Saturday, June 22, 2024

In Durham Recorder's Court, June 21, 1924

Brenner Is Bound to Higher Court. . . Fines Handed Defendants in Recorder’s Court Saturday

H.L. Brenner was charged with larceny of a Nash automobile belonging to O.T. Carver in recorder’s court Saturday morning. Probable cause was found, and Brenner was bound over to superior court under bond of $1,000. The Nash is alleged to have been stolen last Sunday night from its parking place near the post office.

Bryant Shaw, one of the two white men acquitted of manslaughter in connection with the death of Ed Leach, negro, was also fined $25 and the costs for violating the liquor laws Saturday. He was given 30 days in which to raise the money for the fine and costs.

Tom Salmon was fined $5 and the costs for drunkenness, with one-half the fine being remitted.

Tom Mitchell had judgment suspended upon payment of the costs for disposing of a mortgaged property, upon payment of $18.75 to the use of L.B. Price company.

Laura Brown paid $25 and the costs for prostitution and adultery.

Cases of violation of sanitary laws against Ed Gilmore and Beatrice Jones were continued until July 3.

E.W. Tilley was fined $3.50 for drunkenness.

Keith Fields, who appealed from the fine of $20 imposed Thursday by Judge Graham for using a room for immoral purposes, Saturday withdrew his appeal when his fine was reduced to $15 and the costs.

Jim Bullock paid $25 and the costs for cruelty to animals.

S.N. Betts had judgment suspended for violation of the sanitary laws.

From page 2 of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, June 22, 1924

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