the dining room in Efird’s department store, has resigned his position there, it became known yesterday. The resignation is to take effect upon the appointment of a successor to Mr. Gresham. No announcement has been made by officials in the Efird organization as to the probable successor to Mr. Gresham, but it is expected that some one will be named within the next 10 days.

Mr. Gresham gave as the reason for his resignation the fact that he is building a new home in Myers park and his time and attention is needed there. The new home is being built on the Edgefield road and adjoins that of Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius J. Moriarity.

Mr. and Mrs. Gresham and their son, Ed Gresham Jr., will leave about mid-summer on a trip which will carry them to many parts of the world. The itinerary has not been announced.

From page 2 of the Wilson Times, June 10, 1924

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